Embrace your Weird: How to Actually be You

Embrace your weird How to actually be you

“Embrace your Weird,” 5 min read by Megan Rea.

Since the beginning of the year, a concept keeps resurfacing over & over again. This theme is popping up in conversation, in books I read, in podcasts I listen to, in my Instagram feed; popping up much to frequently to dismiss as coincidence.


And it’s this: we’re all little weird and that is a good, even a God, thing.


In a world of 7 billion people, you have been wired individually and on purpose by a God who likes the way He wired you. Your brand of different matters. Now as believers, we know our goal is to become more and more like Jesus throughout the course of our lives. It’s a process called sanctification. And I am 100% yes and amen in agreement with it.


Yet, somehow in the religion of it all, many of us who adhere to the philosophy of “dying to self” have translated that to mean having a preference is selfish or undeserved.  And disregarding our likes for certain things is a form of submission and sacrifice.

We dismiss our desires as unimportant in our quest to be like Jesus.

But what if…

What if, God likes the way He’s wired you?

And what if sanctification isn’t about changing who you are but instead, becoming exactly who you are in Christ?


 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you…

Romans 12:1-2


Now, 100%, I believe in living according to the Spirit so we don’t gratify the flesh, (Gal 5) laying our lives down for the gospel message, and making our life an opened handed offering on which God’s glory, not our own, can be displayed. I’ve given my life to that message.


But it is so easy to take that message in a direction it was never meant to go.

(Of which, for the record, I have been the biggest offender.) To view what should be worshipful sacrifice and twist it into denying what we like, dismissing our wiring, and viewing ourselves as less and the yearnings in our heart as selfish & unimportant because we’re a submitted servant of the Lord.

Well yes, if God is sitting on the throne of your life, you are His servant.

But you’re also His child.

His creation. His really good idea.

He didn’t have to make you, you.

Embrace your weird: how to be the you you were meant to be

The Lord didn’t have to give you that laugh, or your goofy baby toe, or your somewhat questionable taste in music.

But He did.

Why? Because He adores the color that your life brings to this world.

Your certain shade range reflects a piece of His heart.


And He thinks the world needs you, too.


Not the Junior High awkward version of you that only likes what their friends like in order not to be made fun of.

Fun fact: in the 8th grade I wore XL men’s polo shirts from the GAP… WITH Birkenstocks (I mean, my “birks” were from Payless, but you get the idea.)

Why? That’s what all the “cool” kids wore. I’ve always loved fashion, trends and the oh-so classic-let-me-dress-up-every-day-like-Audrey-Hepburn approach to clothes. And I hid that in an attempt to not be poked fun at.


So no matter if you’re brushing who you are under the rug for “fitting in” or for “spiritual purposes,” here is your ticket to freedom: you can stop now.


What if Jesus shining through all that is you, is exactly what people need right now? Exactly what you need.


Relish in that for a moment, let that sink in. Again, not in a way that feeds the insecurity monster of needing to prove yourself or having to stand out or making a name for yourself apart from Christ.

That’s insecure.


Instead, embrace the freedom in that statement. You can be confident; fully, authentically and completely, you, in Christ.


“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth…Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.”

Matthew 5:13-16


What does that look like in your everyday? Here are a few things to think about:


1. What do you love?

When we’re little no one needs to tell us what to like. It’s instinctual. What lights you up? What do you look forward to?


2. How are you unique?

Your life might look different from others. Embrace it. What kind of season are you in? What tools do you have at your disposal? What are you good at? What have you worked hard for?


3. Learn to recognize the voice of shame.

Honor and humility is one thing. Shame and intimidation are quite another. Learn to discern the source for your silence.


4. Refuse to live in fear.    

It’s ok to like what you like. Being brave looks different for each person-

Annie F. Downs

 Don’t be ashamed to voice an opinion in love.

Did you have an idea in a meeting that might be counter-cultural? Say it.

You’re loved and free.

So go ahead, customize your order at a restaurant and don’t be a menu victim.

Paint your dining room purple when “everyone” is doing neutrals.

Wear the brightest shade of yellow you can find because it makes you smile.

Declare your undying love for Nickelback. I mean, everyone WILL judge you, but you’ll be too free to care 😀


Embracing your weird isn’t about rebellion. It’s about authenticity.

Being free to innovate instead of imitate

And allowing yourself to be 100% you in 100% Jesus.

Authentic, messy, lovely, weird you. With all your nuances and quirks.

Today friend, know this.

You’re loved and free.

And we need you.


Until next time,



Want more on this subject? Check out this book.

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Embrace your Weird: How to actually be you

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