Hi all! Exciting News! I was nominated for a Liebster Award. And…unless you are a blogger, you have NO CLUE what that is lol Don’t worry, I didn’t either!
A Liebster award is a way to highlight lesser known bloggers and help them develop their readership. The only way to “receive” such an honor is to be nominated by a fellow blogger. So, a HUGE shout out to Kristin from “The Peculiar Treasure” for the Liebster Love. Go check out her blog and her ah-dorable pup Bella.
Part of the fun of the Liebster is that the recipient has to answer 11 random questions about themselves. So here you go kids, here’s a few things you knew and quite a few things you didn’t
Be kind.
1. How did you decide on the title of your blog, and what is it about?
I am passionate about helping people live the life that they were designed to
There are so many of us that are just existing and not living life to the full.
And I understand that completely.
Once upon a time, My hubby and I went through a pretty difficult season of life, (you can learn more about that here. ) Our world got pretty dark and the circumstances in our lives drained us of purpose and caused us to feel, “small.”
Life didn’t go exactly as we had planned for it to go and we found ourselves with 2 options.
1. Feel sorry for ourselves
2. Trust that God knows what He’s doing, become the best version of ourselves and celebrate the life we had been gifted.
Thankfully, we chose option 2 and it served as a spring board for us. Now our passion is to infuse hope into others and see transformation take place in every area of peoples lives. We truly believe that there is “No Small Life” and want to empower others to push against the status-quo and live a life of hope, and purpose. A life worth Celebrating.
2. Where does your blogging inspiration come from?
From my heart This blog is designed to give you
Tons o’ free content and inspiration that will help you inject joy, hope purpose and celebration back into the key areas of your life.
3. Can you give 11 random facts about yourself?
1. My middle name is Colleen.
2. I love all kinds of tea. Except Earl Grey. It tastes like feet.
3. I was a Musical Theatre Major in college. I’ve been singing/acting since I was 3.
4. My hubby and I are in full-time ministry and did youth ministry for the 1st 13 yrs of our marriage. Love teens
5. Speaking of my guy, we’re high school sweethearts. Also, he is my favorite person.
6. I was obsessed with the 50’s & 60’s when I was younger. I grew up on Nick at Nite and on any given day wanted to either be Mary Tyler Moore, Carol Burnett, Lucielle Ball or Audrey Hepburn.
7. I have taught both improv comedy and pre-school. Not at the same time, BUT ironically, the 2 go much more hand in hand than one would think.
8. For Homecoming my Senior year I decided to give myself a full set of nails… for the first time. I subsequently glued my entire hand to the bathroom counter and had to be “pried” off as Chris waited patiently in my living room
9. I’ve never dove in a pool or done a cartwheel. It’s the whole “head first” thing.
10. I’m a big believer in celebrating birthdays, but an even BIGGER believer in celebrating “Birth-Weeks!”
11. I lived in downtown Minneapolis while in college. Did you ever see “New in Town?” Yep, its that cold. Awesome City! But, That. Cold.
4. What was your biggest accomplishment of 2014?
Chris and I put on our 1st Pursuit of Love Dating Conference! It’s a relationship Conference for Christian Singles that equips them to have a healthy love that lasts! Interested? Check it out here! And all the behind the scenes goodness here.
5. What is it you love most about blogging?
The blogging community is pretty amazing. I love that I have the opportunity to not only encourage and speak life into the people that I know and love but also those I’ll never physically be able to meet. Technology really is incredible. And a pain in the butt, BUT mostly amazing.
6. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Only 3?! Ok, well aside from seeing the whole world come to know Jesus (obvious answer) :
-to have the metabolism of a 12 year old boy
-umm…world peace (Miss Congeniality anyone?)
-and of course, unlimited wishes. Hello.
7. What is one country in the world you would like to visit? Why?
Italy!!! My husband is Italian and we’ve always wanted to go
8. What are you currently watching or reading?
Ooo, Have you seen, “My city’s just not that into me?” It’s a reality show where people are given a lifestyle quiz and then assigned 2 cities and a given their ideal home in their ideal price range. It’ll make you want to move ASAP.
Reading: “Let’s all be brave” by Annie Downs. Love her. If I lived in Nashville, I’m pretty sure we’d be BFF’s.
9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Nashville, duh so I can be best friends with Annie Downs. ;). But really, anyplace that has a vibe-y downtown area, great coffee shops and is not negative degrees in February, I’m in! AND if I could live in a Huge Loft in that downtown area across from a park… even better. I’ve always dreamed of a brownstone walkup in NYC, but then there’s that whole “negative degrees” thing.
10. What is something you do when you need to take time for yourself?
Stop at a store on the way home from work. I’m terrible at pulling the trigger on actual purchases, which hey, sometimes is a good thing. BUT, there’s nothing like a good 20 minutes in Home Goods or Francesca’s to distress and get those creative juices flowing.
11. Where do you see yourself in 20 years time?
Using whatever mode of communication is being utilized (I mean who ever heard of a “blog” or a “podcast” 20 yrs ago?) to empower people to push against the status quo and live a life of hope, purpose, passion, and celebration they were designed to live.
Now that I have answered all of the questions, I’d like to pay it forward and nominate a few other blogs!
Erica from Legatae Sempiternus
Catherine from A Short Blonde
BreAnna from Crafty Coin
K from Peeled Wellness
Kelly from Kelly Cox at Home
Tiffany from The House down the Lane
Nominees, should you choose to accept this challenge, here’s what you do:
Answer the eleven questions below. Please comment on this post with your link when you are done so I can see your answers!
In your post, link back to me and give a little thank you shout out.
After completing the questions, nominate bloggers with under 200 followers on the social media platform of your choice, and give them eleven questions of your choice.
Notify your nominees of their nomination, and provide a link to your post so that they know what to do.
Well that’s some super awesome exciting news! Way to go! You are so awesome!
Aww sister! YOU’RE super awesome. Xoxo
Great stuff! I’m also a fan of vibey downtowns, birthweeks and Francesca’s
You too huh? ?thanks so much Lo!
Home Goods is my place for ‘me time’ too! I could easily spend a ‘me afternoon’ there. Thanks for the nomination- I’m so flatted that you thought of me
xoxo K
It’s the best
my pleasure K! 
You are correct in saying that there is no difference between improv and preschool. I was a Kindergarten teacher’s assistant for ten years…and the minute the bell rang it was show time!
I loved every minute of it!
Haha! You do know exactly what I’m talking about
Very nice, Megan! I always read and enjoy your posts. And I just think you’re cool.
HI Gretchen! Girl, you’re the cool one
I’m so glad you stopped by. It’s great to hear from you!
Glad I can check out your blog now too!
Hi, Megan ~ I so enjoyed getting to know more about you! And, hey, I’m heading to your old college stomping grounds TOMORROW for a volleyball tourney. Weird, huh? Hopefully, it won’t be too cold at this point in April, right? I’m sending a huge thank you your way for nominating The House Down the Lane for a Liebster Award (I’m doing my happy dance, and it’s so dorky)! I’m so honored and super excited about tackling your list of questions. They’re going to take some thought, though, so look for a shout out and answers on Monday. :0) Have a warm, happy day!
Tell Minneapolis I say Hi! but NO guarantees on the weather lol and YAY! I’m so glad you’re excited Tiffany! I personally think “dorky” happy dances are the only way to go, so you’re in good company!
Thanks for the nomination, Girly:)!! I’ll be working on this later tonight. And I can’t help but love that I made it in your top 11… Cuz I’m pretty sure I was involved in the nail prying, and I may have taken that pic of you with your high school sweetheart at graduation:)
um, you FOR SURE were involved in the nail debacle lol My pleasure Erica!
Hi Meg- you’ve come a long way since dating my son and graduation — I love you! Am so very proud!! Mom xo
Megan, thanks SO much for checking out my blog and this nomination. It blessed me so much to get your message today.
I’ve enjoyed your answers and getting to “know” you a bit. I will work on my post over the next couple of days and will post a link in the comments like you said. Blessings to you! 
SO glad Kelly!
Can’t wait to read your post, blessing to you sweetie!
Thank you so much for the nomination! and Nashville is great. February was still a bit cold, but nothing like the midwest!
My pleasure Catherine!
I bet, it’s f-i-n-a-l-ly starting to warm up here! 
Very cute. Glad I came across your blog on the Week’s End link up. Also your comment about Earl Grey Tea made me laugh. I love that stuff and have a cupboard full of it. But next time I make a cup I’ll sniff it for feet smell
Hi Ursula! So glad you stopped by:) haha, well, I think it’s awesome that you like Earl Grey! Your palette is obvious more sophisticated than mine ?? haha
I found your blog from Kelly Cox at Home, and I love it! I am so glad I found you! I can’t wait to follow along with your blogging journey!
Oh my gosh Maegan, thank you! I’m so glad you stopped by, following you back on all your adventures!
Yay! Thank you so much! Us almost-name-twins have to stick together!
Haha! So so true
Megan, thanks again for nominating my blog! Here is the link to my post.
This blessed me so much! Love getting to know fun facts about people and hold the phone, you sang at the White House???!!! Pretty impressive stuff
tweeting. Hoping you can have some new readers come of this 
Thanks, Megan! I know the White House! It was a one hit wonder to say the least…
Thanks for the tweet and helping get my blog out there with the Liebster! 
So glad to do it Kelly! ?
Hey, Megan ~ Thanks again for the nomination! I had such a fun time answering the questions. :0) Here’s a link to my post: http://thehousedownthelane.com/2015/04/the-liebster-award-and-a-few-things-you-might-not-know/
Yay! My pleasure Tiffany! Can’t wait to check out all your fun facts
I never thanked you for the nomination, so THANK YOU!! I loved reading all these. I can relate to so much! My husband and I are high school sweethearts too, HE was a musical theatre major, and I love Lucille Ball!
BreAnna | Crafty Coin
Real Food on a Real Budget
Wow, lots in common!
You are so welcome, its been so great being able to dig into your blog more!
So fun! I love hearing all your answers. I had to chuckle as I was reading your post because I just posted my Liebster award post yesterday & my hubby is also in full-time ministry.
Thanks so much Aimee! I remember seeing that you guys are in ministry too on your blog
So glad you stopped by and to be following along on all your adventures!
Fun read! You two sound like a cute couple. As an administrative assistant, I sometimes had to maintain a teacher’s class when she was called out for a meeting. Improv indeed!
Haha! You definitley get it Leanne
So glad you stopped by!