Hey Hey Everyone!
We want to fill you in on what’s been happening in our (Chris & Megan Rea’s) lives and give you sneak peak of what we’re about to launch into.
It’s no secret that our family has been on a very different journey than we ever could have anticipated. Back in 2005, we had been married for 4 years and decided to expand our little family. Well, needless to say, things didn’t quite go as planned and here we are in 2016, same little family of Chris, Meg and Gunther the wonder dog.
We wanted send an update to let our family, friends, and buddies in the “blogosphere” know what was happening in our lives AND let you in on something we’re pretty stoked about! You see, we know there are questions like… Are they still trying to have kids? Are they going to adopt? How old is Gunther exactly? So WHY NOT address them all in one giant post!
Spoiler alert: Gunther will be 15 May 21st.
Where we have been: Our Journey…
Over the past 10 years Chris & I have been to over a dozen doctors, infertility specialists, natural doctors, chiropractors, and alternative doctors. We have become experts by default in a world we never knew before.
We’ve gone through an immense amount of physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. We’ve grieved in messy, raw and very real ways. But thankfully, God knit our hearts closer to each other through the process than we ever could’ve imagined. His Grace is so good.
In addition, we’ve gone to adoption and foster care conferences. Trying to be open to whatever God would have. Yet, each time, neither one of us have felt like adoption or foster care was the right option for us.
We’ve certainly learned a great deal about the Lord, ourselves, and each other through this process as we’ve been held up by countless amounts of your amazing prayers. Mainly, we learned what it is to truly be content and“the secret of being content in every and any situation.” It’s not a settling for, it’s a settling into. It’s letting our hearts be at rest as we trust that the author of our lives knows exactly what He’s doing. Thanks Apostle Paul, we have taken that verse to heart.
Where we are now: Our Currently…
We want you all to know that we are completely content and fulfilled at the stage of life we are in. We really do not want people to pity us or think we’re unhappy or incomplete because we don’t have biological children of our own. Nothing could be further from the truth. We can honestly say that we love our lives! We’re still human and while this journey is never “easy” per say; we’ve shaken our dust. Our hands and hearts are full as we completely embrace the beautiful life God has entrusted and blessed us with.
We have learned how to overcome our past disappointment, how to create a new blueprint for our lives, what it looks like to submit to God’s will and live a life worth celebrating!
We respectfully ask that everyone please save the, “don’t stop believing” speech, this is not a Journey song, this is our lives. The truth is we are open to everything God has for us and we trust Him completely with our lives both now and in the future. And should He choose to navigate us towards a new path, we’re pretty confident He will tell us that as well
As you may or may not know, I (Megan) started this blog about 2 ½ years ago and we’re about to launch into a new chapter with it.
Here’s where the blog came from and here’s how it ties in:
You see, because of our journey with infertility, we know what it’s like when your life feels small, insignificant, incomplete, and even crippled for a season. We know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and stuck and looking for a lifeline of hope. We quickly realized that marriage, kids, careers, or having the perfect (fill in the blank) aren’t what makes a life complete. When clutched too closely, those things merely become idols.
We have found that above all else, finding fulfillment in the unique purpose and plan that God has for our individual lives is what makes a person complete.
In short, we have realized that our lives are NOT small, and we want to help others do the same.
Where we are going: Our future…
To make a long story “short” (yes believe me this is short and you are AWESOME for reading btw!) we have decided to expand the No Small Life blog this year into a writing, speaking, and coaching business that helps people who feel stuck, small, and insignificant realize their potential-that their lives are not small! We want to help people overcome their past disappointments, help them rewrite their story, and live a life worth celebrating. And BOTH of us (woo hoo) will be writing, coaching, blogging, and speaking in 2016.
We believe it’s time for singles and the families that love them, to stop believing their lives are small because they are not married.
We believe it’s time for married couples without children to stop believing their lives are small because they don’t have kids.
We believe it’s time for people who work at a job they hate to stop feeling like their lives are small because they don’t have a career they love or they don’t make “enough” money.
If people are going to overcome this small and insignificant thinking, then they must be willing to grow in several key areas of their life. We have found that these key areas are all intertwined because they involve our spirit, soul and body.
These areas are:
Relationships, Health, Finances, Home, Personal Style, Spiritual Life, Career.
These crucial areas are all connected. If we feel connected to God, we feel more connected to our spouses and friends. When we feel connected to our spouses and friends it inspires us to take care of our health. When we take care of our health and we start feeling good about ourselves, we start to care about our personal style. When we start to care about our personal style that spills out into creating great spaces in our homes that spark creativity and rest. When that happens, we begin to feel like anything is possible and we get inspired to upgrade our career, and fulfill our dreams and destinies. As we begin to go after our dreams, we begin to believe that we can get out of debt, and have more than enough with our finances so that we can live and give like no one else. And the cycle continues…
It’s all tied together, every sinew of our lives. And friends, so many people are stuck feeling “small” in one or several of these crucial areas! It’s time to break free of the mindset that can hold you back for years and realize you can live a fulfilling life that is worth celebrating now!
It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have been through. You can overcome past pain, past mistakes and live the life that you were destined to live. In case you can’t tell, we’re pretty passionate about this
So passionate in fact, that we are dedicating our lives to helping people break free of the past and live an abundant life worth celebrating!
That’s our story and that is where we stand today. We are excited about the season of life we’re in. We’re purposely working at upgrading our lives in all 7 of these areas and having a ball doing it!
Do you know someone who could use this message?
Here is how you can get involved and help us:
1. Pray for us
2. Pray for God to give us the creativity, inspiration and the resources we need to help the people He sends our way.
3. Read our emails and blogs
We will send out weekly updates and blog posts. Megan had 38,000 readers in 2015!
4. Share our blog posts
If there is a blog post you really enjoy, please share it on social media or with family, friends and co-workers. We’ve made it super easy with our nifty share buttons.
5. Recommend our products and services
We have two different products on our website that we are selling. One is called Pursuit of Love. This is a resource designed to help Christian singles have a healthy love that lasts a lifetime. The other product is Megan’s powerful message she shared at the Born2Win women’s conference. It’s called Learning to Dance on the Water. It’s very inspirational! Pick up a copy and recommend a copy to a friend.
We also have coaching services for people who feel stuck in one of the crucial areas of their lives. We LOVE coaching and walking people to a path of victory. If you know someone who could use coaching in one of our 7 areas: Relationships, Health, Finances, Home, Personal Style, Spiritual Life, or Career, please refer them to our site or have them contact us.
6. Check out our websites
7. Get a copy of our FREE ebook UnStuck on our Home Page!
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for all of your prayer and support over the years! We have been able to move forward and live a life worth celebrating and one of the main reasons we can do that, is because of friends and family like you!
One last thing, important note: we will be continuing to work at Community Christian Church! SO, put the kibosh on the rumor mill should it arise. That’s our home base and we love it there!
I love you guys so much. Your lives have already influenced and encouraged so many people already, awesome you’re taking your gifts to the next level,going public. We sure wish that would’ve been a Chris and Megan back in the day. Would’ve saved us alot of grief. God bless all your endeavors and we will do our best to promote your ministry. XOXOXO
Cheryl, thank you so much for your encouragement and support. You and Dave are such a blessing to us and we truly love and appreciate you and knowing you’re in our corner! xo
Chris and Megan, I am IN!! This thrills me so much. You guys are so inspiring. I can’t wait to see all that God will do in you and through you. Love you so much!!
Carol, we’re so thankful for the love, support and friendship you and Brett continually show us! You are so valued my friend. Love u!
This is incredible!!! I love how open and vulnerable you guys are. This is going to minister to so many- Those without children and those that are stay at home moms feeling very small at times (guilty). Love you guys and I love what Gods doing here.
As always Chels, you are such an encouragement! Love and appreciate you!
You are both loved so much!! I am very excited about your new launch, I know it will be a blessing to all!! You are so right about overcoming your past and be willing to grow! God will do amazing things for us if we stay connected! Prayers and love are sent your way

Thank you so much Rosa! We love you too!
Praise God! Praying for the Spirit of God to lead you in all things whatever and wherever that takes you! Truly feel the joy, peace and love in the way you write. cant wait to hear and read more!
Looking to connect on future possibilities of speaking engagements to pour into the lives of teens regarding relationships. May God bless this ministry. Thank you for being a faithful and obedient servant. This is what pleases our Father
Love you guys
Lina and Gian Ruvolo
Lina, what a blessing, thank you so much, what an amazing encouragement. We’re excited to see where God’s leading your heart and would love to collaborate together again. Love you too!
Wow, I didn’t know your story! May you both experience Gods richest blessings in your faithfulness & trust in Him. May His favor be upon you both as you continue your journey. God bless you
That means so much Nancy, thank you very much
Amazing testimony
I am praying for you guys and excited to see all that God has in store. You guys are such a blessing, I love the blog 
Ashli, thank you so much! Your encouragement and prayers mean the world!
This post is a great example of why these of two of my favorite people, but two of the greatest leaders I have ever had the pleasure of sitting across a table from. They have personally helped me realize that my wife and I don’t have to settle for a “small” and “insignificant” life and I believe they will continue to do that to thousands, if not millions of others. Blessings to the ministry expansion!
We’re so humbled by your words and truly honored to be a part of the story God’s writing for you and Rach. Thank you for your encouragement and support!
Wow, I’m amazed but not surprised. You two always have something up your sleeve to inspire and bless others. Love you guys and I will be praying, sharing, pinning, reading and waiting for more.
Leah, your support and encouragement means the world, thank you so much honey. So excited to see what God’s doing in your life!
You two are an inspiration to all……You never give up and you don’t let life events that are not up to your dreams pull you down. That is a deep lesson we all can learn. Megan I have loved your blogs since the beginning. You have such a way with words and encouragement. I know God will bless this next endeavor fully. You and Chris are such a blessing to our church and everyone that knows you. Can’t wait to see what Jehovah will provide for you next. Keep that awesome spirit!
Thank you so much Marlene! You are always so encouraging and it is much appreciated! xo
Congratulations on expanding your influence! What a great message! I remember feeling so much disappointment when my first marriage crashed and burned and so ended my “career”. I will be praying for you all as you spread the message of hope!
I can only imagine Amy, great things are ahead of you though girly! Thanks so much for your prayers!
What a beautiful message and ministry God has for you. Born out of a lot of pain but used for His glory and to build up the body of Christ. What an offering. So glad to have found you today from #coffeeforyourheart. Many blessings as you step out in trust and peace.
Thank you so much Lisa! We’re so glad you stopped by!!
Megan & Chris,
You are both such an inspiration and we’re so happy for this new chapter of your life – We KNOW that you will be such a help and blessing to countless people who are in such great need (and also to many who just need a little “nudge”).
You’re such a constant encouragement Therese! Appreciate you so much!
You guys are incredible. Infertility is the hardest thing to talk about… Which is funny, because the topic of having kids seems to be brought up so stinking often. You guys are brave, grounded, and an inspiration. Thank you for sharing! – Jerusha, ThePositiveYear.com
Jerusha, your sweet words blessed us so much! It’s not always easy to be vulnerable, but we’ve found that we truly need each others stories! Thanks for taking the time to encourage us, so glad you stopped by!
What a great journey you are undertaking. I’ve been through the infertility mill myself and it is not a happy place to be. It can be a very emotional journey. And I’ve been one of the “small” feeling people, so I love that you are fighting for underdogs like us. (I typed that as undergods – which is kind of interesting). I’m just popping by from SITS, but I may pop in now and then to see how you are doing on your journey.
I’m sorry for what you’ve walked through Adrian. It’s comforting when someone else “gets it” isn’t it? We’re so glad you stopped by and hope to continue seeing you around
Incredible journey and insight. 6 months after having my son, I discovered that I was pregnant again. My husband and I were overjoyed. Sadly, I lost the baby. Or so I thought initially. An out-of-town doctor failed to find the heartbeat and told me that I had miscarried. When I followed up with my local doctor a week later, they said the baby had a faint heartbeat but was still alive. However, the baby did not survive much longer. I had suffered the loss twice. That was in 2007. I never conceived again although several tests said there was no reason that I couldn’t. I had to learn to accept that it was God’s will and it was not up to me. Thank you for sharing your story, Chris and Megan on Traffic Jam Weekend. We are featuring it on this week’s party going live at 5:00 pm CST today.
WOW, big and exciting news! So proud of you both for trusting God through the difficult times and turning it into something amazing and inspirational. Can’t wait to see where you go from here!
#FridayFrivolity — pinning and tweeting!
Sarah, you are always so encouraging, thank you so much! We truly appreciate it!
Thank you for your honesty and openness to share your journey, as well as what you are learning. Love these lessons and God Bless your ability to share what you have learned in this new ministry direction:)
Thank you SO much Gretchen!
Hi Meghan,
Thank you for sharing your story. I hadn’t had a chance to read back in the archives to check that out yet! I am so sorry for the difficult seasons you have endured, while at the same time i am so encouraged and inspired by how you follow Jesus and cling to His truth, sharing His hope with the world! I’ll be praying for this ministry to grow and bless many!
Thanks so much for sharing at #MomentsofHope!
Blessings and smiles,
Thank you Lori! We appreicate you, your encouragement and your prayer so much!!
Wishing you much success. It looks like I’m reading this after the fact, so I hope things are going well. Thanks for sharing your story. Blessings!
Thank you Donna! That means so much to us