Many times in our lives there seems to be a gaping disconnect between what we desire and what actually seems possible. That disconnect can ring true in a variety of different areas of our lives. From your most lofty of dreams to something embarrassingly simple and “first world.”
Maybe you have a goal to change your personal habits and get in shape, but are constantly defeated because getting there seems like an overwhelming task. Maybe there’s something you truly feel called to do and passionate about, but have no clue where to begin. Or maybe you want your house to look just like those Model Homes I’m always telling you to go walk through but every time you strut confidently into TJ Maxx, you leave 45 minutes later overwhelmed and with an empty cart. (Cue Debbie Downer music.)
Wherever that disconnect is for you today let’s hit it in the face with a little hope, shall we? Matthew 14 records the incredible account of Jesus feeding the 5,000, but what I want to take a gander at with you today is Jesus’ interaction with the disciples before the miracle took place. In verse 15 the disciples “alert Jesus” to the problem and come at it with their own solution: ‘We’ve got a big crowd of hungry people, and no place close by to get them food. So here’s what you should do…all knowing Son of God, dismiss the people and let them get dinner.”
I’m sure Jesus had to smile at this point. And it seems a little funny to us only because we can immediately read on to the rest of the chapter when Jesus does the miraculous and feeds 5,000 people with your basic appetizer from Red Lobster (…come on, you know you can scarf down more than your share of cheesy garlic biscuits. )
BUT, how many times do we narrow-mindedly do the same thing? I’m guilty of it to be sure! “Here’s my issue Lord, and here is the only way it can be solved.” Yikes.
I just love how Jesus responds and that’s where we’re going to land today.
In a nutshell, He lovingly says, “You’re solution isn’t necessary. You’re going to feed them by bringing Me what’s in your hand.”
That’s powerful stuff isn’t it? You currently might not have everything you think you need, but that also might be exactly where God wants you. What’s in your hand? He isn’t worried or intimidated by your current situation and neither should you be. And trust me, I’m speaking to myself today too! We have every reason to be confident if we’ll bring Him what’s in our hand. He has the most beautifully surprising way of making nothing into something. And because He made you, you’re wired the same way. I hope that encourages your heart today, don’t ever let an intimidating situation cause you to feel small. You were made for more than that.
Ok, now lets take that deep, situation-altering truth and get UBER practical for a moment….What’s in your hand, or should I say your home?
Maybe you don’t have the budget to do major reno’s or even a budget to do ANYTHING.
That’s Ok. You can still institute change and refresh your space. What’s in your hand?
What if all you needed to feel a little better about your home was to spray paint a Root Beer bottle and stick a flower from your landscaping in there? C’mon, you knew I would sneak my undying love for spray paint in here somewhere
OR maybe you need a little something for your coffee table, or in my case an AMAZING OTTOMAN OUR YOUTH LEADERS GIFTED ME WITH at our last service as youth pastors. Read more about that here & here. Seriously the best gift ever!!! I cried. Here’s proof:
Here’s how I’m adorning that perfect little gem: Take a gold tray that you picked up at a garage sale. Spray paint the heck out of it. Place on it a piece of scrapbook paper that you’ve had chillin’ in your desk for a year…even though you don’t scrap book.
Stack a couple of books that you’re in love with at the moment. (Check them out here & here)
Grab a vase from the other side of the room. AND add a small globe vase filled with clearanced out flowers from the grocery store. Take that Mr. Budget.
Speaking of Budget, say you’ve been eying a certain Jonathan Adler frame. Then, it happens to go on sale. Then, you have a coupon. Then, you may let out a small but unexpected squeal. Once your treasure is home you stare at it until it speaks to you and start digging around in drawers. You add another piece of random scrapbook paper, adhere a chalkboard sticker from the $1 spot at Target, and tape on, yep I taped them, some magnetic poetry you’ve been feeling “meh” about. That my friends is free “typography.”
You know what else I’ve been really into lately? Branches. Know why? They’re free. Also, there’s pretty much a never ending supply. And depending on what kind of trees are growing in your backyard, they can add just as much warmth, personality and beauty as flowers. Exhibit A-Tree Branch in old jug:
Exhibit B-Different Tree Branch in Vase on a Table you made for free in an Entry Way you painted for $6.00.
See kids, you got this! So, what’s in your hand? I for one, can’t wait to see!
Love this blog…….and I’m into bottles, too. Especially the small different shaped colored bottles from the grocery store…when I buy Balsamic vinegar, white vinegar, A1 Sauce, etc. I save the bottle, take of the label and throw in dishwasher…..! Cute little added decor. And, Megan, I can certainly relate to the “spray paint”…..I was the spray paint queen in the 70’s and 80’s….just ask my kids…they were afraid to leave anything laying around for fear of me spray painting it. Love you Chris and Megan and love this blog.
Lana, I just love you! You’re always such an encouragement to me!
I didn’t know you were the queen of spray paint? I love it! Great idea with saving the old sauce bottles too! You are just filled with wit and wisdom Lana
Love you!
I needed this. Oh, how I needed this.
We have a necessary, but sometimes restricting budget. It makes me sad, especially when all I want to do is shop, and buy things at Home Goods.
And I then I remember that blank canvas square in my closet, and the paints, and now I’m thinking about that new wall decoration that I’m going to make tomorrow afternoon.
Thank you for this reminder.
Yay! So glad you got encouraged and inspired, that just makes my day Kelly
Yes, I know Home Goods is a wonderful and dangerous place lol BUT I can’t wait to see what you end up making with the canvas! Good luck! 
I started something tonight, and I’ll hopefully be able to finish it tomorrow! I’ll most likely post something about it too.
That’s so exciting! I bet it looks great
Those stripes. I’m dying. I love it! Was it easy to paint those? I’ve been wanting to do that in our foyer. Love this post & your heart in it!
Thanks so much! It really wasn’t hard at all. I did a full tutorial here. The prepping was the most tedious part, but totally worth it!!
Ps- on a more serious note, I love how Jesus says “I’m going to feed them with what’s in your hand”… Powerful!
This is great, I so appreciate this and your words! And I’m ALL about finding things in our home to decorate with,. for free. AND, I’m totally with you on the spray paint. I’m kind of a spray paint freak myself! Thanks so much for sharing! Visiting from Hump Day happenings.
Thank you so much Amanda! I’m so glad you stopped by! I was just looking at your blog earlier today and I gotta say, I LOVE your bedding in the master, looks so great!
I love reading your posts! This one was really encouraging. I’ve been looking forward to moving to my next house in the next year or two. It will be my first without roommates or family, so I’m really excited to make it a home, but I’ve been scared that I will be overwhelmed or not be able to make it look the way I envision. Thanks for the encouragement today! And thanks for linking up with Hump Day Happenings.
Thank you so much Jenna! That’s so exciting about the new house coming soon
I totally understand those feelings, but you’ll be able to make it your own, one piece at a time, it just takes confidence…and pinterest
Thanks for hosting such a great link up!
This was really refreshing to read today! I’m so happy you shared this at the Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop because it will be on of my features at our next party!
Oh wow, thank you so much Carrie!! Really excited and honored!
God is so much bigger than the one way that we can imagine solving whatever situation is most current. Thanks for the reminder. And I love the details that you use to decorate your home!
Thank you so much Rachel!
this is a fabulous post! i am always trying to repurpose items in my home to spruce things up – love the bottles! happy to have found your site
Thank you Amanda! Isn’t repurposing fun? So glad you stopped by!
Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday!! Hope you come back tomorrow and share some more stuff!! Pinned!!