A Brand New Tool To Make Bible Study Alive Again
4 min read by Megan Rea
I have a confession to make: I am an absolute nerd when it comes to studying my Bible.
But I wasn’t always this way. I had what you might call “Bible Study PTSD.”
Call it years of well-meaning private school teachers and church kid practices, (find yourself in that boat? Read this & this), but the Bible became like a textbook to me. Something I put my time in with. I can distinctly remember one crisp fall day. I had just come home from school in the third grade. ‘Ducktails’ was on, and I’m quite certain a snack containing, but not limited to chocolate pudding and ‘Nilla wafers was involved.
At approximately 3:08 p.m. (i.e., the first commercial break in ‘Ducktails.’ Priorities.) I sprinted to my room and busted out my KJV Thomas Nelson Children’s Rainbow Bible from my top dresser drawer. I remember this Bible so distinctly because the little boy on the cover sitting on Jesus’ lap had green hair, yet no one talked about it.
It was the late 80’s and little details like that gave my dutiful religious heart so much hope; yes, indeed, Megan, people with unnaturally colored hair could love Jesus too, and He even loved them back. Praise God for that insight because this girl has not seen her natural hair-color since the seventh grade.
I digress.
My point is this: Growing up, I had the discipline to read the Word of God, but it wouldn’t be until years later that the Bible became an absolute lifeline for me. There were times throughout High-School, moving away to college, church ministry, and absolutely walking through infertility, that I had to come face-to-face with the fact that I either believed every word the Lord had spoken, or I didn’t. There was a time, just several years ago, in fact, when Chris and I faced a health challenge I didn’t know if we would come out of unscathed, that I clung to verses in the word of God like they were breath.
Because they were; they were absolutely what sustained me and anchored my mind when I wanted to curl into a ball on the floor.
So yes, I am a nerd about studying the Bible. Meaning, when a new tool emerges to make digging into the Word a whole lot less daunting for ANYBODY, I’m all ears.
I’d like to introduce you to someone.
Verse Mapping Bible, meet my friend.
Friend, meet my Verse Mapping Bible.
And if you’d like to get even more acquainted, I’m about to tell you how to get one in your hands for free.
But first: What the heck is a verse mapping Bible?
Basically, it’s a helpful tool for the average person to go deeper into the Word of God and learn how to apply it to their lives practically. See, even though I may have gone to Bible college, a Greek scholar, I am not. And I’m GUESSING neither are you? We could all use help getting the most out of our time in God’s Word, and this Verse Mapping Bible is a useful tool in your toolbelt for not simply reading the Word but studying it.
Here’s the backstory:
After writing a handful of Verse Mapping Bible Studies, Author Kristy Cambron expanded her curriculum and applied her study method to the entire Bible. This Bible will show you how to compare translations, pick out meaningful words, and delve into the true meaning of each verse, aiding you in connecting the dots throughout the Word of God.
Verse mapping involves five steps:
- Choose: Select a verse and write it out.
- Compare: Record said verse in two or three other Bible translations (we LOVE using the Youversion app for this!) and underline keywords that are the same or different between translations.
- Research: Look up the Hebrew or Greek meaning for the underlined words and record it (Biblestudytools.com or Biblegateway.com are great!).
- Consider: Ask questions of the verse. Imagine what it would be like to have experienced what’s happening. Read the verses surrounding this verse and use other study tools to dig even deeper, if you prefer.
- Apply: What is God saying to you? How does this verse relate to your life today?
And what’s so great is the Verse Mapping Bible has taken 350 of the most “popular” verses (It’s not a contest. Don’t worry Leviticus.) and started the process for you. Also, and this is important, it’s a REALLY pretty Bible. There are margins on every page for notes, and plenty of space to write, record, highlight and make your own.
And good news, we’ve teamed up with a few awesome people to give one away. Just click here!
I want to end with this: You, my friend, are fiercely loved by the God of Heaven. When He looks at you, He never sees you as small, He sees you as His. Beloved. Appointed. Chosen. Delighted in. And I don’t know about you, but that’s a God I want to know! And a book also known as His love letter to us? Well, that’s a great place to start.
So, take full advantage of this giveaway, and if you’re struggling with your walk with God or your time in His word right now, oh friend, we have been there! And we want to be a source of encouragement and practical ways to climb out of this season; because we believe God has good in store for you! Take a minute and pop your email in the yellow box on the top of our homepage so we can get started encouraging you today.
Until next time,
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I just recently bought a study Bible written by Dr. David Jerimiah. I Know its good,, I just haven’t figured out how to use it properly. SOOO! Any help I can get will be welcome!
Hi Steve! Sounds like a great investment. I’m not familiar with that particular Bible, but that sounds like a great question for google
I absolutely love this. I spend so much time crying out for God’s help. How can I hear His voice answering so many of those desperate prayers without diving into His love letter that He wrote to me? Thank you, Meg.
Oh gosh, I’ve been there friend. Appreciate you and I just love the ways the Lord speaks His word to you and through you.
I too have a smile on my face when I read your stories/happenings in life. I love the hair details in this one. I too do not even know what my real hair color is…I’ve had so many! Love you Megan…keep these coming!!! HUGS
Haha, me too Aunt Donna! But I’m confident you could pull off any color! Love you xo