5 Secrets To Giving The Perfect Gift: 4 min read by Megan Rea
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“It’s better to give than to receive” Acts 20:35.
How many of you love a good gift guide?! We do too! This is not that
One pass by the Magazine rack at Target and you’ll see them. Open up your email, it’ll be full of them. Check-in with your favorite blogger and you guessed it, they will have posts of them.
Gift Guides are EVERYWHERE this time of year.
Each one overflowing with beautiful pictures & interesting suggestions when you feel straight tapped out of ideas for Aunt Sue.
I approach each gift guide with such hope: “Maybe this one will contain a new magical product that I need…I mean, that my best friend needs in her life.” Of course, I mean that.
Gift guides are well and good and I enjoy getting lured into them just as much as the next girl.
However, gift guides come up short in one little area; they’re impersonal. They don’t know your people, you do.
The first year we were married, I wanted to ROCK Christmas. It was before Chris and I established a Christmas budget (don’t miss this post) and I was gung-ho to give my husband the most memorable Christmas ever. One problem. I had zero clues as to what to give him. Chris is one of those guys who…how shall I say…isn’t the easiest to by for.
He’s choosy but in all the best ways of course. And doesn’t have a penchant for a lot of “things.”
He especially isn’t going to come right out and tell you what he wants. No, you have to study him like a ninja. Which I now esteem as one of my highest honors and skills.
Year one of wife-ing, however, I did not possess this trait. I may have even googled “What to get your husband.” Needless to say, I got Chris a lot of things, because, no budget. There were gloves, pajama pants, 2 pairs of jeans, shirts, manly gadget-y things I assumed every guy needed in their life, thank you gift guides for that, and of course, socks.
Big thick ones. (Which I now know will only occupy valuable drawer real estate and never actually make their way to his feet.)
Seems pretty protocol right? One problem. Chris didn’t actually need any of those things. He would never say that of course. But when I asked him daily if he wanted to wear his new striped scarf, I got the message.
Years later, I know my man. He’s still not easy to buy for. But, we’ve both leaned into a way of doing Christmas gifts that we love. Ready?
We give experiences.
Picture this. You don’t know what to give your Aunt Sue. BUT, you know your Aunt Sue LOVES getting her nails done. What if you got Aunt Sue a mani gift card along with a coffee gift card and asked if you could be her +1 next time she goes to get her nails done?
If that resonates with you more than a drawer full of tchotchkes and yet another tie, here’s a simple breakdown to determine what kind of experiences your people will like. In short, our insider secrets to giving the perfect gift.
1. Spend 5 minutes thinking about your person
What do they like? What are they passionate about? What intrigues them? What’s on their weekly to-do list you could make better OR do together? What’s a simple pleasure they love?
2. Make a list of those things
Are they a foodie? A coffee drinker? Always been fascinated with tightrope walking?
Whatever comes to mind, write it down
3. What kind of experiences comes to mind when you think of those things?
Are they a fitness buff? What about a pass to a spin class you could try together? Traveler? What about a much talked about Airbnb? Foodie? How fun would a cooking class be?
Is their favorite band coming to town next year? Concert tickets are always a great idea. Especially if you volunteer to A. go with them or B babysit.
4. Do a quick research of your area
Maybe the newlywed couple in your life would love a date night at the newest restaurant they could never afford. Maybe there’s a new store & lunch your mom would love to check out with you. And sporting events? Easy peasy.
Really think. Look at Facebook events. Do a quick Google search. What are the museums, hotspots, little unknown gems you could discover with your people?
5. Put it on the calendar.
If it’s tickets to something with a set date, you’re all good. But if it’s more evergreen, think restaurants, shopping etc., decide when you can go together. It’s like 2 gifts. The actual gift and the anticipation of it. Gifts are fun. Gift Guides are great. But anticipating and even participating in a memory you know your loved ones will LOVE to have? Even better.
“The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped” (Proverbs 11:24-25)
Let’s make our world’s larger this Christmas. Let’s think thoughtfully and give generously by letting our people know just how much we celebrate them. Their lives are not small and they deserve to know that this Christmas.
What types of things do you love to give and receive at Christmas?
Until next time,
PS…Do NOT miss out on the last post of 2019 coming at you next week. Trust me, you’re going to be referencing this one CONSTANTLY for the next few months!
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