5 Easy & Inexpensive Ways To Give Your Room A Makeover


There’s a certain part of my heart that only comes alive when I walk into a well designed room.


There, I said it.


And at 37 years old, I’m just going to embrace it.


I, Megan C. Rea am owning that fact that a welcoming mix of color, pattern, texture and lighting absolutely has my heart.


In fact, I may have been brought to tears on more than one occasion upon stepping foot into Anthropologie.



It makes me want to give every room a makeover. I can’t explain such mysteries.



But I can attest that last year while strolling through the mall with my parents, a storefront decked out in floor to ceiling subway tile with charcoal grout stopped me dead. in. my. tracks.


I pulled my Dad’s sleeve back to the store just like 5-year-old me begging for a puppy.

I wasn’t trying to be dramatic. Good design just lures me like a moth to a flame.

I don’t buy anything mind you.

I just touch it ALL. And lucky for you, I let my brain go into:

“how can I make this happen for free,” mode.



Injecting beauty and warmth into your home shouldn’t be a luxury reserved for the wealthy. Loving your space and making it your own is a right we all have. It’s not frivolous or silly.

Creating inviting moments in your home for your people is borderline sacred if you ask me.


Atmosphere changes everything.



You know that feeling when you walk in the door after a long day? The sensation that comes over you when you settle into your favorite chair? Or cozy up to your favorite person in the corner booth at the place you know oh-so-well?

That’s comfort. That’s beauty. That’s home.


Today, if you’re looking around and feeling totally UN-inspired, we’ve got 5 easy and inexpensive tweaks that could make you fall in love with your space again. AND, as promised in last week’s post, we have a little update on our current digs as well.


We’re all craving a little more “Ahhhh” and a little less “Ughhh” right? Let’s make that happen today.



1. Redo a piece of dated furniture

A few months back I introduced you to a hand-me-down entertainment center. He was super well made but didn’t exactly jive with our then retro lounge-y basement. SO, he got a makeover.

Click this link to see what a few dollars in paint and new hardware can do.



2. Embrace the power of spray paint

While hunting walking the aisles of Home Goods one day, I came across 2 items that really caught my eye: a geometric metallic end table and a silver metal orb.

Apparently, I’m drawn to shiny objects.

One trip to Hobby Lobby and a ½ can of this Spray Paint later. We have 2 DIY’s for less than $3!  That’s right. You can have 2 new decor pieces for less than a Starbucks. Praise hands.


Check out the DIY’s for the Metallic Orb and the Side Table.



3. Re-arrange Artwork & Furniture

You know that sudden burst of inspiration you often get at the worst times? Well one day, Chris and I obeyed said burst and convinced ourselves that it was a fantastic idea to gut both of our home offices at 11:30pm on a Sunday.


“This will be fast,” we reasoned.


Right about now, you should be giving us the stink eye.


Even though our mini gut job took WAY longer than expected, we fell hard for the results and spent very little dollars in the process. And our fun gallery wall that came out of it? Guess how much. That would be ZERO dollars you guys for an entire large wall of art.



Check out the Gallery Wall & our Modern Glam office.



4. Inexpensive Fall Decor

Seeing that Fall is upon us what DIY post would be complete without a few pumpkins thrown in the mix? And good news, if you are “carving challenged” or time-strapped, this post is for you! Like you saw earlier, I am a HUGE proponent of spray paint. So guess what you can spray paint? Pumpkins. All the pumpkins. And we’ve got multiple ways to do it. Check out the full post here.



5. Rental friendly accent wall

Remember when we sold our house and 70% of our belongings? Tis true.

Chris and I have been living in a lovely little rental condo since April. And aside from the normal challenges that coincide with sharing walls with strangers, we’ve loved every minute. It’s located on a pretty side of town,(check out some of our favorite spots) less traffic-y than our old place, AND zero yard work. #PraiseHim.



I’ve enjoyed the challenge of making this place our own without doing any permanent changes. One project that made a major impact was under $10 & took under an hour. Meet our little accent/gallery wall nook.


Using these removable wall stickers from Amazon, I eye-balled our way to an accent wall. Sure you could use foreign objects like “rulers” and “levels,” OR you could go at my speed and just start sticking polka dots on walls. Jump in. They’re removable. If you stink at it, then bust yourself out a ruler. 😉



We really have enjoyed this place BUT, the time has come to move onto the next leg of our little nomadic adventure. So alas, we are moving again.


ACTUALLY…by the time you read this, we’ve moved!



Jazz Hands.



Selling our home and so many of our “things,” stretched us in ways we didn’t know we needed to be stretched. It was challenging both physically and emotionally. You don’t think you’re the type of person that clings to comfort zones until you have no comfort zones left to cling to.


But we knew it was time and we knew it was God.


It’s a new season. A season of saying, “O.K Jesus, we’ll keep stepping out if you’ll keep showing up.”

We prayed for a “crazy-only-God-kind-of-opportunity.” An opportunity for us to rent and save and eventually establish a place that felt just right for us.

And in His kindness, the Lord delivered. He beyond delivered actually, down to little details that could only be attributed to Him.


It’s been exciting, and scary and all the “what are we doing” feels. And even though neither of us are psyched to move again, because packing. *shudder* I guess, that’s why God put the word, “Adventure” in my spirit for this year.


There’s a lot of anticipation about what’s in store for us and for No Small Life in this season (read more about what we’re doing here.)


We hope this post gives you the courage to celebrate life and inject a little bit of happy and hope into your space. Let’s be people who aren’t afraid to take a risk, whether it involves a new wall color, a can of spray paint, or an obedient step into the unknown.


2 Corinthians 6:11-13 (The Message)

Dear, dear Corinthians, I can’t tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn’t fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren’t small, but you’re living them in a small way. I’m speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively!


Thanks for being excited with us and praying for us!


How are you going to #LiveALifeWorthCelebrating in your space today?

Until next time,




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Chris & Megan
the authorChris & Megan


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