How To Change The Lives of 1 Million People
3 min read by Megan Rea
I’ve never been what you call, “Good at math.”
In the 7th grade, Pre-algebra introduced me to a certain “letter” overachiever-Megan had yet to see on a report card.
A “C.”
A piece of my 13-yr-old heart died that day. But somehow found it’s wings again upon discovering that “geometry” was 1⁄2 drawing shapes and classes like “Calculus” weren’t actually needed in order for me to be admitted to Bible College.
Praise Him.
Would you like to know why Calculus isn’t needed in Bible college?
Because the Bible has weird math.
Not “new math,” which all my mom-friends despise, but weird math.
The kind of math that doesn’t add up.
Take for instance 5 pieces of pita bread and 2 servings of salmon feeding 5,000 people. Weird.
Or God rationalizing His Son could change the world with 12 (minus 1) young adult men.
Or better yet, how Jesus, while on mission to change the world, often stopped and made a big deal about one, individual person.
And usually one the world rolled their eyes at nonetheless.
A vertically challenged tax collector who climbed a tree?
A woman with a shady past he met on the wrong side of town?
He chose them. He said, “You, person who everyone else disregards, are worthy of my time.”
And that kind of crazy love and attention to “one” changed the world.
And sure, He’s Jesus. But what if we too thought that highly of investing into “one”?
Do we really believe our investment into one individual life can make as significant of an impact?
Well, buckle up, because…math.
BUT, what if you, yes you, right where you are chose one person to invest into this year?
Just one.
What if you committed to love one person really well this year and simply taught them what you know about life and love and God? (Read this post for more simple ideas to make an impact)
Then, the next year, they chose someone to invest into and you chose another person. To do the same thing with.
If you kept that up and your “person(s)” kept that up, over the next 25 years, you friend, could impact millions. I’m serious. I mean I know my history with math is shady, but think about the exponential growth of investing into one life every year and subsequently having them invest into one life? The reach could be unbelievable!
In 2019, the world is both a big and a very small place. With 2 clicks, you can see what an entrepreneur in Singapore is doing or how many 1000’s of hits that “cool” family just got on their “what I eat in a day” Youtube video.
Shoot, I discredited the impact No Small Life is making at least 3 times before breakfast today. But I’ve said it to you and I will continually preach it to myself, “Someone else’s success does not make you a failure.” There are precious people out there needing the imprint only you can make.
So, let’s not compare ourselves today. Let’s take God at His word, fix our eyes on Jesus, decide that investing deeply into “one” can be enough and practice a little everyday faithfulness.
Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.
Galatians 5:25-26 msg
Your life is not small. You never know the implications of the impact you are going to make even today.
Challenge: Would you take a bold step with me? Pray today and ask the Lord to drop one person on your heart. Just one. Then reach out and see when you can spend a little time with them in the next few weeks.
You have nothing to lose and millions to gain,
Until next time,
P.S. Before you go, next week’s post is one you CAN”T MISS and lucky-for-u, you don’t have to. We’ll send it right to your email:SUBSCRIBE HERE
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Can relate to your math issues!
Great word – the exponential power of one!
You too?
Thank you so much Joy!