Can you hear it? If you crane your neck and lean in really hard you can almost hear Carrie Underwood belting out the Sunday Night Football theme song.
That’s right, fall is almost here! And as much as I’m trying to milk my summer sandals for all-they’re-worth, pretty soon there will be that crisp autumn air, visits to apple orchards and cinnamon pumpkin spice everything!
If your home is anything like mine, fall also brings one other little thing along with it…
Football was not regularly watched in my house growing up. In my husbands home on the other hand, it was a sacred event not to be tampered with. SO you can imagine my dismay as a young bride when I couldn’t fathom why my hubby wouldn’t want to make a Target run with me on a beautiful October Sunday afternoon…..
I’ve learned a lot in 14 years kids.
Now before you jump to conclusions thinking this is an irritated wife rant about Football Season, let me just re-assure you, nothing could be further from the truth. I think my hubby is just about the greatest thing in the world. Through the years we’ve learned to appreciate and celebrate each others differences. And today I wanted to let you in on our little “give and take” around the start of Football Season.
Every year the weekend before the NFL season begins, we schedule our annual “Day of Days.” ( We like to name everything around here, it makes it feel more like a celebration!) “Day of Days” is an entire day that my Mr. and I spend together doing whatever I want! #win It’s his little gift to me before all the Football begins. Over the years however, we’ve kind of established a rhythm and a tradition that doesn’t vary too much and it’s something we both look forward to! Here’s what we do and hopefully it’ll open the door for all of you “Football Wives” out there to have a “Day of Days” of your own!
We “kick off ” (cheesy pun intended) the morning a little slower, get in a good workout and head down to the local farmers market in a ritzy part of town. Here’s our usual loot:
Anyone else a huge farmers market fan? It’s crazy how much I love farmers markets. It’s just so fun, I mean where else can you buy adorable baby eggplant? (PS You can totally make that baby eggplant taste like candy! Just click here!)
Or pet a chicken
real…or otherwise
All that chicken made us hungry so we grab a little sustenance.
Lunch was brought to you by my absolute fav…Mediterranean Food. #Nom
Mmm Hummus. No worries, Chris “took one for the team” by ingesting all the gluten.
Following lunch we grabbed Caffeine (and a photo opp on a random park bench in front of an ivy covered wall. How could we NOT have taken a picture? )
and set out to explore some of the gorgeous neighborhoods on foot.
We’ve been really into the show “Flip or Flop” lately. And even though we don’t have a clue about the actual work involved in flipping houses, we analyze exactly what we think we’d do to a few of the “lesser” homes on the street like a #boss. Check out a few of these beauties:
We snapped this and ran before the nice people could glare at us from their ivory tower of windows
This house just went on the market for 1.9 mil #chumpchange. And because we would obviously would need to fill our dream homes with furniture, we walked back into town and hit up Ethan Allen.
Where we decided that this chair should be ours someday.
I love a chair with a sense of humor. And since we were only steps away from Anthropologie (be still my heart), of course I had to go in and touch everything.
It’s a girl thing.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Master Chef started cooking up all those peppers. Note the J Lo circa 2003 protective eye wear. Very important to protect those iris’ from random splashes of EVOO.
I apologize for the horrific lighting, but that moment was not to be missed!
So glad you got to share in our “Day of Days!”
Just a little encouragement for all of you couples out there with differences… that would be all of you right? Your separate interests can either drive you apart OR cause you to come together. You can begrudge the other person by throwing pity parties and making you’re life feel oh-so-small OR you can accept them, celebrate each others differences and make up some traditions that everyone looks forward to. I hope you choose the latter.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering how those Farmers Market veggies turned out…
Here’s to cooking peppers & making memories
Until next time…
PS..Interested in more cheap date night ideas? Check out these posts here, here & here!
this is such a fun idea!
Thanks so much Jessica!
Great post! Football confuses me. I am a new football mom, and the terms blow my mind. I absolutely love your Day of Days, and I may or may not have to forward this to my husband.
Haha, forward away!
You’ll be a great football mom…just make sure you cheer at the right times, otherwise those fans can turn on you in a heartbeat 
Yeah, I’m not really into football, either. I tried, but it just annoyed my hubby when I constantly asked questions. So now he watches while I enjoy other things.
Funny note, my 11 year old son discovered Flip or Flop and loves that show!
I get it, football is confusing lol. Your 11 year old watches Flip or Flop?! Thats my kind of guy
I’m glad you guys make football season work for you. I know I’m glad that my husband doesn’t love watching sports.
Haha Thanks Susannah!
What a great idea. Compromise is key in marriage. I love football as well so it’s something we share anyway but I know this isn’t true for all wives.
I’m “learning” to love it, but your husband is one lucky dude
I love your day of days ideas! I’m a quality time person so I’d be down for something like that anytime! I grew up with all brothers, so I love when my fiancé has the guys over to watch football. I’m not super into watching it unless it’s a team I care about, but I like to cook for them or take advantage of some time to scroll through Pinterest.
Thanks Jenna! It really is the perfect Pinterest time
and it’s always fun to hang out with everybody
This sounds like a really fun idea! Football was never a big deal in my house growing up either but my husband’s family is really into it, and all the other sports too. Thanks for linking up with us at the #HomeMattersParty and I hope you’ll join us again!
Our families would get along great! Haha
What a fun day! I am the one that brought football into my husband’s life. I love cooking a pot of chili and hanging out with friends while watching football. I don’t know what to do with Sundays come February!
You’re hubby’s a lucky Dude? and I agree, the social aspect of football is so fun!
Love this idea! Football season is huge in our house including a lot of tailgating. Looking at it as making special memories is so important. Enjoyed reading your post & loved the gorgeous homes you stopped in. Coming over from Turn It Up Tuesdays.
Thanks so much Tiffani! Aren’t those homes amazing?! So fun to dream
so glad you stopped by!
well that’s adorable and I may just have to send this link to my hubby
He’s a huge football fanatic, Saturday’s a solely dedicated to college football. I wanted to fall wedding, but he insisted on spring as to not miss any games! I’m pretty supportive even though I’m already a pretty big fan myself, but I may just have to convince him of this “day of days”
cute post!
Well, I think for MOVING YOUR WEDDING DAY, you definitely deserve a day of days
How fun!! But I am the football fan at my house…my husband usually goes to the garage! lol!! Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday! Hope to see you again this week! Pinned!
Love this!!! I was once what they call a ‘football widow’. My hubby coached football and it was very time consuming. Needless to say I fell in love with the guy and the game and now our family loves to cheer on our fave college football team! Thanks so much for sharing on MMM!
Oh I love that! I’ve held that title before myself, but as the saying goes, if you can’t beat Em join Em right? ?thanks so much for hosting!!
Great post. Thanks for sharing this at our party. Pinned and tweeted. I hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm, so we get to party with you again! Lou Lou Girls
Thanks so much!
My hubby and I started dating in March of ’99 and he warned me then that when football season rolled around, he spent all day each Saturday watching college football. I can’t say I wasn’t warned…LOL. I guess since it’s always been that way, I don’t really mind although now he has a job where he’s working most Saturdays, poor guy!
Thanks so much for sharing with Share The Wealth Sunday! I always love reading your stories and your hubby sounds like a great guy
Aw, poor guy. DVR? I know it’s not quite the same.
thanks so much Lisa, I think my guys pretty great too 
great idea! I’m not a huge football fan, but of course my husband is! having a day of days is super cute & definitely much needed before football season!
You just might HAVE to have a day of days in your future Lexi
What a cute idea! My husband’s a farmer, so between harvest and watching football on rainy weekends, our fall is not that exciting. I try to watch some football with him, and we’ve created a nice family rivalry (I taught our daughter to hold her MSU Spartan doll and yell “Go Green!” and he taught our son to say “Spartans wear skirts!”). I’m normally not organized enough to plan a family event before harvest, though, so we usually end up having date night after he gets out of the field. Maybe I could try for both this year?!? Thanks for the ideas!
lol “Spartans wear skirts!” That’s Awesome. We’re state fans too
Sounds like fall is busy for you guys, but hey why NOT try for both! 
Hi Megan! I’m stopping over from Let’s Get Real today. I love your Day of Days. I love spending days like this relaxing and just enjoying each other’s company. We are a big football family. We have been going to high school games for 8 years straight and this is our first year without a high school student. We should be able to relax more, except now we have a youth football player and my husband is a coach for another team. My daughter cheers for a 3rd team. I love to cheer, but things are so hectic. My husband and I really need to focus on making connections during this time. I appreciate your sweet reminder.
Wow, you guys are truly a football family!
It’s great that you all have that in common. Hopefully you and your hubby can break away and connect a bit this fall too!