How To Figure Out What To Do With Your Life

“The more you look at a person’s design, the more it reveals their destiny.”

“Pastor Chris, how do I figure out what do to do with my life?”

I heard this question more times than I can count as a youth pastor.

But that gnawing desire to do something significant with our lives extends well past our teen years.

All of us have a longing inside to discover our destiny and find our purpose! We each want to do something that really matters, something that will make an impact and outlive us.

But so many times, the path to figuring out what that “thing” is can be really muddy.

If that sounds familiar, today I’m about to give you all kinds of hope.

Is it absolutely possible to do something for a living that:

fulfills you, pays the bills and makes you feel alive?


How? Put simply,

“your destiny can be found in your design.”

At 16 years old I remember reading the bible and every time I read something that really spoke to my soul I would underline it. Then, I’d write it down and 9 times out of 10, share it with someone else. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was discovering how God wired me. He wired me to teach others what I learn. That discovery revealed my destiny. I am a teacher. Now I might not stand in front of a classroom every day, but

my purpose and fulfillment are found when I teach people things.

And in the next couple of paragraphs, we’re going to discover your design. And it’s going to reveal how your design can bring fulfillment to your life.

This is going to be fun.

How do you discover your design and figure out what to do with your life?

I believe there are 3 components.


1.  Your Personality Type.


I love personality tests. The only person who loves them more than me is Megan. And because we’ve done a bunch of them, here are links to 2 I think you’ll really like.

1. The DISC test (which is a little bit more simple.)

2. The Enneagram (which I believe is the best personality test on the planet. And like I said, I have taken A LOT.) Megan & I are reading this book on it now.

SO good!!!

Not everyone is wired the same and personality tests bring that to light.

There’s no need to try and be like someone else or feel shame that you’re wired a certain way.  You’ve been wired that way on purpose, the goal is to become the healthiest version of the way you’re wired.

The goals, strategies, and habits of some people don’t work the same for others. Sometimes we’ll read a really good book written by an extremely driven type A personality and try to adopt those principles. The problem is, if you’re not a driven type A personality, you will drive yourself crazy. We have to understand and appreciate our unique design so we can optimize our own potential.


2.  Your Spiritual Gifts


I, obviously, am a Christian and I believe when we put our faith in Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, we each receive spiritual gifts from God. I have linked a spiritual gift assessment pdf below. Just click, download & print.  It probably goes without saying, but a test can only show you so much about your spiritual gifts. As you grow in your relationship with Christ, your spiritual gifts also grow and become more obvious as well.

Spiritual Gifts Test


3. Your Passions

What are you passionate about?

I believe the most important days in a person’s life are the day they were born and the day they discover why they were born. Here are 6 questions to help you discover your true passions.

  1.   What are the people groups you’re most interested in? Who are you drawn to? Children,  students, elderly, handicapped, divorced, married, single, etc?
  2.     What issues lay heavy on your heart? Injustice, poverty, racism, addiction, etc?
  3.     What do you like to do for fun? Creative arts, sports, organize, etc?
  4.     What are you most skilled at? Building things, technology, cooking, etc?
  5.     How can you help someone solely for their benefit? Financial, visit, childcare, maintenance, etc?
  6.     What God-honoring things interest you the most? Giving, studying scripture, teaching, praying, leading, etc?

How do I figure out what to do with my life

Now, let’s put it all together.

*What is your personality type?

*What are your two primary spiritual gifts?

*How did you answer the Passion questions? Summarize the two areas you are experienced in and most passionate about.

Based on the answers above, what is one step you can take to start finding fulfillment within these three areas?

Your Family?

Your Faith/Church?

Your Field of Opportunity/Job?

Hopefully, this helps you discover your design, which intern will reveal your destiny.

True fulfillment occurs when you combine your personality, your gifts and your passions to make a difference in another person’s life. The happiest, most fulfilled people in the world are the ones using their unique design to impact the lives of others.  And that’s great news because figuring out what to do with your life isn’t just about landing the right job or pursuing one path for the next 40 years, it’s about becoming who you were created to be.

Who you are, will always make a way for what you do.

What did you discover about yourself today?  I’d love to hear!


Until next time,



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