Rebuild your Relationships

How to Rebuild Your Relationships

How To Rebuild Your Relationships: 3 Min Read by Chris & Megan Rea



Your life is not small and rebuilding a life you love starts from the inside out. Two weeks ago we talked about rebuilding your Faith. Last week we talked about rebuilding your Hope and this week’s challenge: begin rebuilding your relationships. 

how to rebuild your relationships


More often than not, when we’re in pain, we take it out on the people we love the most.

I’m guessing you’ve heard the phrase, “hurting people hurt people?”

It’s true.

It’s almost embarrassing how easy it is for us to be short with our responses, rude with our replies, and “impatient” (probably an understatement) with those closest to us, isn’t it?


And for some of us, our behavior goes beyond mere words when we’re in pain. You may feel so desperate to escape the pain you feel that you seek to numb it through alcohol, drugs, pornography, or an affair; creating a ripple effect impacting the ones you love longterm.


But, there’s hope friend. 

A lot of hope. The question is, “Will you choose to be brave today?”


You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t even have to know your next step after this initial one.

All you need to do is take the simple steps today and begin turning toward your loved ones instead of away from them.

You can start to open your heart instead of isolate, I know you can.

And even though some of your relationships may have started to wither, they can flourish again. We’ve seen it time and time again.

We have an entire section of our blog and show dedicated to Rebuilding Relationships.

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Until next time,

Chris & Megan

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