I’m a pretty proactive person. A fixer. A recovering perfectionist by nature who has to regularly ignore my inner critic in order to live the kind of free life I desire through Jesus.
In short, I hate when things feel unsettled. I want to get to the bottom of it, find a solution, and keep plowing forward. However, sometimes your brain and body just do not get on board with that business. They want rest and fun and they will get as defiant as a toddler until they get some.
When those little things feel overwhelming and life is more “Ugh” than “Ah” or “Ooo,” you, friend, may have found yourself in a funk.
BUT GOOD NEWS: you’ve got me and I don’t mean to brag, BUT I’m basically an expert at getting out of a funk.
Be. Jealous. Feeling stuck in rut can make you feel so small, but you’re not alone and you’re NOT going to feel like this forever. Your solution is just a little bit of Soul Care away.
Here are a few things that help me out:
1. Time with the Lord:
Shifting my focus to the Lord, His love, His grandeur, His sovereignty, His Word and His nearness puts everything in perspective quickly. He is the ultimate creative; the end all be all creator of all things. He is tender with our weakness and at the same time, the spiritual fuel needed to propel us forward. Need some help or direction strengthening that relationship with Him? Check out this post.
And are you on Spotify? Follow our Worship Playlist here. Worship is a powerful tool when it comes to breaking out of a funk. There’s something soul-soothing about singing truth over yourself and over your situation. Especially if you’re thought life goes dark & negative when you’re in a funk (here is one of my favorite books to help with that), you need a dose of truth to bring your thoughts back into right alignment.
2. Do something thoughtful for someone else:
Nothing will put you in a funk faster than when your world becomes all about you. When you determine to put a smile on the face of someone else today, one just might creep on your own as well. So, we made you a cool little printable with 6 easy ideas.
3. Upbeat Music:
Music that makes you smile and move connects you to that younger, free-er version of yourself. I mean, if Elisabeth Hasselbeck can put a disco ball in her house, you friend have full-on permission to dance it up. So go ahead, crank up your Spotify and enjoy your God-given endorphins. Check out our workout playlist to get you going.
4. Phone a friend:
I have a shortlist of my people on speed dial when I need a boost. Whether it’s shifting perspective, making my world larger, or just connecting to other people who know when I need encouragement, a shot of truth or a little break in the routine, reaching out makes a difference.
5. Sleep:
Author Dr. Travis Bradberry says you need 7-9 hours to be at your creative best. Huge struggle for me. 7-9 doesn’t come naturally to most creatives, coffee does-especially in really fun mugs like this, but sleep does not. Learn to actually listen to your body and turn in a little earlier.
6. Take a day off that isn’t productive:
Yes, I know this is hard. I’m not good at it either. But we have to give ourselves permission to put the breaks on once in a while.
Do you remember a time before you were 100% concerned with being productive and caring for the needs of other people that you actually just did something because it made you feel more alive?
What fuels you? Go do that thing. It might seem silly and non-essential in your big important life, but I promise, if you carve out a little time for you, the people in your life will benefit from it as well.
7. Get Outside:
Nature! I always feel like I’m returning to a better version of myself after a walk in the park, a run on a trail or being anywhere remotely near water.
8. Read non-self-help:
Because most likely, you don’t need to be “better,” you need a break.
9. Listen to an interview:
We need each other’s stories because they serve as fuel for our own. P.S have you heard our story? You can listen to it now on our Resource page. It’s called “Learning to Dance on the Water.”
10. Do something artistic that ISN’T what you’re stuck on:
For example, if you’re a writer, try painting something. And yes, spray paint counts It doesn’t need to be “good” it just needs to be for you. Try stretching a totally different completely unrelated muscle in your brain and just see if that doesn’t give you a fresh approach.
11. Get dressed in something that makes you feel confident:
I get it. All things baggy and grey sound like your best friend right now, but they are not. Run from them. Tuck them away for the next time you get the flu and put on something that puts an extra spring in your step.
And if your a girl, throw on a little lipstick while you’re at it. A drugstore tube may just brighten your mood #poet
12. Get Off Social Media:
I’m a social media fan because I love connecting with people. But when you’re in a funk, you’re less likely to connect and more likely to get caught in the Comparison Trap of mindless scrolling. Take a few to unplug.
13. Exercise:
The endorphins will boost your brainpower and when you accomplish something physically, you feel like you can accomplish something mentally.
14. Clean & Organize Something:
Start small, gain control over one area and move on. Never underestimate the power of mastering your junk drawer.
15. Laugh:
Laughter can completely change our perspective and remind us not to take ourselves quite so seriously. Preacher-Choir.
Spare a minute to watch a fainting goat video or randomly bust out the Heads up app at the dinner table. And if neither one of those does it for you, no worries, we wrote an entire post with ideas to help you incorporate more laughter into your life.
And if you’re really feeling Stuck today, check out our free e-book. We know it will help.
Being in a funk is never fun, but that funk is not the boss of you, don’t let it make you feel small.
The highs and lows of life are inevitable, but you can control how long you let yourself linger in the lows.
I hope one of these 15 will be just the thing to help bust you out of your next rut. What helps you break out of a funk?
Until next time,
Pin me for the next time a funk comes knocking at your door:
Love your recommendations…it pays to have a full tool belt against the funk! Thank you so much for sharing!
Excellent suggestions, Megan. You’re always inspiring and sharing new ways to rejuvenate, and return our thoughts to peace in Jesus.
Thank you!
Paula, I appreciate you saying that so much!
Thank you Lynda! It really does help to have a few go-to’s in the toolbelt!
Thanks for the great anti-funk tips!
So glad to help!
I love that you mention taking a day off that “isn’t productive”. That can feel so counterintuitive sometimes but it’s exactly what the soul needs. Mix that with a fun book or movie and I’m golden!
Right? Such a hard one especially for us Enneagram 3’s & 1’s
Totally agree though Tyler-a book or a movie in addition is the icing on the cake!