Hey Everyone! We’re baaaaccck.
Thank you all so much for your amazing comments and prayers regarding camp last weekend. We got back last week and hit the ground running, but I’ve been so anxious to share with you a peak into all the great things God did!
However, when we came home and once again had an internet signal and cell service (3 cheers for being in the middle of no where!) we were met face to face with so many devastating news reports. From the heart-wrenching crisis taking place in Iraq, to the death of Robin Williams, and the epic amounts of flooding taking place in our own back yard. Such reports can leave you sorting through an amalgamation of emotions resulting in “overwhelmedness.” (Remember, I make up words sometimes.) There are 2 answers that come to mind in such situations and they are: Perspective and Action.
Perspective: I’m so thankful in times like these to know that there is more to this life that just living and dying. So thankful that when life gets difficult and overwhelming, we can have the hope of heaven firmly planted in the foundation of our souls. It was that perspective and peace that gave the Apostle Paul the ability to declare, ” I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength,” as he sat in a jail cell. And it’s that same perspective and peace that can awaken us every day to the reality of the joy and hope we can have in Jesus. This life isn’t all there is.
Action: Andy Stanley has a quote that really set me free a while back and it’s this: “Do for one what you wish you could do for all.” Isn’t that profoundly simple?!? So, maybe you can’t fight ISI terrorists directly, but you can battle in prayer and even partner with others and with organizations that are able to make a significant impact. Maybe you can’t touch every single life that deals with the difficulties of depression, but you can make it your mission to encourage and lavish some love on just one needing heart today.
We’re only powerless when we believe the lie that we are. “Do for one what you wish you could do for all.” You can bring hope, life and joy into the most dire of circumstances today if you view yourself as a conduit for the love of God to flow through. When you tap into that God-given potential and walk in the fullness of who you were created to be, you will automatically touch the hearts and lives around you. You life isn’t small, you were made to impact. And I would LOVE to hear how your heart is being moved to impact others around you!
Here’s where we were called to impact last weekend AND how we did a little celebrating along the way:
If you follow No Small Life on social media then you’ve already gotten an “appetizer”, if you will, of updates from last weekend. Readers Digest version: It was awesome!
Here’s a few pics from the services:
Worship Night 1:
Baptism in the Lake:
Such a beautiful and powerful thing to witness as we watched students not only get baptized by their Pastors, but also by their Youth leaders and peers as well!
Prayer around the altar last night. I know its crazy hard to see. Epic lighting does not always a good picture make, BUT what’s happening in this picture was too powerful not to share.
Students praying over students. The younger praying over the older, the older praying over the younger. Loving, encouraging, empowering and breaking all kinds of intimidation and stereotypes. You can’t even imagine how much this blessed my heart.
Such a joy to be apart of moments like these! And…because the majority of the prep work for us happened before the actual camp, we had a little time to ourselves to go exploring…and grab some lunch along the way.
*whistle whistle*
Here’s a glimpse into our exploration and definitely a 1st for us…
We rented a Dune Buggy and lived it up on the Sand Dunes & Shores of Lake MI for an afternoon!
If you’ve never done this before, I highly recommend! It was slightly terrifying because some of the Dunes are massive and you’re out there in this little 2 person cart with Giant Hummers whizzing by you. BUT, it was mostly In-credible and an unforgettable experience. Plus, you get to see views like these:
AND because we love you so much, a little bonus feature just for you guys, our 1st ever “VLOG” check it out:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=442PqwKjX2Y&w=420&h=315]
Hoping your hearts are inspired to a place of Action, Perspective, and definitely a little celebrating along the way.
Until next time…
That quote is perfect! I get overwhelmed with wanting to do too much, so that really encouraged me. Thanks for linking up with Hump Day Happenings!
So glad that encouraged you Jenna! It really freed me up too! Thanks for hosting such a great link-up! Happy Hump Day
Love this! Those sand dunes look like too much fun! Love your heart, so encouraging & inspiring! Also, that video is just enough inspiration
so sweet! Oh & I can’t forget, love those pictures from the baptism. my husband and I have a huge heart for student ministry & what an exciting thing it is to watch them profess Christ through baptism!!
blessings friend!
Hot Tea and the Empty Seat
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your encouragement! That really means the world
So true, if you work with teens you know, nothing that warms your heart more than watching them take their faith to the next level!
Thanks again Katie, looking forward to keeping up with your blog.
Oh that looks like fun!
Thanks so much Jill! Yes, if you’re ever by dunes, I highly recommend it!
I absolutely love that quote. Thanks for reminding me of it! I’m going to repeat that to myself over and over this week and make it my goal–to do to for one that I wish I could do for all. Your camp looks like it was soooo much fun!
That’s so awesome Jenna, so glad that resonated with you!
And yes, camp was awesome!
Love that quote! You make me want to start vlogging again
Thanks for linking up over at #captureyourjourney. Your post will be featured in this weeks blog hop <3
Wow, I’m so excited and honored! Thanks so much Amber, that means the world. And I would love to see vlogs from you in the future