I MAY or may not have just spray painted my shoes….And by that I mean I totally DID!
We had a formal event coming up and the outfit I had planned in my head was so NOT working in real life. “I have nothing to wear!” Yep, I’m ashamed to admit it, I pulled the oldest-girl-lie-in-the-book. I once heard a comedian say, “When a woman says she had nothing to wear; she means she has nothing new to wear!” Lol Truer words, am I right?
So here I am, T-minus 2 days until said event and I’m staring at my closet full of nothing. My precious hubby tried to help. “What about this?” he said, pulling a black number from the depths of my closet. “I don’t have any shoes for that.” (Meaning I had no new shoes for that and had fallen out of love with my current options.)
There I was, closet full of nothing and Dave Ramsey telling me that new shoes were not a viable option at the moment. (Oh my first world problems!) When SUDDENLY I had an epiphany. From the corner of my eye I spotted these gold heels
Now this is one of those pairs of shoes that had never been worn. I had gotten them on mega clearance because every girl needs fancy evening shoes and I had none, BUT the color was off. What looked like “classy” gold, under the deceiving store lights, turned into “tacky” gold once I got them home. So there they sat in my trusty shoe rack for over a year. UNTIL…my genius thought ”can I spray paint shoes?” came to mind.
What did I have to lose? So I grabbed my gold strappys, yesterday’s newspaper, my trusty silver metallic spray paint and headed to the basement. Here’s what I did:
First, I covered the surface area in newspaper to catch as much over-spray as possible.
Next, I stuffed the shoe with newspaper. You could also use painters tape on the
Insole, but…I was in a hurry
Then shake up your spray paint and get to work. Make sure you’re at least a good foot away from your shoe. (Pun completely intended) You want even coverage in thin layers. Getting too close will create bubbles, which can be hard to get rid of. And that’s pretty much it kids. Allow about 20-30 min between coats and your shoes should be ready to wear in 24 hours.
Here is the finished result:
*this post contains affiliate links
And “here’s a little trick my Dad taught me” (shameless Tommy Boy reference.) When you’re done with your spray paint, turn the can upside down and spray all of the air out. This will give you the longest life out of your can o’spray paint.
Don’t ever let your lack of cash make you feel frustrated and Small. You might have WAY more in your closet than you think
Here’s to free “new” shoes and happy DIY-ing!
I have that exact pair of gold shoes. I think you’ve even complimented me on them! I’ve been wearing mine for at least 3 years. Do we have good taste or what
We so do!
I did the same before-lol I think I only wore them one or two time after. So, I’m not sure how well the spray would have held up. But I got the color I needed! : )
Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do right
This is so smart! I never would have thought of this, but it is brilliant.
Aw, thank you so much Susan! If you try it, you’ll have to let me know how it turns out
Glad you stopped by!!
I’d be really interested in an update in a little while, just to see if this is a “once in a while to save buying new shoes in a hurry” idea or a long term idea! Either way they look fab. Love the tips about the can upside down spray too. I’ve had so many cans block when I can tell there is still paint in there, very frustrating!
Thanks Julie! Good idea about the update! I can tell you, because they’re more “special occasion” shoes, I’ve only worn them about 3x since spray painting, BUT no chips or “bleeding” as of yet
*fingers crossed 
What an ingenious idea! I think I need to buy clearance shoes just so I can try this out…
Thank you?yes, definitely give it a try!!
Brilliant!! I want purple shoes sooo bad, but all I could get is navy. Does this work on cloth??
Here from 2UsesTuesday
Why thank you
I’ve never done it to cloth shoes, but I don’t see why not. I would just make sure to do a clear spray top coat to seal it against water damage and purple smears on your feet 
Oh, weelll, purple feet wouldn’t bother me at all! lol Wouldn’t be the first time, as a matter of fact!
I’ve seen lots of bloggers painting fabric on chairs so I would think you could do shoes. One hint is to sand lightly after paint dries to make fabric softer.
Good to know thanks for the tip!
What a great idea. I usually spray any and everything, but never shoes. Have to try it.
Thanks for sharing at Wake Up Wednesday,
Hope you try it Bevetly! They’ve held up really well
Ok, I usually think I’ve spray painted everything possible, including some odd items – but shoes I have not yet done! I think they look great! (Better question – were they comfortable?!) Thanks for sharing this great hack at Merry Monday! Pinned!
Ha! They were comfortable “enough” definitly more of a “3 hour” type show
Know what I mean? 
Looks gorgeous!
Thank you so much Iryna
Super cool! Those are cute gold or silver! I paint shoes all the time, especially for my blog posts. I’ve done a few tutorials as well.
I’ve seen your painted shoes! And let me tell you, they are awesome!
Great idea!! Thanks for Linking up at My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday!! Hope to see you again this week!! Pinned!
great post. I need to do that with my dance shoes http://highlatitudestyle.com/2015/08/13/jumper-over-40-linkup/
Good idea, thanks Nicole!
I had no idea you could spray paint shoes! They turned out beautifully! Thanks so much for sharing at Share The Wealth Sunday!
Thanks Lisa!
This is really creative..will try it out
Glowyshoe blog
Thanks so much!
love this idea and how bold you are for just spray painting your shoes!
Haha thanks Bex! You should totally do it, it’s very liberating! Ha!