How To Make The Right Decision

How to make the right decision


How To Make The Right Decision: 5 min read by Chris Rea

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When was the last time you had to make a huge life decision? I’m talking about the kind of decision that could change the trajectory of your life? 

As life unfolds, we inevitably have to make more and more big decisions. And when the stakes feel higher than ever, how do you navigate through the stress, anxiety and sea of “what if” statements that bombard your brain? How do you ensure you can make the right decision?

First off, let’s address the phrase, “the right decision”.

Is there a right or wrong decision? What if what we think is currently wrong, ends up working out 3 years from now?

Or what if what we think is right, ends up falling apart?

For years, I was the king of overthinking and second-guessing. 

Not my most favorite title.

However, lately, I’ve become much better at making a decision and moving forward with it.


I have found 3 basic steps that help me make the right decision; 3 small keys that make all the difference. And today, I’m sharing them in hopes that they can help you feel good about the big decisions you make in the future too.

How to move forward after a mistake

1. Stay Plugged Into God

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:25,

“For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” 

One of the main themes Paul continuously teaches on in his writings is this:  we have access to the Spirit of God. We are not just mere human beings, we are human beings that have the wisdom of God’s Spirit available to us if we’ll learn to plug into it.

The main way I have learned to plug into the wisdom of God’s spirit is to spend time cultivating a relationship with God through prayer, Bible reading, and worship. The more I read God’s word, the more wisdom I have and the more He leads me and guides me. The more I pray about something the more peace I have.

It’s basic, but what I’ve found is most of the time, we simply have to go back to the basics. 

God is not trying to complicate things for you. 

He wants to lead you and guide you and He wants, can’t wait to even, speak to you and through you.


The more we connect with God, the more we understand and familiarize ourselves with His thoughts ways.

God has blessed each of us with an incredible brain to make countless choices each day. Sometimes, we can fully rely on ourselves to make a choice and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It simply means we’re choosing to make the best choice we can in our human strength. But if we don’t have to do that, why not access the wisdom of God whenever possible?


2. Surround Yourself With Wise Counsel

Proverbs 13:20 

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.

Opinions are like belly buttons. Everyone has one; some are a little weird.

Just hop on social media or watch the news for 5 minutes.  Everyone’s an expert.

Definitely not suggesting we listen to everyone and all their random opinions. What I am suggesting is to surround yourself with a few wise and Godly people that can help you make wise choices. Perhaps it’s a mentor, a close and wise friend, maybe a parent, and if you’re married definitely your spouse.

Run your life situations by these people and see what they think. Sometimes others can see blind spots that we can’t. The wise people around us are not as emotionally connected to the decision as we are there. They may be able to help us think more logically through the choice that we could on our own.

After they give you advice, listen to it.

One time, Megan and I were about to buy a car. I found a car I liked and was thinking about buying it. Megan was with me, as she is when we make all of our major decisions, and she said Chris, I don’t have a good feeling about this car. I think we should walk away.

So hesitantly, I walked away. I have learned to trust my wife’s discernment over the years. Listening to the advice of wise counsel is not always easy but it’s usually so worth it.


3. Don’t Second Guess Your Decision 

James 1:8

A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

This is the one I really struggle with. Big time. 

Oh, the sea of “what if” statements that flood my mind after making a major decision. 

“Was it the right decision?”

“Did I just shipwreck my future?”

“Why did I do that?”

Here’s what I know to be true: constantly second-guessing ourselves and playing the “what if” game opens a big door to fear, anxiety, and depression. The decision we make is not usually the problem. The problem comes as a result of overthinking, doubting, and second-guessing ourselves. This leads to stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and even mental breakdowns. Our minds are powerful. This is why we have to constantly stay in the present and be confident in the decisions we make.

One time, I was talking to my great friend and mentor Brett Ray. I was telling him how I thought I made the wrong decision. He said these words that have brought so much comfort to me, “Chris, even if you made a mistake, God is always redeeming our mistakes”. 

Be confident and move forward.

I am learning (certainly have not mastered this yet) how to make a choice and not look back. The great thing about life is this: there are many choices and paths out there.

Who knows, what if what you now think was the wrong choice ends up saving your life?

You don’t know what you don’t know friend, but God does. 

There is nothing more stable and more freeing than making a decision, sticking to do it, and confidently making the best out of the choice you made.

We tend to look back at things with rose-colored glasses, remembering the good and glossing over the bad.

Sometimes we allow our world to become so small but, there is a big world out there! So many possibilities you’re not even aware of yet! 

 Make a decision and even, wait for it, have fun with the results. Life is much too short to constantly be controlled by worry. 

Things are rarely as bad or as good as we think they are.

So here’s your simple challenge: 

Deep breathe. Take some risks, enjoy life, and don’t look back!

Hoping this opens the door to the freedom you’re craving today

Until next time,



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How to make the right decision

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