Guys, I did something crazy. Something out of character for me. It was against my better judgment and needed some serious persuasion from my Mr…are you ready for it? I DIDN’T use spray paint on something.
WHAT. Is your mind blown? You all know I’m the self-proclaimed queen of spray paint.
(PS lately I’ve been on a Gold Spray paint kick so stay tuned for that! I’ve spray painted shoes, frames, pumpkins, hardware, tables, my bed and much much more. However, even I’ll admit that there are some jobs that call for the “real stuff.” Such is the case with our project today. Behold, our hand me down TV Stand.
But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Here’s the backstory. In every couple you have one that is more impulsive that the other. That is not me. That’s this guy:
He’s decisive and I will over analyze. He will jump and I will still be measuring out the rope. We’re a good balance.
Well one night I settled next to him on the couch as he furiously typed away on his computer and he looked at me…with that sheepish “I’m up to something” grin.
Me: “Whatcha doing?”
Him: “Listing the Pool table on Craigslist.”
Me: *Laughing*. “No seriously, what are you doing?”
Him: *Smile*
And so our story begins.
We had a really amazing pool table…that we never played pool on. Do you have one of those? It was black, gray and silver, and matched our “Retro Lounge” basement perfectly. BUT, we SERIOUSLY rarely used it.
Our TV kicked the bucket months earlier so we pulled a small older one of of storage until we saved up enough for the purchase of a new TV. Selling the Pool Table helped expedite that process. With the Pool Table gone we now had SO much room…a little too much room actually and a serious lack of furniture.
Enter my in-laws gifted TV stand. With this little entertainment Center we could mount the TV (because it wasn’t quite wide enough to use as a stand) and still house all the necessary ugliness that are cable boxes and such.
One problem: the oak and bronze stood in stark contrast to the vibe of the rest of our basement. BUT because we used all of our budget for the new TV (Thank You Costco) a new entertainment center, was not happening. SO we got to work.
My hubby sanded down the Entertainment Center and removed the old hardware. Then we primed and painted it with a semi-gloss black. For this size of a project, we only needed 1 quart. Woo to the Hoo for being in and out of Home Depot for under $20.
I fell in love with this vintage hardware on the clearance aisle at Home Depot. It had me at $5. I was smitten.
The Entertainment Center really transformed and we LOVED the way it turned out but, there was still one “little” problem.
It was too small of a piece for this wall. We needed more width to balance the space and make it appear that we had a very intentional plan from the beginning…. instead of just making it up as we went along.
We knew we wanted a “Home Theater” vibe so we came up with this solution:
After much hunting and many many camera phone pics (you know how I roll) I decided on these Grey Sunburst Panels from Target. They kept with that swanky, retro, lounge-y (and all other appropriate adjective) vibe I was going for. They’re mounted on the smallest curtain rods I could find that also happen to be 2 for $3 at Home Depot. Win.
To finish off the space, I rifled through our home and pulled this framed pic of Chris and I (circa 2007 i wanna say?) from Nicole Rollin Photography.
She’s a genius and one of my bestest friends.
Also, this is our Yeti Mic. He’s helped us tremendously with a couple of recording projects for Pursuit of Love. Check those out here! However, this is a temporary address for him until I can find something better for this space. I’m told that he and dust are not friends an he must stay in a completely enclosed environment. #Diva
Do you have a space or a piece of furniture that you’re itching to give a face lift too? Go for it. Life’s too short to live in a space that doesn’t celebrate who you are and what you love. Besides, what’s the worst that can happen? As The Nester puts it, “Risk ruining something you already hate and see what happens.”
How freeing is that?!?
Great re-do! You should meet my FIL who is nuts about spray paint. When he learned I had started a blog, he wanted me to write about the awesomeness of spray paint!!
Sounds like we would get along great!
Now that is some fun and creative writing! You are so talented!! I love the project too!!
Why thank you sir! …and thank u for all your manual labor ??
Great makeover…the new version looks so much better than the original! And I love those vintage knobs!
Thanks Wanda!!! Those knobs are my favorite too
Wow what a difference! I really like the knobs which add a bit of style and bring it bang up to date.
Thanks Sam! The knobs are my favorite part too
What a fab makeover! The drapes really tie the whole area together! x #fridayfrivolity
Thanks so much Jess!
The hardware makes the piece. Nice job!
Thank you so much! That’s my favorite part too
I just love those handles! I have an old TV stand we cover with a cloth and use as a side table. I need to do something like this. Thanks for partying with us on the #FridayFrivolity party. I hope you will join us again next week.
Thanks Audrey! Aren’t those handles fun?
You are in good company friend, I’ve tossed my share of fur throws over some ugly furniture myself?
Absolutely love the hardware! The entire project turned out awesome! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing with Celebrate It!
Thank you Teri! So glad you liked it!