Do you know the song “Crazy” by Ben Rector? If you don’t yet, well then welcome to one of your new favorites. Here’s the opening lyric:
“You ever get tired of turning on the radio
And asking yourself “Who lives that kind of life?”
Cause I don’t
I need an anthem, I need a song that I can sing
So raise your glass if your life is crazy…
Crazy normal”
Do yourself a favor and give it a listen. It’s hilariously accurate. Sometimes life is big and flashy and exciting and sometimes…it’s crazy normal. The key is to keep confidently pursuing whatever dream you’re going after while still cherishing and injecting joy into your everyday. To celebrate your life just as it is where it is, and not develop a “disdain for the mundane” in the process.
We’re ALL about living the full life God created us all to live. We created No Small Life for that purpose! BUT, if we’re not careful, if I’m not careful, I can confuse the endless possibility of awesome things I could be doing…and what it appears that other people are doing, with what I actually need to be doing right where I am in this season. And it leaves my soul feeling insecure and constantly behind on life. Remember the Comparison Trap?
I’ve discovered that the switches in my heart for “Passion, Dreaming, and Hard Work” live dangerously close to the ones labeled “Discontent Self-Sufficiency and Striving.” And it’s way too easy for me to flip the switch on the latter.
Sometimes life is crazy normal. Truly, most of life is accomplished not in the big splashy moments, but in the everyday and the routine, and that is beautiful and celebration worthy as well.
This Summer hasn’t been one of big exciting vacations or oodles of downtime, but rather one of savoring beautiful moments and trying to be fully present and grateful for the simple pleasures. July was an absolute whirlwind. We both spoke at our church (more on that to come!), spent time with some couples we’re coaching and we’re apart of hosting the INCREDIBLE ReMind Conference. We wouldn’t have traded the honor of being apart of those things for anything. But when August 1st hit, and I tried to write a semi-intelligible blog post, my brain and my to-do list were SO not on the same wave length. My creativity needed a jump start and my body-a day off. We’re going to get more into HOW we busted out of that creative rut in just a few blog posts, so hang tight!
But for now, we’re still dreaming, planning big and working hard, but really trying to approach life from a place of contentment and trust so we can truly savor “the crazy normal.”
Because truly, I believe there are fewer things more beautiful than someone completely content in the life they have now and living their everyday to the full.
So here’s a little glimpse into how we’re celebrating our “crazy normal” life this Summer.
First, I had a birthday and guess what? We did an Escape Room. And guess what else? IT was AWESOME. I’ve heard people have had very mixed experiences, but we had a blast! And no, sadly, we did NOT escape! Lol But we were literally seconds from escaping. So, next time Gadget…next time.
Also, checked something off the ole’ bucket list and did a Color Run with my friend! And selfie-ed myself to prove it. Here’s the kicker, I found out the day before that the “color powder” is made entirely of corn. And raise your hand if you have a corn allergy??? #BothMyHandsAreRaised
SO…I ran with a handkerchief around my neck like a crazy color-covered bandit and tried SUPER hard not to give “angry-eyes” to the innocent volunteers who I now believed to be my nemesis.
Good times!
I’ve also tried to be outside as much as humanly possible; working from my backyard whenever I can.
And …stealing away for a quick walk by the water between appointments on a random Friday. Because nothing gives your soul a breather like being by the water.
His idea.
He’s a keeper.
One last thing, and I’m going to totally “girl out” on you for a second, can we talk about my nail polish in this pic? I picked up a bottle of, wait for it…Wet n Wild for $2 on a total whim because the color was an exact dupe of a “certain Essie polish” released earlier this season. I honestly didn’t have high hopes, but $2! So I gave it a shot and guess what? The pic below…day 5.
Day 5 you guys! I’m usually chipping by hour 5. And bonus, it’s currently on sale for $1! So click here to check that goodness out
Side Note: if anyone ever figures out how to take a nail polish pic without feeling like “The Claw” from Liar Liar, hit me up!
There’s a little peak into our Summer, what’s yours look like this year? Is this the Summer of epic adventures or of embracing slower moments? Are you seeking for to savor everyday in the midst of your “crazy normal” or just trying to get through your days right now? Wherever you’re at friend, we’re praying for you right now that,
…the God of hope would fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing, bubbling over with hope!” Romans 15:13
Create moments to savor and celebrate this week, and whatever you do…go buy some $1 nail polish
Until next time,
Thank you for sharing your summer, Meg! It was nice to read about what you have been doing. By the way, you reminded me that I should put on some of my nail polish that I have in the fridge!!
I was away in Sweden to see my family in July (a lot of practical stuff to do too) and then in the Black Forest hiking a lot, playing Trivial Pursuit, reading and eating nice dinners. I was really thankful to be able to do these two trips. But, after that, I was just longing so much to come back home and do normal things like sitting in my garden, drinking café au lait, thinking, reading, painting; hiking, biking and chatting with my husband, inviting a friend for a coffee, tea or mocca, cleaning the house (wash windows), cutting the hedges, playing with my cat, going out for dinner…Some of those things are still plans, but I enjoy this time at home so much. And what I enjoy the most are the moments when I just am, sitting and realizing that life is so great!
Oh! I really told you my whole summer. Hope it was OK?!!
Anneli! It’s so great to hear from you, we’ve missed you, but it sounds like you’ve had an amazing summer! You are such a joy, hoping you get to enjoy some down time at home with your husband.
And PS, you keep your nail polish in the fridge? I am going to have to try that!
Hi Meg,
Visiting today from Coffee for your Heart.
I love this enthusiasm of this post, of reveling in the life you’re living now and especially about the nail polish! I too have chips by hour 5 so those purple nails you’re sporting look like you’ve discovered a gem!
Hi Valerie! We girls have to share a good nail polish find right?!
So glad you stopped by, I just love the Coffee for your Heart link up!
I am so glad to hear that your life is crazy normal cuz mine is crazy, crazy normal!! Thanks guys. I so appreciate your insights!!
Haha! We learned from the best Carol Ray
I love this post! Everything you said is so true! I love walks by the water and your nail polish is so cute! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Sarah! I’ve just loved connecting with you and your blog
Thanks for the reminder to embrace the moments God has given each of us…individually. Enjoyed the opening song…great perspective. I even jumped to the comparison page and appreciated what you reminded us. Spot on!
Wow, thank you Rhonda! We really appreciate that, thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, it means so much to us
It sounds like you’ve had a nice and normal summer with a little fun mixed in! I did a Color Run and it was spitting rain the entire time. Yuck! I can’t believe you have a corn allergy and still did it! Lol! Kudos to you!
Ooooo, a rainy color run sounds like the worst! ha, yea, I don’t know that I’d do one again, but hey, at least we can check that one off the bucket list right? Are you racing a lot this fall?
Meg – I completely agree – being by the water is so so good for the soul. We recently purchased a home on a lake and it has a way of keeping the stress low and releasing peace just by simply looking at it. I am so glad that I am your neighbor today at #CoffeeForYourHeart Oh, and being outside as much as you can – so speaking my language – I love my outdoor space and sitting outside to work is so inspiring to me. I’m glad you had some time to recharge after a busy crazy month – we all need that – Blessings and oh by the way – way to Rock the nail polish and thanks for the tip
Hi Debbie! Don’t you just love the Coffee for your Heart link up? I love finding other encouraging blogs.
I hope that you can soak up every minute by your beautiful new lake this summer, how exciting! My hubby and I would love to live by the water someday too
And PS, that nail polish really is a hidden gem
Thanks for stopping by Debbie!
I just have to say … you are a DOLL! I have so loved getting to stop by here the last few weeks! I smile big every single time!
“I’ve discovered that the switches in my heart for “Passion, Dreaming, and Hard Work” live dangerously close to the ones labeled “Discontent Self-Sufficiency and Striving.” – Me, too! Although, I do feel that as I have aged and worked at it hard, I am finding that peaceful balance. It still always sneaks up on me, though! I think partly because it looks different at each season of life. There’s single, married, babies and toddlers, young children, teens, and then empty nesting. Managing our dreams and passions while juggling all of life constantly changes. Today I feel like I’ve got a handle on my current season, but who knows about tomorrow! lol!
Thanks so much for joining me at #MomentsofHope! You are a blessing!
YOU’RE the blessing Lori! Loved getting to discover your blog and your heart. Thanks for all the encouragement and for always stopping by!