There I was, sitting on my bathroom floor removing a cabinet door…with a Phillips head screwdriver. Like it’s 1959. This little DIY project when paired with a cordless drill (invented in ’61 ) is practically seamless. A few presses of a button and you’re done. Using a screwdriver, however, made for a much clunkier execution; it took way longer than necessary, I dropped the screw 4 times, it rolled under the abyss of the vanity, it was a whole thing.
But it did teach me a valuable lesson:
If you’re going to rebuild something, having the right tools is not optional.
And that brings us to today’s unveiling: “Resource Week!”
*trumpet blast *trumpet blast
Along with the launch of the new came several brand new resources all specifically designed to help you rebuild a life you love in several different areas.
Click here to check out our resources page. There you’ll find practical tools like:
- “UnStuck:” a free eBook that will help you create a compelling vision for your life and actually make it happen.
- “From Bitter to Better:” A 5-day email challenge to help you move forward when you’re in pain.
- “The Must-Have Apps for Married Couples:” a free eBook to utilizes your smartphone as a tool for your relationship
- “How to Kill a Spider:” a 3-part audio series will help you get to the root of your struggles so you can defeat them once and for all
- “Learning to Dance on the Water:” my personal testimony which tells not only the history behind “No Small Life,” but also offers you the means to rebuild your own life no matter what you’ve walked through.
They are all free for a limited time and all yours with 2 clicks of a button.
Which one are you going to download first?
Until next time,