Everyone else has the golden ticket to unlocking your best life now!…or so the Facebook ads would have you believe.
Guys, I’ve got to say something that’s burning in my heart. It’ll be quick and I have a sneaking suspicion you’ll feel better after I’m done too…
In an effort to build their own platform, I feel that a lot of people have misplaced their priorities, which, of course, we’ve ALL done by the way. I am actually an expert in misplacing my priorities! Be jealous of my skills.
It doesn’t take long to get bombarded with the onslaught of ads, emails and videos on social media telling us that if we would just follow a certain system, subscribe to the right blog, or buy into what “this person” is saying THEN our lives will be so much better than they are right now. All we need is this product, this system, this planner, this _______and THEN we can live out our dreams by working from home, having more time, making more money, having nicer things and be known by the masses. We will feel important and thus make our lives and the lives of the people around us BETTER!
This low-hanging fruit has people spending thousands of dollars and investing time and energy into a system that they believe can help them fulfill their dreams and live a life of “purpose”.
If they could JUST lock into the right system THEN, and almost only then, their lives wouldn’t feel so small.
Here’s the deal you guys: we’re ALL ABOUT helping people live out their God-ordained destiny, and living their No Small Life to the Full! And we believe that some of the products and systems out there can be GREAT tools, but they aren’t the end all be all.
And if we’re not careful, we can be propelled by Fear Of Missing Out and then left overwhelmed & discouraged by information overload.
And at the end of the day, Jesus didn’t come to make us better, He came to make us new.
Remember when it was simply all about bringing God glory by living out an authentic, original life specific to your own situation?
Driving home the other day I kept looking around and seeing that we live in a world of cookie cutter houses, cookie cutter business,’ cookie cutter churches even cookie cutter Christianity and sadly, cookie cutter lives.
I hate to admit it, but I’ve fallen into that trap at times in my life. I’ve bought into the idea that the perfect business plan/blog exists, the perfect church model exists, and that the perfect life is just waiting to be discovered.
But what if that’s not true? What if God has something authentic and individual for each one of us? Is that crazy to think?
More and more I’m realizing that OUR lives aren’t supposed to be about fulfilling OUR dreams, having the life WE have always dreamed of or building OUR platform.
It is and always has been about fulfilling GOD’S dreams; living out the life He designed us to live, and building a platform that brings Him glory-makes HIS name great.
I don’t think God sent his Son so we can be better people and strive to do better things while here on the earth. He sent his Son to make us new!
New people, with new hearts, and new, transformed, Spirit-lead lives that aren’t merely focused on ourselves, but focused more on advancing His Kingdom.
Our Lives are NOT small, unoriginal or cookie cutter.
What if we were able to rise above our disappointing life circumstances? What if we could really learn to trust God with every aspect of our lives? What if we found hope and significance by pointing people towards NEW Life in Christ?
Remember when we all believed that NEW life in Christ was the only thing that could bring peace and fulfillment to our lives and the lives of people around us?
Could it be possible that God has intentionally given each of us unique gifts and talents? That He can’t wait for us to discover those gifts? That He LOVES watching us use those gifts to bring HIM glory, to bring people closer to CHRIST, and introduce them to a Savior who can make them New!
And you wanna know what the really amazing thing is? In the process of living authentically and leading others to Him, we’ll experience real authentic fulfillment.
So there’s my rant. I just don’t want to forget why we are on this earth, and how to actually accomplish the will of God for our lives.
If our focus becomes pointing people to a NEW life in Christ, THEN we will fulfill the dreams and plans that God has for us!
That’s where true fulfillment lies
What are you at today? Have you experienced the onslaught of marketing hooks? How do you glean the good, and set aside the toxic, and stay focused on what life is really all about?
Until next time,
Love this! Thank you:)
Thank you so much Carol! We love you, you’re just the best!
Really thought provoking – I’m definitely guilty sometimes of thinking if I can just make my life / career / projects look more like someone else’s it will be better somehow.
Thanks so much for sharing over at #FridayFrivolity.
I totally get it, comparison is SUCH an easy trap to fall into. Appreciate your thoughts Jess!
This is such a great post! It really reminded me and inspired me. I have really been thinking about why we, as humans, are created. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Thanks for linking up at Grace + Lace
That means so much to us Sarah, thank you!
Such an insightful post! I love how you spread the gospel through your blog <3
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com
Edye, thank you! That means so much to us, so glad you stopped by
Hi Chris and Megan, I’m Anne and I’m here from Turn It Up Tuesday. I must be living under a rock, bc I just heard about FOMO for the first time yesterday, but now I see it here on your blog, too! It’s something I always caution my kids against. Try to keep them (and myself) humble. Not always easy to do in this world, but it’s worth the fight!
FOMO 2 days in a row! How funny
What a great lesson to pass on to your kids Anne
“What if God has something authentic and individual for each one of us?”
I love that thought. What if life is supposed to be messy and authentic…like it already is?
I am very much a “fix it” kind of gal and I find myself getting too caught up in making things work well. God has been teaching me to breathe and just live life. It sure is more relaxing HIS way!
Randi, I understand completely! Not an easy lesson to learn, I am right there with you friend
What a great post! Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday!
Thanks so much Sarah! So glad you stopped by!
“real authentic fulfillment” — so huge! Thank you for sharing at the August Life of Intention link-up!
Thanks so much Sarah Eliza!!