Sex, Politics and Controversy: My Conversation with Abdu Murray

Sex, Politics, & Controversy: My Conversation with Abdu Murray

Being a Christian in 2019 can be hard. Actually, not “hard” per se, most of us aren’t getting physically harmed or imprisoned because of our faith. But, being a Christian in 2019 can be confusing.


In 2019 we are faced with so many difficult questions that beg answers.

Questions like…


*How do I hold onto traditional biblical values but also love people who don’t hold or live by those same values?

*What is the balance between legalism and hyper-grace?

*As a Christian, how political should I get?

*What is the proper balance of nationalism in the church?

*How do I avoid being a judgemental and hypocritical “Pharisee?”

*What is a biblical and loving approach to the sensitive issues of our time?


As a Christian, my greatest aspiration is to show Jesus to the world. If you study the life of Christ, you see that He was hated by religious people yet loved by sinners. Today, in contrast, many Christians are hated by sinners and loved by religious people. It begs the question, doesn’t it… Are we successfully showing a good picture of Christ to the world?

Overall, I believe the answer is no. We’re not doing a great job at living and modeling the kindness, love, and compassion of Christ to a world that so desperately needs it.

So what do we do about it?

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to sit down with a good friend of mine; a good friend who ALSO happens to work for a leading global ministry championing the cause of tackling such tough questions.

Abdu Murray is the North American Director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. And I’m honored to say, he is also a good friend of mine. We drove deep into a discussion on these very topics on stage at Community Christian Church.


If your heart is to get better at living and articulating an accurate picture of God to a world who desperately needs it, give this a listen.

Download Audio Message

Until next time,


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Sex, Politics and Controversy: My Conversation with Abdu Murray

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