
Glasses, Top Knots, and what God taught me over my Americano

Glasses, Top Knots & what God taught me over my Americano

11:03. She sat there poised and ready; gift bag on the table, latte in her hand.  It was obvious by her anxious phone checking that this precious little brunette, whom we’ll affectionately call “Top Knot,” was anticipating someone’s arrival.  Now...

FunPostsPractical Life

Top 10 Posts of 2015

It's hard to believe that we're waving goodbye to 2015 and stepping into a brand new year isn't it?   It literally seems like yesterday that I wrote this post about 2014 and totally confessed to you my then love/not-always-love...

DIYFunPostsPractical Life

Christmas Home Tour 2015

Everyone! It’s December! That’s right, now all of you who have been closet listening to Christmas music since Labor Day can come out free of shame. And here, let me add a song to your playlist..Pentatonix “Hark the Harold Angels...

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