Bored in your time with God? This will help.
5 min read by Megan Rea
Chris and I decide to go on a regular date night.
We pick Fridays.
Each Friday at 7 p.m., we meet at the car.
I wear skinny jeans.
He wears plaid.
We exchange compliments and exactly 1 ½ kisses. You know what I mean.
While driving, we listen to precisely 3 songs.
The same 3 songs we’ve listened to the previous 14 date nights.
We go to the same restaurant.
Sit in the same booth.
Order the same menu items.
Walk the same route.
Have the same conversation.
Drive home.
Repeat next Friday at 7 p.m.
Do you know what that is? BORING.
Bordering on tragic. We’d basically be living #datenight Groundhog Day.
See, I didn’t start a relationship with Chris Rea to reduce my life down to a predictable rhythm and set it on repeat. That’s not why any of us engage in relationships.
Sure it would be fine at first. Comfortable. But after a while, who would look forward to something so predictable?
So let me ask you this: What makes us think we can approach our time with God in the exact same manner day after day and not get bored with that as well?
“What makes us think we can approach our time with God in the exact same manner day after day and not get bored?”
When you come to know Jesus, you’ve been drawn into a relationship with the God of all creation.
He hung the moon. He created scientific formulas which I will never comprehend.
Ladies and gentlemen, He created this little guy. Meet the “Echidna.”
*Collective Sigh*
What makes us think that this incredibly versatile God expects each of the humans He’s fashioned to connect with Him in the same way?
How’s your time with God been lately? Exciting? Something you crave? Look forward to? Or has it gotten stale? Disconnected? Non-existent even?
Just like with every other relationship, it’s easy to fall into a predictable rhythm with the Lord. Our “God time,” becomes a line item in our day planner.
We know we need to spend time with Him. So we reason that we will sit in our chair read our Psalm and Proverb, and not let ourselves out of said chair until we have prayed for at least 3 people. And you know what, as someone who grew up richly steeped in Christian culture, I’ve had seasons where I’ve been the queen of that land.
And while there’s certainly something to be said about discipline giving way to desire, I think it really grieves God’s heart when we reduce our time with Him down to a formula.
There’s no one-size-fits-all way to connect with God. He’s bigger and so much more personal than that.
So what DOES it take to connect with God?
*Consistent investment into your relationship.
*Time spent in His word-that’s how we get to know Him.
*Talking to Him in prayer-that’s the first step of collaborating with Him.
*Authenticity-Being honest with Him.
*Discerning His voice and walking in obedience to His Word.
How do we do that?
Well to quote the extremely deep voice of Spiritual direction, Grease:
How has God wired you? What makes you come fully alive? How can you connect with and invite God into that space?
In his book, Sacred Pathways, author Gary Thomas says that there are nine distinctive “Spiritual Temperaments.” 9 various ways that people connect with God. In a nutshell, God isn’t about your rigidity, He’s all about your freedom. He doesn’t want to be part of your routine, He wants to be your life and life to the full.
[bctt tweet=”God doesn’t want to be part of your routine, He wants to be your life and life to the full. #nosmalllife” username=””]
Today, I wanted to offer a few ways to breathe life into your time with God. And whatever you do, don’t think of these as new rules. Rather, think of these like new “date night ideas.”
Try them out. Adopt what works, let go of what doesn’t.
This is about growth and vibrancy, not abandoning one form of religion for another.
So, if you’re bored in your time with God or it’s just feeling a little stale, this will help:
1. Listen to an audio Bible or a Christian book on spiritual growth.
-Listen while you get ready in the morning. I often listen to the Message version. The narrator on the YouVersion app did a stellar job. Also, it’s free!
-Listen in your car. Why not turn your four wheels into a mobile sanctuary?
-Listen while you go for a walk or a bike ride. Some people can really connect and can hear God’s voice best in nature. If this sounds like you, it could be ideal!
2. Read a different translation or multiple translations of the same passage.
-God bless the creators of the YouVersion app. (And no this is not a sponsored post
). They have made this so incredibly simple. I absolutely LOVE being able to read a passage or a verse in multiple translations at once. Comparing, digging, cross-referencing. I love to learn, can you tell? 
3. Journal.
-Journaling comes very naturally to some, to others not so much. I journal in multiple ways. Sometimes I’ll write my prayers because writing things out truly helps me process my feelings. Sometimes I’ll just record things I’m grateful for or write out & reflect on what I’m reading in the Bible that day.
One thing that I started doing last year that I’ve grown to love is “Mind Mapping” (for lack of a better word) a chapter of the Bible. I’ll write the chapter in the center of the page and then all around it the words, phrases, sentences that jump out to me in that chapter. I’ll let you peek at my journal to see what I mean.
And if I remember, I’ll snap a picture so I can look back and reflect on it throughout my day and week. I don’t know about you, but in this crazy world, I need reminders of truth and this practice has served as a powerful visual for me.
4. Join a Bible study or a small group at your church and plug into community.
5. Take a Spiritual gift or Personality test to see and appreciate how God’s wired you.
-Our Church uses the DISC personality test. I’m also done Meyer’s Briggs and StrengthsFinder as well. But our FAVORITE is the Enneagram! It will give you great insight into how God wired you and how that affects your walk with Him.
6. Use your gifts for His Kingdom and to bless the people around you.
-Here’s a great post for more on that. I can speak from experience that when we collaborate with Jesus, it fuels our passion for Him and our relationship with Him.
7. Follow a reading plan on YouVersion or She Reads Truth.
-Two years ago I downloaded the She Reads Truth app. One of the best decisions of 2017. And no worries male readers, there’s also a He Reads Truth app. I’m currently in the middle of the Romans study and loving every minute. I won’t spoil it for you. Just download the app and try out a plan. You won’t be disappointed.
I’ll leave you with a story.
A few weeks back, Chris needed the house to prep for a message. So I high-tailed it out to give him plenty of space to roam and preach to himself. I headed to a coffee shop.
One of my favorite coffee shops in fact. I frequent it at least once a week to write; it’s become a routine. Here’s the problem. There was a HUGE Art festival happening meaning zilcho parking. Forced to abandon my plan and favorite dark roast, I headed a mile up the road to a chain location I had never been to before. I had the place to myself. And I no sooner settle in with my 16 oz, when MY SISTER WALKS IN!
Some of the most beautiful moments in life and in relationships happen when we’re willing to go outside of our predictable routine. Don’t be afraid to stretch your muscles of connection to God in a new way. You never know what kind of depths and joy are waiting to be discovered.
How do you connect with God? What’s your favorite way to spend time with Him?
Tell us below in the comments. I love to see how beautifully different God has wired all us crazy people.
Until next time,
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