I’ve yet to meet the person who enters into marriage thinking,
“Man, I can’t wait to train wreck this thing.”
We all enter into this lifelong commitment thinking:
“Baby, I’m gonna love you like I’m gonna lose you.” (Thank you Meghan Trainor and John Legend colab that makes me cry every time.)
“Our differences will only draw us together & make us stronger.”
“I adore how opposite we are. You complete me.”
Then you got married.
And what were once celebrated differences have now become hindrances to your intimacy. Perhaps while dating what you perceived as “leadership,” today in fact feels a whole lot more like dominance. Or maybe you LOVED the fact that your then fiance was “so good” with the details. And now you fantasize about hiding her favorite planner just for funsies.
Men & Women are wired differently. We get that. We are that. We celebrate that.
Chris and Megan Rea could not be more opposite of humans. But somehow God in His wisdom saw to it that those two become one.
Possible? He said it is. Easy? Not on any given Sunday. Entertaining? Oh you bet my friend and you are WELCOME.
Through 16 years of marriage, ministry, and lots o’ studying we are the first to confess that we still don’t always get it right.
Just because you know something in theory doesn’t mean it comes to you simply in practice.
We are certified relationship coaches. We’ve created a relationship course, taught relationship conferences, and 3 weeks ago we got into a fight about $2.50 and 4 oz of beef.
It was grass fed. Please understand.
Recently, we had the opportunity to co-teach at our home church on the subject of marriage. And we couldn’t wait to share it with all of you. See, were not coming to you as a couple that has it all together. We coming to you as a couple that statistically, shouldn’t even be together, but has worked hard, loves deep, has known each other since we were 15 and thoroughly believes that outside of Jesus, marrying each other was the best decision we’ve ever made.
To be fair, we also debate that this mascara and the purchase of this awesome blender were pretty life altering choices. But I digress.
No matter what has come your way, we know that you can cultivate a marriage and a life worth celebrating. And we are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the 6 things we talk about in this message will help you do just that.
So click this link , it’s totally free and we’ll send it to you in 2.5 seconds to listen anytime you like.
Until next time,
Chris & Meg
sounds like you all were most likely great teachers. With so many stories and experiences to share. I have been married to my husband for 30+ years. Yes it can be hard and sometimes we have hit heads but we have always found a way to agree in the middle
thanks for sharing
Thank you so much Angie! Wow, 30+ years is no small feat! Congratulations, it is definitely worth it isn’t it?!
Yes… opposites in marriage… testimony here! But I tell my kids that having differences is good. If both of you are exactly alike, then one of you isn’t needed! We just have to keep working at it to make the differences positive elements and not destroyers.
“Positive elements and not destroyers.” Yes! Sounds like you’re giving your kids some great wisdom Karen!
We’re doing a marriage study in our small group right now, and last night, I came away from small group realizing how often God puts opposites together. Seems He has a plan for holiness that outweighs the “plans” we have for easiness. Great article today, thank you for sharing.
Wow, “He has a plan for holiness that outweighs the plans we have for easiness.” What a great word, thanks for sharing that and stopping by!
You two sound like a fun great couple with great ideas. I look forward to reading more. I have been married for 30 years and I have found the things I admired when dating sure do look a lot different 30 years later. I believe it calls for an attitude change. Marriage is hard but worth it.
Thank you for your wisdom Maree Dee! 30 years! My goodness, congratulations