5 Books That Changed Our Lives


You know that friend who when they discover some new amazing product or company or store they just can’t keep it to themselves?


Well guess what?


I am that friend. Example: Last Sunday while Christmas shopping, I dragged my mom and sister ½ way around the crazy-crowded mall because I KNEW they would love this store. And you know what? I was right.


Anytime I discover a new podcast, it mysteriously works its way into all my conversations. And discovering a restaurant this Paleo-eating, food-allergy-having girl has a great meal at?

Bring your earplugs.



I have good instincts I tell you. Good instincts. And I won’t recommend something to you that I personally haven’t fallen in love with.


So when I say, there are 5 books Chris and I can’t recommend enough; 5 books we can, in all honesty, say, completely changed our lives, you should listen. Because I would never blow smoke up your…nostrils. That would be weird. How would you breathe? I digress.

I love to read. However, you would never know it by how much time I allocate to read actual books…with paper…and ink.


That’s why, when I recommend a book, listen up, because I legitimately opened it, read it, highlighted the heck out of it and most likely, passed it along to a friend.


But no worries if you’re preferred form of “reading” comes as an Audio Book.  Rest assured you are in GOOD company. 4 out of the 5 books we’re talking about today have audio versions. Yay for getting smarter while you drive!


So click through the links, grab a few stocking stuffers (READ: for yourself too) and check out the 5 books that truly changed our lives.


 1. 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

        By Patrick Lencioni


No matter if you lead a team in the corporate world or simply have human interaction on a regular basis, implementing the practical truth laid out in this book will dramatically improve the health of your relationships.  While some business books can be, well, boring, 5 Dysfunctions of a Team is written in part as a fictional story. Instead of examining principles through clinical discussion, you’re able to see them play out through the lens of a person’s life.

And for me, that makes it much easier to remember the truths I want to adopt into my own life.  This would make a GREAT gift for any of your loved ones in a management position too! Or you know, assistant to the regional manager. #OfficeFanForLife


 2. For Men Only/For Women Only

       By Shaunti Feldhahn


Ok, you got me. This is two books.  BUT, chances are you’ll only read one of them, so there you go.  We’ve talked about these books before in this post. But, honestly, their impact can’t be overstated.  For Women Only honestly changed me. It opened my eyes toward so many wrong mindsets I had carried into my marriage.  It gave me specific insight into how my spouse is wired and Chris would say the same.  If there’s one (two 🙂 ) marriage books I recommend over and over again, it’s this. AND, it is a quick, EASY read.


 3. Total Money Makeover

       By Dave Ramsey


Chris was the first to jump on the “Total Money Makeover” train.  I came a little *ahem* s-l-o-w-e-r to the party. BUT, once I listened to the audio book…that Chris downloaded to my phone (he’s subtle), I was all in!  If you’ve listened to Dave Ramsey before, you know he can be very polarizing. People either love him or they don’t. But, I’ll tell you this: he’s passionate and he’s in your face because he knows human tendency and he knows the principles that work.  He has your future-best-interest in mind and implementing the steps laid out in this book have dramatically changed our finances for the better. Want to know more about our budget and how to live by one of your own? Check out this post.


 4. Praying for your husband from head to toe

       By Sharon Jaynes


You know you should pray for your spouse, but have you ever wondered how? Well, this 2-part book breaks it down!  The first ½ is all about what your prayers accomplish-the power and the purpose of them. The second ½ literally maps it all out for you in a 31-day guide. Each day you’re covering your husband in prayer from head to toe. The author gives you a scripture and a prayer for each area of his life for every day of the month.  It may sound like a lot, but the reality is, praying through each day will take you about….7 minutes. Let that sink in.  7 minutes to invest spiritually into your husband every day. #worthit Trust me when I say this book would be such a practical tool in your hands when it comes to the area of covering your spouse in prayer.


5. Study Bible

      By Yayweh aka God aka Lord of Lords


I know, big shock, the Pastor’s wife put “Bible” on her list of books that changed their lives.  *Shock. *Gasp. Now before you relegate me to the land of cliche’, let me emphasis the word “Study” in the title. (This one is on sale!) Obviously, all bible is good bible. But, if your inner nerd likes to dig deep into scripture and context and original meaning like mines does, welcome to your new best friend.  The word of God is so rich. It can always speak to your heart and meet you where you’re at. But if you’re willing to dive a little deeper, there are so many beautiful layers to be discovered.

I have a Study Bible that is showing signs of love over many years. But I’ve also been eyeing the She Reads Truth Bible for many reasons, not the least of which is IT’S BEAUTIFUL and it comes in “poppy.” Who doesn’t want a poppy colored Bible?! (Side note: If you’ve yet to check out the She Reads Truth and He Reads Truth apps we talked about here, do it! You will love.)



BONUS BOOK:  Faith Guacamole 

          By Brett Ray


I COULDN’T write a book post without telling you guys about the quick & impactful read our amazing friend Brett Ray just released!

Faith Guacamole by Brett Ray explores five essential ingredients for an authentic walk with God. This short book takes a deeper look at moving beyond a superficial faith and relationship with God.

Brett and his wife Carol are nationally renowned speakers as well as someone we’re honored to call friends and mentors. This book is going to encourage you in your walk with God. Period. Also, it’s $2.97. It’s cheaper than Starbucks and probably way better for you. What have you got to loose? 😉


Books are pretty magical in my opinion. They contain the transformative power to shape your life.  Which one of these 5, ok, 6, alright 7 😀 are you putting on your wishlist???  We’d love to hear the books that have impacted you! Let us know if the comments below!

And remember, books make GREAT stocking stuffers, just sayin’. 🙂


Until next time,




P.S. Check out our favorite marriage books here

P.S.S. If you’re struggling with stress and believing truth over lies, these books are for you!

P.S.S.S. You need a little hope, healing and humor delivered to your inbox everyweek don’t you? Just click here SUBSCRIBE HERE
and make your week SO much better! 😉




Chris & Megan
the authorChris & Megan


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