16 Simple Ways to Celebrate Life This Week


When I was a little girl I had no problem celebrating life. But I’ve noticed that throughout this whole “growing-up-aging-process-thing,” if you’re not purposeful, you can become a version of yourself you don’t really like. “Adulting,” as the internet and slogan tees love to term it, can really impede on your ability to just enjoy daily life.  For many of us, when we reach “maturity,” we exchange our pursuit of joy for the more serious attributes we now deem necessary to navigate our lives.


As a result things like busyness, fear, loneliness, deadlines, sickness, unmet expectations and heartache can become the dictator of our actions.

But what if God, in all of His foresight and wisdom, designed simple everyday kind of celebrations as the ideal antidote to counterbalance the pressures He knew we’d walk through in this life?


Whatever it is that’s causing you to feel small today, can I tell you, it doesn’t have to.


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There are very many things outside our realm of control on this planet. Of that I am certain, but there is one thing we will always ALWAYS be responsible for and that my friends is our response. We get to choose how we will respond and live out our days despite what we think or what our circumstances appear to be.


You have a God who designed you and adores you. He delights in your uniqueness. He delights in the ways He’s wired you: individually and for a purpose. And it thrills His heart to watch you come alive and live fully and freely in Him.  

What’s going to make you come alive and help you celebrate life today? We’ve got a few ideas.


1. Do something that engages your five senses

When we bring awareness to all of our 5 senses at once, it increases our mindfulness and decreases anxiety. It also deeps our appreciation of life and helps us stay engaged, even relish in the present instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.  PLUS, it boosts your creativity.

*One of my favorite quotes. I have it framed in my Office.

2.  Show love to a stranger

We’re so focused on our own little worlds sometimes, what could you do today, that would bless someone you’ll only have a brief encounter with? A smile? A helping hand? A compliment? Random acts of kindness are contagious so spread a little love. Here’s a few more ideas!


3. Bring something in for your co-workers.

Grab a fruit tray. Bring everyone a pack of gum. Send out a nice email telling everyone how much they rock. OR, if you’re really thoughtful, buy them all Superman band aids. Like these. How fun are they? Get them here. The sky’s the limit, just show them a little kindness. They deal with you on Mondays after all.


4. Start committing one scripture to memory.

Write it out. Type it out. Screen shot it. Post it on your bathroom mirror. Whatever works for you. The important thing is to just keep it  in front of your eyes. If you begin quoting that over your day, your life your family, the impact will be far more lasting than just a single day.


5. Make a “just because” phone call to a family member or friend.

Invest yourself into another human. You remind them how valuable they are when you let them know you’re thinking of them.


 6. Detox your social media feed

Fearlessly un-follow accounts that cause you to feel inferior. You don’t need that in your life. Make your social media feels places of joy and inspiration instead of striving, comparison or insecurity. You’re in charge of what your eyes see on your screen.


 7. Do a 5 minute “exercise”  that boosts your creativity

Listen to all the awesome ideas creative ninja Jenny Randle recently gave to Jamie Ivey on, “The Happy Hour” podcast. I tried them out with my niece. So. fun. Also, if you’re not familiar with “The Happy Hour” podcast…you’re welcome 🙂


8. Do something special for your immediate family.

Tuck a note in a lunch box, make a special dinner, buy a new board game. One small gesture can speak volumes of love.


9. Bring your spouse a cup of coffee made just the way they like it.


10. Review your New Year’s goals.

Next, give yourself grace and get back on the bandwagon. You’re still that person.


 11. Buy or pick flowers.

A recent Harvard study concluded that when women see a bouquet of flowers first thing in the morning, it increases their serotonin levels and gives them a mood boost that lasts all day! So go ahead pick those lilacs blooming on the side of the road. Splurge on the $5 daisy’s at the grocery store. Your serotonin levels will thank you.


 12. Organize 1 drawer.

I know the act itself doesn’t exactly feel “celebratory.” However, you will all but break into a happy dance every time you see the scotch tape and rubberbands and sharpies all decked out in their shelf lined glory.


13. Try to list 14 things you’re thankful for.

Why 14? Why not 14. Once you get rolling it won’t take you that long. And because I love you, here’s a printable to get you started


14. Give yourself 5 extra minutes with the Lord today.

Put on your favorite worship song, praise Him for gifting you this day. Let truth wash over you and remind you how loved and secure you are. Your life is not small to the one who created you with incredible delight and purpose. Take an extra minute to get your heart and mind set on Him and see if He has anything extra He’d like to add to your agenda.


 15. Plan an adventure

Literally put it on the calendar, even if it’s months away.  It could be a vacation you’ve been saving up for, a “day-date” (we’re big fans of those) with your spouse. Or even a quick adventure on the other side of town to check out a store you’ve been hearing all about. And Bonus points if you bring a friend and grab coffee! 🙂


16. Eat lunch outside

I am very good at not doing this. But I am always glad when I do!



Do something your 7-year-old-self would thank you for.

Go for a bike ride. Jump in a puddle. Sing at the top of your lungs. Blow on a dandelion…yes, even at the risk of getting those awful weeds in your yard.



There you have it friends, just a few simple ideas to help you celebrate life this week.  I could go on and on but hopefully this list will springboard your imagination.  Don’t let this week be categorized alongside all the others.  It’s a gift if you’ll view it as such.

How are YOU going to celebrate life this week?

Until next time,



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Chris & Megan
the authorChris & Megan


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