If you follow me on Instagram, then you know what a fan I am of the devotional “Jesus Calling.” It’s a short daily devo written in first person from God’s perspective. It is so packed with truth; an amazing way to start your day! Recently I read this post and knew I had to share it with all of you.
Chris and I have been in youth ministry for 13 yrs and if there’s one universal question that every teen is plagued by it’s this, “what I am supposed to do with my future?” Even as adults we struggle thinking about a future that, in our minds, contains more question marks than explanation points. How many times have we said, “I could trust God if I just knew ______. If He would just re-assure me of this one thing, THEN I would have peace.”
I wish that’s the way it worked too.
Thankfully, we have a God who in His infinite wisdom reveals only what we need when He knows we need it. Lest we A. run into the future prematurely and unprepared or B. try and make a “God-thing” happen in our own strength.
His viewpoint of this life is far more expansive than ours will ever be. He sees you right now on the timeline of your life and is gazing at you with eyes of love. He’s calling you to lift your eyes and choose trust and be confident that as you walk with Him daily, He will lead you and guide you into all He has for you.
And that my friends, is easier written than done
Take it from me, perpetual planner and lover of knowing what the future will hold haha. Striving to tackle a vast future in human strength will frustrate you every time. It’ll cause you to sacrifice the peace and joy that could be yours on the altar of stress simply because our perspective is skewed.
Allow me to illustrate:
I know, what the crazy is that right? Looking at this picture up close, you would have no idea what this thing actually is. Algae, an ultra-sound of your stomach lining, aging cauliflower?
Valiant effort, all good guesses, but all wrong.
However, if you lift your eyes, choose to see this scary “thing” from a higher perspective, and pop the right filter on this bad boy:
It’s a super cozy blanket perfect for gracing your lap and balancing your favorite Anthropologie monogram mug on chilly March mornings.
Today, when you’re tempted to stress over your unknown future, take to heart the lesson we learned from my blanket God’s vantage point far surpasses what ours could ever be and we’ll enjoy our journey so much more when we can learn to relax and trust all the unknowns to an all-knowing God.
It helps me sooo much when I ask God for His perspective over my situation or trial I find myself in. If I focus on this worldly perspective, I won’t find much hope. But if I focus on God’s the best that I can, I find that it’s actually a GOOD thing that I am going through what I’m going through. It’s all for His glory, a big fuzzy blanket of perfection & protection
love your words here, Megan! Thanks for sharing your heart!
Thank you so much Katie! Its all about that eternal perspective, and I know from experience that I need reminders over and over again
I came across your blog from the Faith and Fellowship Blog Hop. I loved this post and it was encouraging to me today. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Renee @ The Refined Relic
So glad you stopped by and that this encouraged your heart Renee
I love your simple illustration of this profound truth! God truly does have everything under control. We need to stop being such control freaks. (And yes, I’m mostly talking to myself) Thanks for linking this up with the Faith and Fellowship blog hop!
Thanks so much Susannah! And the ONLY reason I could write that is I tend to be a control freak myself lol!
thanks so much for hosting the link up!
Thank you for reminding me to see things or at least try to see things from God’s perspective.
So glad it touched your heart