Let’s have a conversation with future you for a moment. If one year from now, you’re staring back at your life, how would you have liked to live it out?
Right now, If you could speak out one word that would direct & define this year, what would it be?
Having a word of the year is not a new concept. But it’s one I’ve only gone “Half-sies” on up until this point. I know a lot of people who pray through and sense a word rise up in their spirit from the Lord that will define their year. And I’ve always wanted to be that girl, and sort of felt like a loser when I wasn’t. I have direction and purpose (she said in her best “Julie & Julia” voice)…why can’t I pick a dang word?
Typically, I’m very intentional (read: stressful, high-strung lol) about setting goals, but a single word hasn’t really been my jam. December’s end like a whirlwind around here and it takes us a few days into January to get our footing back to a “normal” rhythm of life.
I’ve always wanted to be the person that had every goal, resolution and duck in a symmetrical color coded row by January 2nd so I could jump into the New Year with both feet, but it usually did not go down like that. I have something resembling color coded organization, but it’s usually more like rainbow-tye-dyed swirls than perfectly organized lines. And for that, I had a little bit of “New Year Shame.”
It takes me a moment to quiet my mind and be aware of what God’s whispering to my heart in order for my beloved planner to be locked and loaded with all of the areas I’d like to grow in for 2017. And this year especially after saying goodbye to our best buddy, I’m giving myself more grace. But oddly enough, Ladies and Gentlemen, I actually think I have a word.
When you and I gaze into the unknown that is 2017, we really only have control over one single solitary thing: The lens through which you will view it.
You may be asked to do scary things this year. You may be asked to walk through something difficult, thrilling, exhausting, challenging, completely beyond you. You may be asked to press into discipline or to let go of the reigns of control and perfectionism. But one thing is for sure, you have control over the lens through which you view it and through which you view yourself; a lens that is defeated or a lens that is heaven’s confident love-filled perspective of you.
It’s a subtle mindset shift that can return a major impact.
Let me come it from another angle, if this year had a frame around it, what would you want the frame to say, right now? What kind of person do you want to be at the end of 2017? For me, I feel like God is asking Chris and I to step into some very new and unknown territory. Nothing earth shattering that you’ll get a big reveal post about later, just some new, challenging things that, viewed through the wrong frame or lens could trigger fear, my natural default. BUT, if I can view those same set of challenges and circumstances not through fear, but through love, and trust, and possibility, all of a sudden, what was once scary, is now framed as “Adventure.”
And that is my word for this year you guys. Adventure. I want to step into the unknown places confident in the character of the God that I do know. And I want the same for you.
So many times we can pad our lives in a coat of self-protective fear based on the circumstances that we have walked through. Padding like isolation, control, withdrawing, and silence can appear to serve us well in the moment, but in the end, all that padding can cripple us emotionally and cause us to live and feel small.
Here’s what I know: I’m not God. And for that, you are all thankful I cannot control all the things into a peaceful perfection and wrestle life down into a nice box that feels manageable. (Like all those super cool mail order mattresses! Have you guys seen those things? I am SO intrigued!)
That kind of life doesn’t require trust. But the one thing I am in charge of? Me and the lens that I choose to view this life through. We can’t control people, economies, job markets or politicians, but we can control the frame of mind through which we view them.
1 John 4:18 says that, “There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear.”
The AMP version says that love “turns fear out of doors.” I love that visual. It’s a like old-time teacher grabbing a student by the ear and marching him out of her classroom.
Essentially, what it all boils down to is this-we can live and make decisions from one of two places: Love or Fear.
I’ve lived too much of my time on this earth in fear and I’m not interested in giving it the run of my life for one more moment, let alone year. Jesus came and offers us the opportunity to not only live life with Him, but through Him. So no matter what lies ahead of you this year, be it massive exciting challenges or daunting things you do NOT want to face, if you’re mindset is grounded in the fact that you are extravagantly Loved by the one who orchestrates of all life, then you too can view anything through the loving and expectant lens of adventure vs the crippling lens of fear.
What will your frame say this year? Take some time to pray about it, write it down and if you’re comfortable, share it with us! We want to spur you on too!
Your life is not small. Let’s not be shackled by old versions of ourselves. Today’s a new day. And I happen to think that 2017 you is awesome.
Until next time,
This is great! Megan this has really caused me to stop and think about that word. I realized looking at a few of my goals, that God has already given me that word but I was not aware of it until after reading your blog this morning. My word for the year is FOCUS. God is really challenging me to FOCUS this year on setting others up to believe they are deeply loved. I spend so much of my time in conversations talking about myself and being the self-centered focused person that I am naturally. I really believe this would be a great year if I could take the focus off myself and really focus on others needs, dreams and what they are excited about. 2016 was a year of deep grieving for me after losing one of my closest friends at the end of 2015. Good thing though, I didn’t push God away during the pain like I have so many times before in my life, but clung to Him. So I am starting 2017 close to God. Time to take the FOCUS off of me and focus on others in my life and letting them know they are cherished. This will not be easy. I am a very self-focused person, but I know God wants to help me with this and strengthen me to set others up to know they are loved so deeply. Thanks Chris and Megan for all your encouragement! You are helping so many of us grow and I am so grateful! Happy New Year and Happy February! Brett
Wow! What an incredible word to zero in on for 2017 Brett! Thank you for sharing that. As someone who knows you personally, we’ve always admired the ways you speak life and love into others. Knowing that God is having you bring that too a whole new level this year really excites us for what’s in store! Thanks for always being willing to speak into us, you’re a blessing to us and already enrich the lives of so many. Can’t wait to see what’s in store!
Love that word, adventure. It is definitely inspiring, I would love to invest into seeking adventure more this year!
It just re-frames everything doesn’t it? I hope you do Nicole!
Well, normally I would look at something like this and think “I have no idea what my word would be!” However, God gave me the word before I even read the blog. But, reading your blog cemented the word for the year. I have been struggling with feeling “blah” in my spiritual life and life in general. So this year I am asking God for FIRE!! Fire in my spiritual walk with Him and fire for life in general. I have begun to make a list of things that I can do to stoke the fire and have begun to do those things. I’m so thankful for your encouragement in this. You guys ROCK!! Thanks!
Carol Ray, I LOVE that your word is Fire! Keep on stokin’ that flame, that is awesome. Praying God really births a passion for more of an awareness of Him and all He is up to this year! Excited for you friend. <3
Some definite food for thought. Life reallybao a big adventure and I love the idea of what lens you use to look through life. #FridayFrivolity
It’s all about perspective right? So glad you stopped by Patricia!