10 Months ago the Mr. and I started sharing a car. It’s actually a very cool “God-story” the details of which I will share eventually. However today, that’s not the point. Today’s post is a little trick I’ve had to pick up BECAUSE we share a car. It’s called, “Megan-you actually have to leave the house on time.”
I’ve confessed it before, but running perpetually late is my Achilles heal. I am chronically 12 min behind on life. And it’s not because I don’t get up on time. I actually get up ridiculously early. It’s because I’m a bad estimator.
Remember I have “Acute Time Delusion Syndrome.” The perpetual belief that I can accomplish more than any human being should be asked to accomplish in a set amount of time. And I’m told I’m not alone in this phenomenon. The struggle is real.
To help me overcome this “syndrome” and still look put together in the morning, I’ve come up with a little “Life Hack” that I can’t wait to share with all of you.
Running behind can easily manifest itself in the ole’ wardrobe department. Usually 1 of 2 things happen. You:
A. Grab the first thing in your closet and throw caution to the wind OR
B. Put together a decent outfit but get all hectic and running behind in the process
Either way, you’re not setting yourself up well. You need to face your day feeling confident and secure not haphazard or stressed.
And in the words of my good (I so wish she was my ) friend, Stacy London:
“Clothes should bring you joy and make you feel beautiful. ”
What you put on your body is an exterior manifestation of what’s going on on the inside of you. How you feel about yourself is going to come out in what you wear, plain and simple.
You know when you’re feeling schlumpy you’re wanting the big grey sweatshirt All. Day. Long.
But here’s the deal, let’s take a little truth from the movie “The Help.”
In addition to the words of Miss Aibileen Clark, The Creator of this whole world thinks you’re pretty beautiful too. And He wants you to honor Him not by fixating on yourself, but by making the proper investment to present the best version of yourself.
So are you just about ready for this one simple Life Hack to change your life?
Here’s what you’ll need:
A Smart Phone
Full Length Mirror
Your Clothes
Here’s what you’re going to do: Before you leave for the day, snap a picture of yourself in said full-length mirror (they are $5 at Target, so no excuses). And if you forget to take one at home…
From there, you’re going to create a digital “Album” in your “Photos” on your phone. I’m using an iPhone for the demo and the “Photos” is separate from the Camera. I’m sure it’s very similar on an Android.
Next, open your “Photos” app and click the + sign in the upper left hand corner. You’re now adding an album and you should title it whatever makes you happy. Mine is called, “Closet Inspiration.”
After you’ve created the Album, click into it and hit “Select” at the top right hand corner. On the bottom of the screen you should now see “Add too,” click that and it will open your “Camera Roll” giving you access to every pic you’ve taken. Now, just scroll through and touch the pictures you’ve taken of yourself before you leave for the day, hit “done” and there you have it. It’ll look something like this:
(Note: refuse to take yourself too seriously in these pics, it’ll inject a little joy into your morning routine. Never a bad thing )
I can’t even tell you how much time and headache this idea has saved me. When you’re plagued by the ever-lurking-question, “What am I going to wear????” You simply open your phone and scroll through your closet album until you find the best option for the day. Bonus points if you decide on your outfit and lay it out, accessories, everything, the night before! This prevents the dreaded 5 min wasted on “Closet Hunting!”
This will also save you SO much money as well because you can easily remember what you love from season to season which lessens your “need” to go shopping because you have “nothing” to wear.
It’s also a huge help in packing, one of my least favorite things to do in the world. Scrolling through your favorite outfits can help you edit pretty quickly what needs to go in your suitcase.
I really hope this little tip helps you in a big way! I’d love to hear your tips and tricks to helping your “NoSmallLife” get ready and out the door in the morning!
Until next time…
PS…I have yet Another awesome Life Hack for you! My hubby & I created a FREE and Easy Resource for the Romantically Challenged. Sound Interesting? Click below to get it now…You won’t regret it 
I like this idea! Of course the mess in the background of my full length mirror will motivate me to clean it up…or find a different mirror. I’m moving more towards a capsule wardrobe too. This way everything goes with everything and I don’t have to worry about mmatching because it all matches! I’m sticking with the beige/black/grey color combo…adding color with accessories and shoes.
Oh you better believe I kicked my slippers out of those pictures before I snapped them haha! I’m so intrigued by capsule wardrobes, so way to go, it sounds like it’ll really streamline the process!
Hey Megan, I love this hack, great idea creating an album with all your ideas, that is the coolest thing ever. But you didnt say, does it help you get out the door? Look forward to the story about sharing a car with your husband.
Thanks for linking this week on Friday Features, wishing you a great weekend!
Haha, you’re so right! Well, it does help me get out the door a little faster ? the fewer decisions in the morning for me the better?
This is an amazing idea!!! I had never thought to use my phone for something like this!! Thank you so much for sharing! I’d like to invite you to my link party on Saturdays and would love if you would come share with me!
Well thanks so much Abigail! I’d love to stop by, what’s your blog url?
My biggest trick is to actually get all my clothes put away in the closet instead of in piles in the bedroom. I wish I could say I “always” do this
I hope you can stop by:
I think we can all be guilty of that Colletta! Thanks for stopping by! I’ll definitely stop by your round up
This is such a great idea!!! Thank you for sharing with #linkupwithlisa
@ http://www.beauty101bylisa.com/2015/04/linkupwithlisa-14-simply-salmon.html?showComment=1430077355108#c8004673509119908776
Brilliant idea! I really need to be better at remembering what is in my closet and this is such an easy way to do it because I always have my phone on me
Thanks Kati! It’s really helped me, hope it works well for you too!!
You mean there’s a name for my problem? What a relief!
I can’t imagine sharing a car with my hubby, for this very reason. This is a great idea – getting dressed in the morning is usually the worst part of my day. So nice to meet you on Two Uses Tuesday!
There IS a name for our problem, we’re not alone Meredith lol!
Hi, Megan ~ I never knew there was a name for that problem that I have: Acute Time Delusion Syndrome. Love it! And I love your “Closet Inspiration” idea, too. I actually have one of these. It’s an old three-ring binder that I filled with blank computer paper, then pasted photos of outfit ideas on each page. Hmm, wonder where that thing is? I guess I’ll get with the modern times and move it to my cell phone. Wonderful post! Happy Tuesday!
I used to do that too Tiffany!! Too funny
This is brilliant thank you! Will I do it? Maybe.
Haha, hope you give it a shot Stella!
Will try this idea! I’ve never thought to do something like this but it would save me MUCH time in the morning! I struggle daily with the what should I wear question. Gotta go tweet this!
Thanks Kelly! Hope it helps!
Great post … I created an actual album (notebook) a few years back when I was struggling with what to wear .. visiting from TWP
Thats a great idea too Celia! Thanks for stopping by
This is brilliant! Every so often I put together an outfit I LOVE, but usually I forget about it. This is a great way to remember. Thanks for sharing your idea with Hump Day Happenings.
I did that all the time and then I’d just stare at my closet hoping it would jump out at me!
thanks Jenna, hope it helps!!
Oh I totally have this syndrome! I’ve really been making an effort to get out the door earlier in the morning. Love this idea!!!
This Side of Paradise
Hope this helps you Kate
I love the concept. I’m not into the whole photo thing (of myself…I love photos of food! haha). But I think I’m going to do something like my vacation planner combined with your idea above.
A list of outfits that I know go great together including accessories and jewelry. I can just look at the list, grab the outfit, and don’t have an excuse for wearing the grey semi-fashionable poncho sweater today.
p.s. Found you via the Pretty Pintastic Party on “Recipes for Our Daily Bread”
“The grey semi-fashionable poncho sweater” LOL! That’s so funny, yes GREAT idea for a vacation planner!!! So glad you stopped by Jennifer
Great post. Pinned and tweeted. I hope to see you on Monday at 7, we can’t wait to party with you! Lou Lou Girls
Thanks so much!
Great ideas!! Being on time is always an issue, so doing something like this would really help!
Thanks Jamie, hope it can help!
Love this idea!
Thanks Christina!
WONDERFUL idea! <3
Thanks a Wholesome Joy! :$
I definitely have “Acute Time Delusion Syndrome”. I think I need to try this!
You too Keri?? We’re not alone!
I know some people who would LOVE this app! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty – we hope to see you again next week.
Life With Lorelai
Thanks so much Lorelai!
Great Post!! Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday – Link Party!! Hope to see you again tomorrow!! Love having you!! Pinned!!
Wow. This is a great time and money saver. Thank you for a great tip!
Hope it helps!
so glad you stopped by
OMG, I have been doing this for almost 2 years. People laugh at me at work each day taking my picture, but when I need an outfit, I just look in my phone and choose one. I just recently uploaded close to 200 pics to Dropbox (just in case my phone dies or something). It’s nice to find someone else who understands how awesome an idea this REALLY is!!!
Have you really Shelia? Doesn’t it work great! Thanks for stopping by!
These are great tips for styling what is already in your closet!
Thanks so much, it’s really helped me! So glad you stopped by ?
This is so great! I always find myself making a huge pile of clothes from trying on pretty much everything. My close friend started the “minimalist” lifestyle and your post reminded me of it!
Huge pile, I have SO been there! ?thanks so much for stopping by!
Great post! Thanks for linking up!
Thanks so much Carrie!
Love this idea! There’s also an app called Stylebook that you can chronicle all of your clothing items in and then make outfit combos! I looooove doing Instagram fashion challenges, which give you a “theme” each day! I try to plan those out and they definitely help me think of new ideas!
So glad you stopped by Jaclyn! Ok, I have yet to participate in any of the Instagram fashion challenges, BUT you may have just convinced me
Meg, this is so cute! Love your style of writing. It made me smile reading this. Also, love this reminder: “He wants you to honor Him not by fixating on yourself, but by making the proper investment to present the best version of yourself.” THANK YOU!
Yay, that makes my heart happy! Thanks Breanna!
I think this is a great idea for those that have lots of options. Definitely would make dressing in the morning a lot easier to see previous outfits.
Thanks Erlene! So glad you stopped by!
I am with you..I try to get that one little extra thing done…which gets me out the door too late.
I should take this tip into consideration!!
Good to know I’m not alone!
so glad you stopped by Emily 
I have a mild case of ATDS but my husband has it bad!
This is a great tip, when I saw the post title I thought maybe it would be those old tricks from getting changed for PE in my school days – only undo half your shirt buttons and pull it over your head so you can just pull it back on quickly, leaving clothes on the floor like Obi-Wan just disappeared in them so you can just step back in and pull ’em back up etc! Your idea is much better! My top time saver in the morning is actually dresses. I have a few, pop them on and job done – you don’t need to think of anything else (maybe a cardie or jacket if it’s cold, that’s it)
Such a great idea! Thanks for sharing at Idea Box.
Thanks Danielle! So glad you stopped by
Great idea! Though I am similar to you in that I am ALWAYS late, so may not even be able to achieve the few seconds to snap a picture
Haha! Thanks Becky. That’s when work selfies come in handy
What a fantastic idea! I think this would also work well for teen girls who forever claim they have nothing to wear. How fun would it be to have some friends over, try on outfits then take picures for future reference (and for fun!) Thanks for linking up at Turn it Up Tuesday.
Oh my gosh I love that idea! Girls night and a practical need?! How fun is that!
Such a cleaver and awesome idea! Thanks for sharing this, you have inspired me except for me its workout clothes lol!
Haha! Thanks Stephanie! Well, you’ll be the most stylish girl in workout gear then
Wow this is so smart. I’m totally going to start doing this!! thanks for the tip.
Yay! So glad it was helpful! Thanks for stopping by Jenna
What a great idea, Megan! If ever venture out of my maternity clothes and yoga pants, I’m definitely putting this into practice. Thanks for sharing your tip with us!
Ha ha. Do it Kelsey you won’t be disappointed
thanks so much for stopping by!
Such a good idea. I freak out whenever I have to choose clothes. The funny thing is that I will wear ugly outfits rather than deal with putting together something nice. Clothes anxiety is real! This will help.
Haha it IS real! Hopefully this will help take the edge off
This is genius. Thanks for the tips. Thank for linking up this week on the #HomeMattersParty link up. Looking forward to seeing what you link up this next week.
Thanks so much!!
This tip is genius. Thanks for sharing. Thank for linking up this week on the #HomeMattersParty link up. Looking forward to seeing what you link up this next week.
When I worked I would just pull the next outfit out, the first one on the row got worn everyday. That way I didn’t have to decide what to wear and it was faster.
Great Strategy!
Great hack! I use an app called Stylebook that’s basically a digital closet and it lets you put together different outfits with your own clothes. It’s awesome! Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday, hope to see you next week!
Ooo, I’ll have to check that out! Thanks Chelc
Oh Em Gee!!! My mind is BLOWN with the creating albums in my iphone tip! HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS?!?! I usually just click the heart and add things to my favorites! This is so much easier! Thanks for the tip and for linking up today!
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
Yay!!! So glad you liked it and it’s going to be helpful! Thanks so much for hosting Jenn!
Megan this is the smartest idea I have found on a website in a long time! It makes such perfect sense, it’s one of those ideas that makes you slap yourself in the forehead, and say,
“Why didn’t I think of that!?”
Thank you,
Oh my goodness, what a compliment! THANK you Val!
I hope it helps you as much as it helps me. I seriously use this just about everyday, it helps me remember my outfits when I have “nothing to wear.” 
This would have been super helpful when I was a working Mama! Great idea.
It definitely helps.
Thanks Jamie, always love when you stop by.
You are so adorable! Your blog makes me smile and also gives me ideas & inspiration!
Although I’m a “lay-out-my-clothes-at-night” person, I could certainly benefit from the photo concept. Being able to remember what I have from season to season would benefit me greatly!
Thanks for your happy & helpful blog!
Netta, thank you so much! I really appreciate you saying that
And yes, from season to season, it really helps as a reminder of what works together. Great idea! So glad you stopped by 
I definitely have that syndrome – I’m always plate spinning! Love this idea though. x #FridayFrivolity
You too huh? You’re not alone friend!
Such a neat idea!!
This post really spoke to me, especially where you said what we wear on the outside reflects how we feel about ourselves on the inside. I’m really struggling with self love and self care lately and I know this is an area I could focus on. Thank you for the inspiration and the nudge in the right direction
Hi Erin! That is such a universal struggle for women isn’t it? Hoping this post keeps spurring you on to value how awesome you are
Ha! I finally have a name for my husband’s condition
This is such a fun idea…I may have to try this (as soon as I run out and buy clothes as cute as yours!!) Thanks for sharing at Welcome Home Wednesdays!
Hahaha! Well, thanks! I hope you give it a shot Crystal!
I did this a while back!! But I always forgot to check the album… ;P And then there’s the perennial problem of a key item being in the wash… I had trouble with that one too… basically, your idea is a great one but I’m not quite organized enough to make it work for me. So glad it works for you though!
Thanks for sharing your brilliance at #FridayFrivolity — pinning and tweeting!!
To each his own right Sarah?
Thanks so much, always LOVE when you stop by!
This is not only a great way to plan your outfits, but an awesome way to build your self-esteem. Thanks for sharing this at Merry Monday this week.
That’s a really great point Marie, it really can be!
This is SO SMART! I really need to do this! Sometimes I lay my clothes out the night before. But, I never thought of having an album of outfits to choose from. This is something that I will definitely be trying in the near future! Thanks so much for the tip!! I too have that thinking I can do more than any human in a specific amount of time problem. It really is a struggle!!
Girl I understand! Here’s to being more realistic and giving ourselves a little grace!
So glad you liked the tip, hope it works really well for you!
This is such a great idea!
There are plenty of times when I’m like, “Man, I wish I could remember that quite outfit I had on last month (or last week!).” Perfect solution! Stopping by from #IdeaBoxLP
Right?! It’s so easy to forget the efforts you’ve already put in, hope this helps!
Very clever thinking! Thanks for sharing with us at Merry Monday.
Thanks Shirley!!