How We Celebrated Life This Week AND The Big Weekend Ahead!!!

How we Celebrated Life this week Header

I cannot believe this week is here.  Like lit-er-ally CAN NOT.  May has always been my favorite month.  It’s my hub’s birthday, our Anniversary, Gunther’s birthday (he’s turning 14!…which, in puppy years is like well on his way to winning a lifetime achievement award) plus ’round these parts, it’s FINALLY SPRING!  Trees are blooming, it’s just a good time.  Not to mention that this weekend is the BORN 2 WIN conference!

Born2Win Conference! Fearless Faithful Female

And that means:


I currently have “all the feels.”



Honor, responsibility, humility, nerves, excitement, 27 to-do lists in my brain, and a constant swirling in the stomach region that likes to rear its head at the most inopportune times.  I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do in the lives of all of the ladies I am SO looking forward to meeting.


To say that life has been full is pretty darn near accurate.  Wanna see a highlight reel of what we’ve been up to?  Here’s our week in pictures:


For starters, like I said, I think the mid-west is finally convinced its Spring, and therefore it is grilling season! And all of the ovens rejoiced at the break! We fired up the grill for our first outdoor meal this year. Grilled Cod, Eggplant, Zucchini, Peppers, Squash Fries & Spinach Salad.

In other news, it was my Mr’s bday last week! AND If you’ll remember from this post, I am a big believer in “birth-weeks.” SO, we celebrated with family:

No Small Life-Birthday Style

We celebrated with friends.


And chocolate mousse cake.

Chocolate Mousse Cake

THEN we celebrated with each other. #bdaydatenight

Celebrating Life

I’m always on the hunt for a cool-not-so-expensive restaurant to try out for birthday celebrations.  And did I find a gem for you!  Are you as big of a Food Network fan as I am?  Then you’ll be happy to know that the restaurant we ate at was on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. I know!

Union Woodshop ClarkstonNow I want that booth for MY birthday…but in my house.  It shouldn’t be a problem.

And no, the atmosphere was not the only good thing about the restaurant. The food was so good it was stupid.  Absolutely ridiculous food, and for a restaurant to cook me something good with all my food allergies…its rare friends.

This place is known for its smoked meats and BBQ so, when in Rome….

Clarkston UnionI order Tilapia wrapped in a banana leaf with roasted veggies.  AND IT WAS SOOOO GOOD!

But my hubs acted way more appropriately. Exhibit A:

Clarkston UnionI need to  mention, should you happen to go to “Rome,” they are known for their Mac & Cheese.

So, if you’re a Michigander, you MUST check out the Union Woodshop and it’s equally cool Sister restaurant the Clarkston Union but here’s a tip: go at an obscure time. #OrYouWillWaitTilYourNextBirthday.

Clarkston UnionWe had a blast moseying (shouldn’t we use that word more?) around the adorable downtown the restaurant was located in AND found a great little park.

Clarkston, MI

Such a happy little find, such a great de-stressor, and such a great opportunity to shut down and Celebrate Life.

Date Night

In other news, I think I may have found the soundtrack to my life. Have you heard this album?

Rend Collective-The Art of Celebration

I’m crazy about it.  Its been on repeat for days. Days I tell you.  It’s like they put rhythm to the themes in my heart…but made them WAY more fun. Too Dramatic? You won’t think so after you give it a listen. Fair Warning: You may cry and happy dance at the same time.  It’ll be weird, but you’ll also like it.


And what’s that? How’s the Conference Prep coming? Why I’m so glad you asked! 😀


Here’s what I’ve been doing in all the moments. 


Lots and lots and oodles of hours have been invested into the messages.  Writing, Praying, Listening, Practicing.  And a healthy dose of fighting with all my technology that makes life “easier.”



In all seriousness, I love when I get to partner up with the Lord to speak into the lives of others.  There are few things more exhilarating, and humbling, and terrifying 😉 all at the same time.  The fact that the Lord knows us inside and out yet still entrusts these human vessels with His work, well, THAT will never cease to amaze or get old.


There were, of course, some practical matters at hand like, WHAT’S A GIRL TO WEAR?


I ducked out and tried on a few things at the mall after work one evening. But no conference purchases were made right then because Chris informed me that I was about 4 decades too young to rock a flamingo shirt.

Flamingo Shirt

Well, one of us thought it was cute. 😉


We’ve also been getting all the merchy things for the merch table.  Here’s a sneak peak:

Replacing Fear-Megan Rea“Replacing Fear”-Message

Pursuit of Love Audio & Video

Pursuit of Love CD’s & DVD’s from our conference in December.  The DVD’s just came in this week!!!  PS. if you’re not local or able to come to the conference, you can download a copy of the Pursuit of Love here.  (The video will be available soon!) We’ll even let you listen to the first session for FREE  Because we’re generous like that.


Well friends, that’s all she wrote.  It’s now time to cease prepping, surrender my to-do lists, and just walk this crazy adventure out with the Lord.  He and I have a road trip together this afternoon as I head out, looking forward to it.  We’ll let Siri and my GPS tag alone too 😉


I so love and appreciate every person who’s got their eyes on this and would be UNBELIEVABLY GRATEFUL for your prayers.  Stay tuned on Social Media this weekend for all the updates. 


With all the feels, including, but not limited to, humbled and honored…

Until next time,




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