You NEED To Laugh More. Here’s Help With That.

You Need to laugh more. Here's help with that.

You NEED to Laugh more. Here’s help with that…5 min read by Megan Rea


Here’s a fun fact you may not know; it feels like many moons ago or at least 10 years, but ‘tis true: I used to teach Improv Comedy classes.  And I LOVED it. Now, keep your definition of “classes” loose because in all honesty, it was a high-school church life group of sorts. But nonetheless, I taught it and it was awesome.

I secretly hoped I didn’t look forward to it more than my “students,” but I know I didn’t because years later when I run into them, they still talk about it.

What is it about laughter that just bonds us?  Laughing with another person has a way of breaking down barriers, timidity, and disarming the serious adult self we’re all trying so hard to project.

PSA: Never forget that dude sitting across the desk from you was also once a 4-year-old shoving nickels up his nose.

I don’t know why that information helps, it just does.

I’ve never met a single person who doesn’t love to laugh. But if that’s true, then why is it so hard for us to make daily laughter a priority?

Case in point: I’m currently at a coffee shop (my preferred writing venue) and there are approximately 13 adults and 2 children. The adults are all hunched over laptops with honestly the worst expressions on their/our faces. Disgruntled like it’s their job. The 2 littles, on the other hand, they’re playing, making faces at each other, and talking much louder than is socially acceptable in said coffee shop and they don’t give a dang.

I’m convinced there are things we know when we’re young that we talk ourselves out of believing as we age. Example: Daily laughter is extremely important for your health. Here’s why:


  • Laughter triggers the healthy functioning of blood vessels and can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease (source)
  • Laughter release dopamine & improves emotional health (source)
  • Laughing together strengthens the bonds of a relationship and improves healthy communication  (source)
  • Laughter boosts your immune system and your energy levels
  • Laughter combats stress, anxiety, can break the tension and quickly put life into perspective (Check out this post and this post for a whole lotta help with that.)



Most of us know that though right?  Most of us recognize that joyful people are just healthier all around. Not to mention, way more fun to be around than their crabby counterparts.  Like most things, the issue isn’t typically knowledge, but implementation. So friend, how can we physically get more laughter in your life?

A few years ago after walking through infertility, I noticed how serious all of life had become.  It felt as if everything had a low-lying gray cloud looming over it. A lid of grief that I just couldn’t bust through.

I’m a pretty self-aware person and I feel like God has wired me for joy and to deeply appreciate life with all its weird intricacies. But I didn’t feel that at all. I just felt sad.


For the sake of a good story, I wish I could tell you, “There was a day driving down the road that I was hit with an epiphany equivalent to a lightning bolt from heaven…” ‘You need to laugh more!’”

But that’s not how it happened. I do remember thinking though, “If I don’t start watching and listening to funny things on purpose, if I don’t get, dare I say, intentional, about valuing how much humor adds to my day, I’m going to turn into somebody I don’t really like.”

Life is hard. It doesn’t always make sense to our humanity this side of heaven.  I get that more than you know. But I also know that God in His kindness gave us this amazing coping mechanism called “humor” and I intend to use it. And if you want some help getting more laughter in your life, you came to the right place.

Here are a few things we do to add more laughter to our life


1. Find a funny sitcom

Few things bring a smile to my face quicker than a well-placed Leslie Knope quote.

“Ann, you beautiful tropical fish. You’re smart as a whip and you’re cool under pressure.”


Can we all just pause for a moment of silence that Parks & Rec ever came to a conclusion?

I know it’s been 3 years. I’m still allowed to not be over it.

And if you’re looking for something new, let me introduce you to a little gem called, “Kim’s Convenience.” It’s a Canadian show about a Korean family who owns a mini-mart. It is pure gold.


2. There’s an App for that

If you don’t know about the game/app, “Heads Up,” think reverse Catchphrase and you’re videoing your friends faces the whole time. Makes perfect sense right? :p

One super exciting night home in the dead of January (said no one ever) Chris and I downloaded the Heads Up app on a whim. 20 min later we were laughing so hard our sides hurt. Which, by the way, is the best kind of hurt. Since that blustery night, we’ve been known to bust out the Heads Up app on co-workers, at family functions and have even been known to approach each other randomly while, oh I don’t know, paying bills with the phone on our forehead and start playing. And if you for some reason are confused by that last sentence, just get the app and all will make sense again.


3. Put a date on the calendar with your “fun” friend

You know that friend that builds you up and makes you laugh? The one that makes you feel like you’re not alone or crazy. The one you always feel better after seeing? Call that friend and then put a date on the calendar to do something fun with them.  And if you need some help in the friendship department whether it’s pursuing new friendships or deepening old ones, read this.


4. Add humor to your home

You know what’s on my wishlist? A letter board.

You know why? So I can rotate quotes like this throughout my home on the regular


I’m a big fan of your home making you smile. There are some great ideas to help with that here.


5. Watch or Listen to a Comedian

Did you know that you can stream comedy albums on Spotify? My sister-in-law introduced me to this magic. We laughed in a hotel room for 10 min straight. Thanks, Jim Gaffigan. Comedians can get a bad rap. There’s a lot of raunchiness out there. But there’s no need for that and there’s a lot of funny ones worth sifting through. Google “clean comedians” and entire lists will pop up. But if you need a fix right this second, this Brian Regan clip ALWAYS makes me laugh.


What’s making you laugh lately? Let us know in the comments below!

Until next time,



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You need to laugh more(1)




  • I have a couple friends that I love laughing with. It usually involves random memes and gif’s. If I can get them to laugh…they can usually get me going also. It’s a win-win! And makes everyday a little more enjoyable.

  • This is so right on! My wife and I have also walked through some dark trials that seem to have no end and we have kept each other laughing all along the way. Thanks, guys for this reminder, I am taking action. I am going to check out “Kims” and I am going to set up a date with our friends that make us laugh! So call us so we can do that! Thanks for the great wisdom week after week, you guys are a big bright spot in my inbox! All my love, Brett

  • Oh my, I am with you here. I grew up with no sense of humor. I remember my dad saying, “I did wonder if you would ever get a sense of humor.” Let’s say it was slow in coming and took many years to develop. We need more laughter in our life. It is one of my goals. To laugh often and loud. And I do have to say, changing my perception on myself and my life has provided a lot more humor. Because when I can laugh at myself and my life, well I am presented with lots of opportunities.

  • I have several movies that encourage me to laugh. They are the Dudley Doright, The Inspector General with Danny Kaye, and The Court Jester also with Danny Kaye. I do like one of the Peter Sellers Pink Panthers, but there are rather questionable parts in it, so I fast forward them. You know, the one where he goes to the castle posing as a dentist whose nose eventually melts nearly off. It’s the Pink Panther Strikes Again.

    • You have good taste in movies my friend. 🙂 Danny Kaye, what a talent! And I grew up on the Pink Panther movies, I know that one well 🙂

  • When my dad was very ill with cancer, we used to take videos (this was in the days of VHS) of funny movies over to my parents’ house to watch together. We had some really great family evenings together and everyone laughed a lot. My kids still talk about those movie nights! 🙂

    • What a treasured memory Laurie! Thank you for sharing with us. Laughter truly can ease pain, can’t it? So glad you stopped by!

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