5 Ways to increase your happiness
Is there a way to increase your happiness?
Every December my wife and I drive through subdivisions on one simple quest: find the house with the best Christmas lights. Amidst the icicles, twinkles, chasers and blow up penguins, each year we inevitably come across houses that have an entire strand of Christmas lights missing.
Such a bummer.
Because unless you’re Clark Griswold, there’s not a chance you’re getting back up on your ladder once the thermometer dips below 30 degrees.
These homeowners could have a beautifully executed display of lights, but that one burned out strand is where your attention is drawn. It affects the entire house.
I think our lives are like those strands of lights. 5 strands in fact. 5 strands that are all connected.
5 strands that all affect each other.
If one of them begins to suffer, the others tend to suffer. But if you begin to excel in one, it creates a domino effect for you to excel in the others.
Think of your life as 5 strands of Christmas lights. Any color and style you want. What would it look like to have all 5 strands beaming and fully operational?
It’s possible. No, not perfection, but your 5 life-light strands shining simultaneously and increasing your happiness overall.
It’s the key to living a full-well rounded and meaningful life.
Everything connects to everything! It’s in essence, the entire process of our ministry here at No Small Life.
Ready to increase your happiness? Here’s where to start.
1. Hope and Healing
Life doesn’t always go as planned. Period. And the older we get, the more opportunities we live through that can lead to pain. Things like the death of a dream. The loss of a loved one. A broken relationship. An illness. etc. These painful situations can cause us to lose our hope for a bright future. When this happens, many times our natural reaction is to shove the pain down and never deal with it.
But, time does NOT heal all wounds. And any kind of undealt with pain can cause us to get bitter, fearful or become a victim.
Yet, finding healing leads to hope.
Whatever it takes to heal the broken areas of your life, do it. Maybe that’s choosing to forgive someone who hurt you. (here is help with that) Maybe it’s talking to a pastor or Christian counselor. Maybe it is taking a much-needed vacation and giving your soul a little REST.
Hope is possible despite your painful situation. It is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to get whole and rise above those painful circumstances that have kept your life small.
2. Create a vibrant Spiritual life
I don’t know where I would be without my relationship with God. Well, I do know. Which makes me all the more grateful I know Him.
I love spending time with my Creator. As I worship, read God’s word, pray, go to church, listen to Christian podcasts, it lifts my spirits. It draws me into truth.
As you get to know God as your Heavenly Father, you realize something life-changing: He loves you. He never abandons you. And because of those 2 things, He has good plans to lead your life. The Bible is filled with wisdom to help you in just about every area of your life. Why wouldn’t you read a book that was inspired by God? Why wouldn’t you read a book that contains the power to change & transform your life? Why wouldn’t you read a book that is full of healing power and wisdom to succeed in life?
Pick it back up today.
If you are not a Christian or are new to your faith, here are a few ways to get started.
Here are links to a worship playlist, to a bible study: His & Hers, to a great church, and a great podcast.
We also have several more posts about how to grow in your relationship with God. Here, here & here.
3. Engage in thriving relationships
None of us were meant to do life alone. For me, if I don’t feel connected to my wife or my friends, loneliness and depression can set in. I become a different person.
We need each other so desperately! It’s not a sign of our lack, it’s a sign of our design.
We all need to be apart of a community; a community of people who really know us, a community of people who truly love us, a community of people who really, genuinely care. Because at some point, we need each other. Some things in this life are just too heavy to go alone. We need people who will rally and surround us and we need to be people who surround others.
If you are married and or have kids, your family is a huge key to your happiness. When everyone is together and connected and operating fully in their roles, it brings so much fulfillment to your life.
If you’re struggling in your relationships, we’ve got a wealth of posts to help and offer relationship coaching if you are local.
4. Excel in Practical Living
Some things are out of your control. But there are other things, within your control, that just requires attention.
What’s within your control that you can improve upon?
Maybe it is your finances?
Or your health?
Maybe it’s revamping your home or your wardrobe to help you feel more confident.
Maybe it is practicing a hobby and giving yourself permission to enjoy it. There are so many areas of life that we cannot control that can lead to fear and worry. But, the flip side is, there are so many areas of life we can control.
When you make a budget and stick to it and you start to win with money if feels so fulfilling. (You can start here.) When you start working out or eating healthier and you see results, it feels so good. (Here is help with that.) When you have a home you love living in, you have peace and tranquility every time you walk in the door. (Here are a few little things to get you started)
Be excellent in the things you can control and give God the things that you can’t.
5. Make a Difference.
There is no greater fulfillment than knowing God has used you to help someone else. God does not cause pain, but neither does He waste it. You can use the very hard things that you have walked through to be an agent of hope and compassion to people around you. I have found that helping someone grow in an area God has gifted you brings more fulfillment than anything else we can do in this life. Use the gifts that God has given you not just for yourself but to make a difference in the life of someone else. Here are 1 & 2 easy ways to get started.
See, it’s all connected. Once you begin to excel in one area, it inspires you to excel at them all. When I have hope for a bright future, a light illuminates again on my strand.
I began to trust God and get excited about creating a vibrant spiritual life. Another light turns on. When I have a vibrant and intimate relationship with God, I am going to be better to the people I love and care about which will lead to having thriving relationships. Another light.
When I have thriving relationships, I feel secure and empowered to excel in the practical day to day life. When I excel in the practical day to day I want to make a difference in the lives of others. I want them to excel in life and find hope and happiness as well.
Lights turning back on all around.
So let me ask you this: What light strand needs your attention now? Pick one.
Set one goal in that area. Is it hope & healing, your spiritual life, relationships, your practical life or in the realm of making a difference in the lives of others?
With a little attention to your burned out light strand, you could be shining brighter than ever before.
Until next time,
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Great reference to Christmas lights as strands of happiness. Wonderful advice and helpful words. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday
Thank you, Jenny! We’re so glad you stopped by!