With Grief & Hope: A Christian Response to what’s Happening in our Nation


Doing something a little different today, we’re writing together.  Our hearts are heavy for this Nation and we both felt the need to share. Meg’s words are in pink (because… duh 😉 thought you could use a smile! 😉 and Chris’s words are in blue.

Over the past month in this country, we’ve witnessed that others can feel justified to take our lives based on sexuality, a rise to stardom, the color of our skin and our career choices.  Heart sick can’t even describe the way my spirit is grieving over this most tragic kind of evil. We need to grieve and mourn. We need come together and pray in faith like never before.  

For we don’t grieve as with one without hope.

The Power of the Love of God will always be greater than the strategic seeds of hate and discord that the enemy endeavors to sow.   And I refuse to sacrifice the hope we have in Christ on the altar of fear and darkness.


I’ve been pouring over the epistles in the New Testament, especially this past week, because if anyone understood hate and discrimination from every angle, it was the Apostle Paul.  He saw graphic violence during his lifetime over racial and religious differences.  He himself endured near crippling abuse because of his faith. And yet, because of his obedience to and empowerment by the Spirit of God, he didn’t allow what he saw all around him to dissuade him from the truth.  


“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord.  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer…Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse...Live in harmony with one another…Do not repay anyone evil for evil…Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Portions of Romans 12:9-21)

 Light always shines noticeably brighter in the darkness.

Your No Small Life has the opportunity to be a beacon of hope and love in the darkness of this day. Praying for you today dear friend.

Until next time,



The past week has been tragic in America.

If you have been following the news you know that videos were released early last week of two African American men being shot and killed by police officers.  

This led to peaceful protests in a lot of major cities around the country.  

Then at one of the protests, an African American man ambushed and shot members of the Dallas Police Department.  

7 police man were wounded and 5 were killed.  

This has created a whirlwind of fear, terror, racism, and pain.  

I have listened to countless conversations and endured endless opinions. I have read blogs, articles and seen every social media news feed.  And most of what I am hearing is emotionally driven and not Spirit led.  

I am watching as Christians are formulating strong opinions on both sides of this great debate and tragedy.  

Some screaming “black lives matter,” others screaming “blue lives matter.” 

One side creates arguments and posts videos why they have a right to be angry, the other side then counters with arguments and post videos why they have a right to be angry. And my spirit is grieved because all lives matter and  no life is small.

And my heart just keeps breaking.  

It breaks because as Christians we are acting like everyone else in this matter.  We are not being led by the wisdom of the Spirit of God.  We are being led by the emotions of our flesh and to me that is the biggest tragedy of all.  

Galatians 5:16-17  says
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.

Paul practically begs Christians to be led by the Spirit of God.  To not live according to our feelings or opinions, or what seems right at the time.  He instructs us to live by the wisdom and guidance of the Spirit.  He goes on to describe what the difference is between living according to the flesh and living according to the spirit….

Gal 5:19:21
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;  idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

I highlighted the words hatred, discord, fits of rage, dissension and factions because our response as Christians should not be found in any of these aforementioned words.  Rather our response should be characterized by the following passage…

Gal  5:22-26
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.  Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

As Christians we are not called to formulate an opinion in our flesh, we are called to be peace makers, to be led by the Spirit- which means we are called to bring love, and peace to the situation.  We are not called to be emotionally driven but Spirit led- full of patience and self-control.  Trying our best not to provoke people to anger.  I am not suggesting that we can’t be sad or angry because of what is happening.  My heart is broken over this! 

However, we can’t act out based on how we feel at the time!      

When are we going to stop being like everyone else and start leading this country by example again?

We get very upset because we feel like this country needs Christians in the government to lead by example.  I believe the problem is that Christians have stopped being led by the Spirit and have become completely emotionally driven lacking love, kindness, gentleness and self- control.  

If we stepped up, if we became Spirit led, if we became peace makers, maybe just maybe we could diffuse the divide in this country instead of fueling the fire of division.  

Who will join me in the quest to be led by the Spirit instead of our emotions? 

Who will join me in an attempt to bring resolution? 

Who will join me in humbling ourselves and refusing to “take the bait”?

Who will join me in asking God for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we can be a light in the darkness? 

Who will join me by offering hope to a country that so desperately needs it?

 If we continue to be led by our emotions and our opinions than we can expect more of the same.  BUT, if we will come together with the wisdom of the Spirit, we can and will see change. 



Chris & Megan
the authorChris & Megan


  • Visiting from Happiness Is Homemade…Watching the world around us break into chaos is so extremely hard and can sometimes feel hopeless, but it is so important that we remember that with God, there is always hope. Always. Thank you for pointing out this timely passage.

  • What an outpouring of your souls. Thank you. This brings light to our dark world. Just knowing we have a Savior—Jesus —to reach out to no matter what the circumstances. I wish others could open their hearts to receive what you have placed before us. This could change the world!!!

  • A wonderful post, thank you. One small thing we are doing in our home is every time we see a police officer or EMS, Fireman, etc. we are praying for them and the citizen involved. Such as when the police have pulled someone over. I also think we need to pass on specific things each of us can do around this issue (like your post) on-line, but refuse to engage in any negative way on-line…even “liking” a devisive post. Lastly, I believe each of us should pray daily for the healing of our citizens and country and specifically the relationships between different groups. I have never prayed for that specifically. I would love to hear more from you both!

    • Audra, as a daughter of a retired police officer, you don’t even know what that means to know that you pray when you pass them. Not fueling the social media negativity and praying for our country are powerful steps to take. Thanks so much for sharing and for stopping by! 🙂

  • Hi stopping by from Kimberly’s “Traffic Jam Weekend” link-up! You hit the nail on the head…being led by the Holy Spirit! If we would ALL heed His promptings, really take on the heart of Jesus, and love with His love…I can only imagine. Thanks for sharing…have a blessed weekend!

  • I love that quote you included from MLK, Jr, but my favorite part was this: “As Christians we are not called to formulate an opinion in our flesh, we are called to be peace makers, to be led by the Spirit- which means we are called to bring love, and peace to the situation. We are not called to be emotionally driven but Spirit led- full of patience and self-control.” It also makes me think of another verse that we Christians so often ignore (Matthew 7:1). Like you said, these verses don’t mean that we have to stop feeling angry that these things are happening, but sometimes we need to remember what OUR jobs are while not forgetting what GOD’S jobs are. I certainly don’t want to presume to take on the jobs that God has reserved for himself! So happy to see you link up with us again at #FridayFrivolity – I chose this post for my feature!

    • Lisa, that is so well said. I for one am SO grateful I am not the Lord holding all things together. What a peace and relief it is to trust Him. Thank you SO much for featuring us, we’re always honored! “See” you tonight 🙂

  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I agree with you guys. It’s so hard to see and hear everything going on, but we have to remember that God is in control. Blessing to you both!

  • Very interesting and nice post. I agree with you but I am reminded of a of a question I was asked in youth group about 30 years ago and the question was “Do you think that your version of God causes disconnect in people.” I answered something like “Yes, because many people have their own beliefs that has caused wars throughout the years.”
    It is sad but it is becoming truer and truer every day. I always say that God really only gave us ten rules and if we follow them, things will be ok.

    • Patrick, Thank you so much for commenting on the blog post. When I look at the question you were asked in youth group the part that jumps out to me is “your version of God”. I think therein lies the problem. Unfortunately, some people have resorted to following “their version of God” instead of really understanding the heart of the One True God. The bible says, For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life. When our version of God is summed up by only living accordance to the ten commandments we get a “performance based” concept of God. If we obey maybe God will love us and approve of us. The ten commandments actually prove that none of us can perform up to par. This is why God’s one and only son had to be sacrificed. When we finally realize that God loves us so much and sacrificed so much just to have relationship with us then we can truly understand the heart of the father. God is love! Most people don’t understand that Christianity isn’t about a set of rules, it is about receiving a free gift of Grace given to us by a sacrificial and loving God. Receiving God’s grace empowers us to live a selfless loving life that points people to the “right version of God”.

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