How to have a better relationship with God.
5 min read by Chris Rea
When you grow up as a church kid, there are lots of terms thrown around that people assume you fully comprehend. Also, when you’ve grown up as a church kid if you DON’T have a clue as to what those terms mean…you don’t dare ask lest someone question your salvation.
In case anyone else grew up that conflicted, the term I’m demystifying today is, “your walk with God.”
As a church kid, I often wondered WHAT people were talking about.
How often exactly did God need to be walked? More of a stroll? A strut? And how far did I have to walk to hear from Him?
The mind of a 10-yr-old boy is nothing short of awesome.
Eventually, I discovered our “walk with God,” simply means our continual pursuit of relationships with Him. It’s our daily getting to know Him and connecting to His heart. And when we do it regularly it becomes as effortless and instinctual as walking.
Often, we want a better “walk” or relationship with God. The kind of relationship that’s rich and life-giving, built on a reservoir of God’s promises and words to us. We crave depth with God because that’s how we’ve been wired. We often just quiet that craving with other temporary things. No guilt here, we all do it. But when we wake up to what we’re actually craving, we can return to cultivating that deep reservoir from our God.
we’ve kept you always in our prayers that you would receive the perfect knowledge of God’s pleasure over your lives, making you reservoirs of every kind of wisdom and spiritual understanding.
Colossians 1:9 TPT
We need that depth because it produces a few vital things: Stability for when the storms of life come. And trust me, they will come. And tangible reminders you can look back to and recall the things God taught you as well as His faithfulness to you over the years.
How do you build that reservoir which creates depth in your spirituality?
How do you build a better relationship with God?
I am glad you asked. I’m the first to admit, I don’t know everything, but what I do know, you have full access to.
And while having a relationship with God isn’t a systematic following of steps, it IS helpful to have some instruction and launch points, so here you go.
And if you’re still feeling just stuck, in this or other areas, check out our free ebook:
1. Read a Chapter of The Bible
Read a chapter. Yep, 1 little chapter. And just before you read that chapter, pray something like this: “God, I ask you to speak to me as I read your word today. I pray you would lead me and guide me by your Holy Spirit.”
As you are reading the chapter there are going to be key verses that really stand out to you, here’s what to do.
2. Underline the key verses
Let’s say you open your bible to the book of Psalms and go to chapter 1. Verse 3 really stands out to me, so I underlined it.
“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.”Psalms 1:3
This chapter is talking about how a person who spends time meditating on God’s word and on God’s ways will be like a tree planted by the streams of water. What’s significant about a tree planted by streams of water? It has a constant, steady source of nutrients and life flowing through it. No matter what happens, that tree will bear fruit and it will prosper because of its proximity to the water. This single verse holds the key to prospering in life! If God is our source, if we trust Him, if we mediate on His Word and His ways and let our roots go down deep into Him, whatever we do will prosper.
3. Transfer the Key Verses From that Chapter to a Journal
After identifying the key verses, get out a journal or Google drive or iPhone notes app or whatever you use to capture your thoughts and write the exact key verses (that you underlined) in your journal. I know this seems redundant, but do not skip this step. Read the chapter, underline key verses, and then transfer those verses word for word from your Bible.
By writing these verses down in your journal they will get into your head and your heart so much more than simply just reading them. Here’s proof.
4. Meditate on Those Key Verses
Spend time praying and thinking about those verses. What is the Lord speaking to you through them? How can you apply them to your life? How can you stand on that truth when times get tough? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you walk in the truth of the verse you just read.
Ok. So, we’ve read a chapter, we have underlined key verses, we’ve transferred those key verses to a journal and we’ve meditated on those key verses. What that process does is help create a reservoir of key verses, biblical principles, and promises from God’s word.
Think for a moment about reading the entire book of Psalms. Then think about having just the key verses that speak to you written down in a journal.
Verses that have spoken to your soul!
Verses that have ministered to you when you were desperate!
Verses that helped you believe in God’s promises when the world looked so bleak.
Verses that helped you stay on the straight and narrow when temptation surrounds you.
After just one month, you will have a reservoir full of key verses that God used to speak to your heart and to your mind in a specific season of life. You will always be able to go back and reflect on those verses. Those verses will produce spiritual depth in your soul and spirit.
If you want to have a growing and thriving relationship with God, you can start building your reservoir right now.
Action Step:
Practice each of these 4 steps today!
What’s been a huge asset to you growing in your relationship with God?
Until next time,
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Love the simple, easy steps to walking with God. I have to admit going through hard circumstances is what deepened my walk. When I had nowhere else to turn but God my relationship grew like wildfire. Now to keep it going.
It’s so true, isn’t it? He’s so faithful to meet us in those dark places. I’m sorry for what you’ve walked through Maree Dee, but I love to see how God has brought beauty from ashes and is using your story and your life to touch so many. Thank you for stopping by
I love this method for studying Scripture, and Psalms is my favorite book! I have a journal I’m writing in now daily, and I love reading back to see how God spoke to me through His Word.
It’s priceless to go back and read journal entries, isn’t it?