I have a confession to make and I’m thinking I’m not alone on this one. I suffer from “Acute Time Delusion Syndrome.”
What is “Acute Time Delusion Syndrome” you ask? It’s the perpetual belief that I can accomplish more than any human being should be asked to accomplish in a set amount of time. And yes, I think I just made that up. However, if this is a real syndrome, my apologies for taking all the credit.
Because of “Acute Time Delusion Syndrome” I assume it completely logical that I should be able to get 15 things crossed off my to-do list, receive and record epic revelations from Scripture as I spend time communing with God while drinking gourmet coffee, get in a great workout, have plenty of time to get dressed, put on my make-up and do my hair in an effortless 5 minutes flat like Pinterest promises me I can. And of course, this can all be accomplished before I set out on my morning commute, peacefully. Ahem.
Yesterday, I did have a great time with the Lord in the morning and got in a pretty decent workout. However, then things derailed. I got way behind schedule and ended up running 20 min late for my appointment, threw my hair in a haphazard 2nd day ponytail, and did a majority of my makeup at stoplights. If you have yet to curl your eyelashes while driving, you haven’t lived.
I say all that to say, everyone of us need those little tricks up our sleeves to make our lives simpler. Tricks to save and redeem our precious time and dollars. I have been the Queen of unrealistic expectations in the land of over-complicated juggling for far too long. And when I can toss away that crown and streamline a few things, I am all too happy to do it. And while I can’t magically add more hours to your day, what I CAN do is show you a few tricks to hopefully add a little ease to one aspect of your life: errands.
SO, today I want to offer you a couple of Smartphone Apps I discovered that have uncomplicated a few things for this household.
First, THE app for everyone’s favorite store, Target! Do you have the Cartwheel App yet? If not, go grab this Free little gem.
Whether you need face lotion, cheese or an area rug, there is probably a coupon on Cartwheel. Just click on the categories, select your coupon and it gets automatically loaded to your phone.
At checkout, let the cashier scan the bar code on your phone and YOU just saved money on stuff you needed anyway without having to cut any coupons. #Win
Next, the hub for online coupons is also an app: RetailMeNot.
RetailMeNot is pre-loaded with current available in-store AND online coupons. Everyone from Pier One to Express to Home Depot is on RetailMeNot and it couldn’t be easier. Just click on the store you’re going to, select “in-store offers” (or “online offers” if you prefer shopping in your PJ’s or on your lunch break) and see what’s available.
Once you select your offer, just show your phone to the cashier and revel in how savvy you are.
Last, but certainly not least is ShopStyle.
This one. This one is a game changer for all things Fashion, Beauty and Home. Lets say you “NEED” an orange purse in your life, but don’t have hours to go looking or “Googling” the perfect one. Say hello Shopstyle. Simply click through-Women-bags
-hmmmmm-feeling a Satchel maybe?-orange-pick your price and…
BAM you now have a narrowed selection to choose from. Please excuse me while I have a moment with this purse on clearance for $17.50!
You can both buy it right through the App or save it to your “favorites” list and find it in store. Either way, you just saved yourself a TON of time. I’ve shopped for everything from couches to shoes, to the perfect bridesmaids earrings on this app and it never disappoints.
So here’s to making life slightly simpler! I’d love to hear your favorite tricks, tips and apps as well!
I always love the idea of saving money when I shop…thanks for sharing!
It’s so true, definitely makes you feel a little better
Thanks for stopping by Jodee!
Meg, this is genius! I am already in love with Cartwheel, I can’t believe I haven’t used it before. Once I get all the purchases in my cart at Target, I scan each one with the app’s scanner and it tells me if there is a coupon available. Most of the time, there is! It saves me from having to scan through all the available coupons for stuff I may/may not purchase.
I’m downloading that ShopStyle app now! Thanks for sharing on Hump Day Happenings : )
Ok, you just told me about a feature I didn’t even know existed on the cartwheel app! So. Excited.
thanks so much Megan! I think you’ll really enjoy Shopstyle 
This is wonderful! And I don’t think I could ever curl my lashes at a stoplight so kudos to that! I really need to download that Cartwheel app and that ShopStyle one seems like a dream come true!
haha, you’re probably better off NOT curling while driving anyways
Hope you enjoy your new apps!
Yup, i definitely have that syndrome. It really is a problem! Except often, my snooze button is also a culprit, because it lies to me and tells me that i really don’t need as much time as i seem to think i do to accomplish things before work each morning. the struggle is real! i LOVE the cartwheel app! have you also heard of shop kick? it’s pretty sweet as well, though I don’t use it nearly enough to make it worth it for me, but i know a good deal of other’s who have had awesome experiences with it!
The struggle IS real! Lying snooze button.
Shop kick? I haven’t tried that one…but now I will. Thanks for the recommendation and for stopping by!
Love this! Def gonna download all of these helpful apps! Plus that picture at the top is seriously cracking me up.. I suffer just like you! Haha!
Blessings xoxo
Haha! Good to know I’m not alone! lol Thanks Katie
Retailmenot is pretty good for coupon codes, but I prefer shopcreep.com for shopping. I like that shopcreep just lets you put in exactly what you want and alerts/emails you when there’s a new low price or deal cause i’m too lazy to shop around like someone who isn’t lazy lol
lol! Thanks for the heads up, I’ll have to check shopcreep.com out.
I’m glad to hear their is a name for that time management disease that I suffer from, too;) Ha ha … I love the Cartwheel app, and I definitely need to download Retail Me Not. My favorite money saving apps right now are Ibotta, Checkout 51, and Snap (from Groupon). They all give you money back for grocery shopping – love them!
Wow, thanks for the app recommendations! Can’t wait to check those out!
Oh my gosh…I have that same “disease”!!! Maybe there’s a support group somewhere! I love the apps and can’t believe you got that cute handbag for $17.50!
Visiting from Sunday Funday
We’re not alone Lisa!!
Love when you stop by!