4 Snacks that’ll Kick your Afternoon Slump in the Tushy

Power Snacks to regulate your Blood Sugar

It’s 4 pm. Do you know where your blood sugar is?




Chances are, if you’re feeling:




-and slightly overwhelmed by life…



Your No Small Life is about to become “Hangry” (Hungry + Angry- Isn’t that so a thing?) and your blood sugar is in the tank!

Here’s the quickest science lesson you ever did see:



In a 24-hour period, our Blood Sugar Levels drop about 3x.

10am, (“morning snack explained!”) between 3-4pm (“So that’s why I’m tired and wearing cranky pants!”) and lastly between 2-3am (“Hello Crazy Dreams!”)




You can see a full and MUCH more science-y explanation here.





I deal with low blood sugar, bordering on Hypoglycemia. Over the years though, through eating healthier and giving up refined sugars and carbs, it’s gotten much more manageable.





Still, the two things that help me avoid that dreaded “Afternoon Slump” are:


-Being Aware

-Being Prepared


Being Aware:

I know if I’m starting to feel a little discouraged or indecisive in the afternoon, I don’t need to fret, I just need to check the clock. If it’s between 3 and 4ish, it’s definitely a blood sugar issue and has a quick and simple Fix: SNACKS!


Being Prepared:

When I was in college, we used to make fun of my roommate because she packed snacks in her purse. I now understand that she was, in fact,


“a genius and we need her mind.”


( To quote one of my favorite Scenes from “Father of the Bride.” Check it out, your blood sugar might be low, you need to laugh.)


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFNlqU72wpY&w=420&h=315]




If you’re Aware and Prepared, you too can avoid the dreaded afternoon slump and be confident that the “Sky Isn’t Falling”…poor Chicken Little, he probably just needed a snack.




The TYPE of Snack you have in the afternoon however, will determine if you either side-step or contribute to the 4pm phenomenon known in the Health Community as “Glucose Bang-Bang.” Again with the Science.



The Ideal snack for you is low in refined carbs and sugars, high in protein and fiber to promote satiety (ie keep you going until dinner), has a few complex carbs for good measure and is yummy, because, of course.





Here are 2 of my favorites and 2 from a new company I’m excited to try:


Pumpkin Seeds with either Fruit or Veggies:

Pumpkin Seeds & Raspberries High Fiber Snack

Nuts/Seeds are my go-to in the afternoon. Fiber, protein, healthy fat, what’s not to love?  Plus, can you get any more convenient? You can throw them in your purse, briefcase, gym bag and they’re not going to melt. #win.


These Dry Roasted Pumpkin Seeds have been one of the usual suspects lately. They’re high in iron and potassium and these from Trader Joe’s are way lower in sodium that most.

For an extra boost and to avoid pure nut boredom, I pare mine with whatever fruit is in season. Today, it’s raspberries and grapes OR a few veggies.



For a “trail-mixy” kind of treat try mixing your pumpkin seeds with raisins and a few dark chocolate chips. Because chocolate was made for afternoons.


Chia Seeds:

Perfect Power Snacks to boost your Blood Sugar

A Tablespoon of Chia Seeds and Flax meal mixed with a little Cashew or Flax milk is my go-to pre-workout snack. AND it could technically be portable too if you make it in a little to-go container. Chia seeds have SO MANY health benefits. If you curious, you can check them in this post when I told you how to make them for breakfast!


Kale Granola:

Grain Free Granola Made with Kale from nuts.com

I know. Aren’t you totally intrigued? Full Disclosure, I haven’t tried this yet. But believe you me, it is totally on my wish list and Pinterest board. Nuts.com is a new company to me, but their healthy snacks look so tempting and all the ingredients and nutritional info is listed on their site. The No Carb Cranberry Nut Kale Granola will be tasted soon.

Oh yes, it will.


Energy Squares:

Grain Free Energy Squares-nosmalllife.me

Again, I haven’t tried these BUT they resemble Larabars, which I love and they’re in cute little squares!  So, portable along with the cuteness factor, makes me want to try them even more. I’m thinking the Lemon Pop ones?

I hope this post helps your awesome No Small Life keep that blood sugar stable, your energy up and your mood rooted in the positive. I know I’ve been guilty of being a victim of my blood sugar way too many times to count. BUT, now that we all know the power of the afternoon snack, if you see me getting a little glassy eyed, just throw a few pumpkin seeds at me, I’ll be back to myself in no time.

Here’s to not letting your blood sugar take your mood and your No Small Life hostage!


Until next time,


*This post contains affiliate links


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