Hi guys! Hope you had a Merry & Happy everything! Welcome to 2015
Ok, Confession Time: Traditionally, this isn’t my favorite time of year. I don’t know about you, but the anticipation of the New Year can bring a lot of anxiety to me. As a slowly recovering perfectionist ;), sometimes goals, the idea of “re-inventing” myself and setting expectations for the coming year can stir up a lot of fear, even depression. While others are looking forward to the New Year, I have a tendency to get overwhelmed by the progress I want to make or wish I had made in the previous year, and I can shrink back.
I always thought there was something terribly wrong with me. Why should someone get depressed about a New Beginning? But then I realized, it wasn’t the New Beginning, it was the pressure I was putting on myself to “make the most” of this new beginning.When I took on that pressure, that’s when the lies would start. They would rush in as I allowed the enemy of my soul to stand guard at the flood gate. Lies like:
-“This year won’t be any different.”
-“Why should you even make goals, you know you’ll just be disappointed when they don’t come to pass.”
-“You’ll be at this same place next year and the year after that…”
Sound painfully familiar to anyone else?
We have 2 options when this kind of attack is unleashed against us.
1. Cower in fear. Believe the lies. Walk in shame. Don’t say anything because of course you’re the only person in the world feeling like this. Succumb to a Small Life.
2. Recognize that the God of the Universe, the one who created you with purpose and destiny would never have these thoughts toward you. Then get aggressive about replacing those lies with truths. (Read more about how to do that here.)
I sure hope you have the courage to pick #2. And here’s a little something to get you moving in the right direction. Thanks, Pinterest
Knowing that I could easily default to buying the lies, this year I started a new tradition. On NYE morning I grabbed my 2014 calendar & my journal and began writing down all the good that had happened, all the ways I had seen God’s faithfulness and all the reasons I had to celebrate.
Reasons like:
Dates with our awesome niece
Having the opportunity to go to 2 marriage retreats. I can’t recommend A Weekend to Remember enough!
Getting to see the Blue Man Group! Crossed that one off the ol’ bucket list
Birthday Celebrations! Chris and I are big believers in birthdays.
Writing, Directing, & Acting along side my sister
The bittersweet-ness of passing the baton of youth ministry to an incredible couple
“Chopped” Dates with Chris where we made yummy food like this
and this. And all allergy free I might add
The birth of our nephew!
The Sand Dunes and our 1st Vlog
Running my 1st 10k alongside my sis & Kristen from ACoupleofCloyds. You should definitely check out her blog, she’s awesome. Having my Dad at the Finish Line was the icing on the cake.
Lots of Farmers Marketing
AND…The 1st Pursuit of Love Conference! Check it out here & here.
This year, let’s celebrate our wins and not be so hard on ourselves.
This year, let’s enjoy our journey. As the old saying goes, life is what happens when you’re making other plans.
This year, let’s set goals and go after them with everything inside of us, but let’s also give ourselves grace and not throw in the towel when life inevitability happens.
This year, let’s remember that God is the one who puts dreams and vision in us. But, He doesn’t beat us up when we fall short. Instead, He spurs us on through the power of His love and reminds us of the truth that will lead us to freedom.
This year, instead of focusing on the all the would’ve, could’ve should’ve’s, lets focus on all of the “wins” from 2014 and all that we have to look forward to in the coming year.
I’ve got lots of new posts coming your way; lots of ways to insert a little hope and celebrate your No Small Life! But first, let’s focus on the wins from last year and I guarantee it will put you in a better frame of mind for 2015.
It never occurs to me to focus on what didn’t happen – I can’t change that so I won’t spend my time focused on it – it is so much easier to focus on today and what I can do NOW! The new year isn’t a clean slate, it doesn’t erase the past, but fortunately for us, every day we wake up God is giving us the chance to make direction changes in our life! Great post!
So true, that’s a great perspective Kate! Thanks so much!
This is such a great take on the New Year! I’m usually alllll about the New Year because I love the fresh start that it brings… yet this year there is that one nagging thing in the back of my mind that has me feeling disheartened; the one thing that seems like it won’t be changed this time next year. Your reminder was perfect and so timely, and I love how you focused on all that DID happen (something I need to be better about doing). Thanks for the encouraging post!
This was really good! Thanks!
Thanks so much Jordan! So glad you enjoyed it
So glad it encouraged your heart Sarah!
What a great tradition to start. Looks like you had a very eventful year, full of many wonderful accomplishments and events.
Thank you so much Jennifer
So glad you stopped by!
Changing perspective, what things we find when we do so. I’ve never really been a resolution setter, but I have recently gotten into the picking of a word for the year. I love the openness of the idea, but I also allow myself to be human and I don’t have to have done my word perfectly in order for it to count. Same idea, different method!
Swinging by from Capture Your Journey!
Here’s to more wins! for 2015!
I’m with you – resolutions during the new year stress me out! Sounds like you had an awesome 2014 and I hope 2015 is even better!
Thanks for linking up with the Faith and Fellowship Blog Hop.
We are not alone! ?thanks Susannah!!
Enjoy the journey, yes! Great thoughts!
Thanks Heather ?
Oh my! Awesome post. Pinned and tweeted. Thank you so much for being a part of our party. We really appreciate you! I hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm. Happy Saturday! Lou Lou Girls
Love the idea of writing about the good of the previous year versus the not so good!
Thanks Kristen! Definitley a better focus
Nice confessions! “Recognize that the God of the Universe, the one who created you with purpose and destiny would never have these thoughts toward you.”…very inspirational, too. Thank you for mentioning the marriage retreat, just looked it up and they have some events in our area! #TurnitupTuesday
Thank you Serena
hope you’re able to go, that was a great retreat
I love the idea of looking back and writing all the great things that happened over the year! It looks like a great one!
Thanks so much Chantel?
What a beautiful and inspiring post from the heart
Happy 2015.
Thank you Christine?so glad you stopped by!
This is so encouraging! I always love the new year and the “fresh start” but I admit I had some feelings like you did as well. I’m going to celebrate the wins and all the good things! Thanks for sharing this with Hump Day Happenings.
So glad it encouraged your heart! Thanks for hosting Jenna ?
This is so inspiring and really like the bible verse match up that is just great!
That was such a great visual, I had to share
Thanks so much Robin! Glad you stopped by 
Thanks for sharing your ideas. Sometimes we really do need to set down and count our blessings and see how much we have. I love your pictures – they’re great! Twitted.
Thanks so much Marla! ?
You bring the most inspirational things to our party! Thank you. Pinned and tweeted. We feel honored that you take the time to stop by our party. I hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm. We love to party with you! Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls
Why thank you
see you then!
It looks like you had a great 2014 and I appreciate that you have such a grateful spirit. I also love that you went on two marriage retreats! My husband and I went on a few as well and found them to be so beneficial to our marriage
Lisa | Two Martinis
Great ideas! Inspirational and encouraging. Thank you.
Thanks so much Jessica