Ok…maybe not a new home but at least a little something to make your home feel new Today, we’re continuing along in a series of posts about all of the goals you’ve set for the new year.
If you are like the majority of the country, this week, you have been in your house more than usual. January has a tendency to do that too us. And if you’re anything like me, being in your house more than usual does one thing…makes you want to update everything! Such was the case for me 2 January’s ago. It’s the perfect storm of being a little cooped up and taking down your Christmas decorations that can leave you second guessing all of your design decisions thus far. For me, it went a little deeper than that. When God started healing my heart from everything my hubs and I had walked through, (for more of our story click here) and stirring it with the idea of No Small Life, I started to see how the pain of our circumstances had affected every area of our lives, including our home.
Walking through infertility had left scars on my soul that produced insecurity in almost every facet. I was indecisive (which I still sort of am, but that’s just because I’m artsy lol), had lost hope, and had stopped dreaming along the way. I wasn’t owning my life or the season of life I was in, I was too busy grieving what I thought would’ve been.
I’ll never forget watching a fav design show on HGTV one night when I had the thought, “maybe I could do that?” From that moment on, a passion for design started to stir in me. It literally became a tangible way for me to dis-“mantle” (…see what I did there) the lies that had bombarded me and re-establish confidence and courage.
I began to look at my surroundings with fresh eyes, questioning, “is that really me, do I really like that?” The answer to most was no, so one afternoon I was ready to do something about it. I took everything off the walls of my living room determined not to live in a cookie cutter, but rather a true creative expression of who Chris and I were.
I was determined, I was focused, I was broke. LOL
Ok, not really, but redecorating can be expensive ya’ll! And that wasn’t an area where we could invest right then. It was time to get creative.
Enter multiple trips to Home Goods.
I’d often run in on my way home from work craving some inexpensive art and inspiration. On one such trip, I spotted the simplest, cutest, little black and white typography sign. It simply said,
“So Glad You’re Here”
And it made me silly happy, so I took a pic with my phone to remember it. Once I got home I printed out the pic and taped it, yes taped (stop judging me) it to the glass of an existing picture and started staging.
I thought the saying would be adorable in an entryway, which made me think of shoes (my favorite Nine West yellow shoes to be exact) and then 582 iPhone pictures later… I had a winner!
Printed that bad boy at Costco, picked up a clearance Target frame and bingo bango bongo,
I had artwork. Albeit, one piece of artwork, but I was on a roll and gaining confidence.
Maybe you love design and are constantly planning your next DIY project, or maybe this concept is way outside your wheelhouse. Whatever the case may be, changing up your surroundings in large or small ways can be a huge confidence and joy booster, and who doesn’t want more of that?!?
…Can’t wait to show you how I finished my living room wall art for practically nothing!
I love your blog and all your ingenious decorating ideas! You could run your own decorate on the cheap blog as well! Such an encouraging and motivating post
Thank you so much Kaleigh! So encouraging
I recently did a similar thing! I tend to get bored with my decor so I switch it around a lot. We have a mantel that I decorate for the seasons, but In between it’s never the same. I recently changed up my laundry room! I have some bigger dreams for that little space, but the budget won’t hold those dreams just yet. So I took some things out of the good will box, and repurposed them… A few bowls, a basket and an old tea pot, and now I have a cute little spot in the laundry room of interest. And I covered an old box with simple wrapping paper to store some miscellaneous stuff that accumulates in the LR. Much better than the balled up beach towels land various laundry soaps staring at me when I walk by!
Thanks for the inspiration!
So inventive Erin, I love it!
Love the art!
Thank you so much Elizabeth!
Very cute! Saving for my someday guest bedroom.
Thanks Heather! It would be GREAT for a guest room, good idea! Thanks for stopping by!
oh my gosh! I LOVE this. I love what it says.I love how simple it is. I am probably going to put something like this in my house. Love love love!
Wow! Thank you so much Mary! That totally makes my day!
Love that artwork!! I may use the words “So glad you’re here!” In our guest room makeover!
Thank you Jamie
That would be GREAT in a guest room!
Too cute! Can’t wait to read more and see more!
Thank you Lysa! So glad uou stopped by
Looking forward to your projects!
Thank you for the post.
Thank you! So glad you stopped by
Hello cute lady! Great post. Pinned and tweeted. We appreciate you taking the time to stop by and party with us. It wouldn’t be a party without you! I hope to see you tonight at 7 pm. Lou Lou Girls