Hey there! Welcome to another exciting installment of “How we celebrated Life!” Periodically, I like to pull back the curtain and give you a peak into our week. And from the looks of the feedback, ya’ll like it to (Ya’ll? …can a Michigander say “ya’ll?”)
This week in the midst of daily work life, Vet Appointments (seasonal allergies are not Gunther’s friend), family health scares, and potential car issues…We had to be extra intentional about prayer & renewing our minds. We had to be intentional about being grateful. This helped. We had to be intentional about celebrating life.
Adulthood. Not. For. Whimps.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes the difference between having a rough moment and having a rough entire day is taking a time out? I’m a big advocate of Grown-up Time Outs. Taking a break, pulling back for 5 minutes, listening to a song that “speaks to your core” as an awesome friend of mine puts it.( Here’s one that’s been rocking me this week.) Then, praying, getting perspective, and shaking it off like Taylor Swift.

Easy? No. Necessary? Yes.
Frustrations can make us feel small. And sometimes when life gets extra crazy it’s easier to retreat to the murk of self-pity and forfeit our hope of it ever changing.
Whatever you’re walking through right now lovely one, it will soon be a bittersweet memory or perhaps a spring board into a new season. So raise your glass (or giant mug filled with GingerSnappish Tea,my current fav) to choosing joy, “learning to dance in the rain” (if I may be so cliché) and celebrating your amazingly beautiful life with us.
Here’s a few ways we celebrated life this week; maybe it’ll give you a little inspiration and a few ideas to try out too!
We started off this week with a new Christmas tradition. Now, you might be saying Christmas tradition? It’s November. Yes, yes it is, HOWEVER, I’ve been closet listening to Christmas music since, oh I don’t know, *cough August *cough. So, a November Christmas tradition is not out of place at all. Especially since it was backed by our city
We went to our 1st Christmas Tree Lighting!
Yay! Now, we were sandwiched in with literally 10s of 1000s of other crazies welcoming Christmas in November, BUT if you can get over the massive crowd factor, it was a good time to be had! Lights everywhere, Cider & Donuts and a ginormous Christmas tree with lights timed perfectly to Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was one of those moments you take a mental snapshot of to tuck away in your good memories. But of course, because we live in the digital age, we took a real snapshot of it too.
Ok, a couple Because of course there was the inevitable “eye” or “nose” #selfie.
And then we walked the mile and a half back to our car. Haha. Good Times. Thankfully, our Christmas Spirit had effectively kicked in.
This week I also took full advantage of a spontaneous “Sister Date” on my day off. Starbucks, a quick jaunt around Pottery Barn and her talking me out of shoes and were involved.

Here’s what I learned for you:
Starbucks has a collection of Holiday Cups and Mugs that will make your heart sing Christmas Carols.
And Pottery Barn Has Chalk Board Pillows! I may or may not have squealed a little bit when I saw them. I will be eying them for a sales sticker. But I’m sure you could attempt to make them if you’re very crafty…I should really learn to sew…in my spare time… I digress.
This week we also had such a fun double date with some friends of ours! We checked out a new restaurant, which is always good for the soul and my amazing hubby found a “Tea House” for us to try. The tea selection was epic to say the least. And although my palate is pr-e-tty adventurous, I steered clear of ordering a tall cup of “Buddha’s ear” and stuck to a slightly more predictable “Winter Spice.” BUT, it still came with its own little draining board and steeping timer.
Tots Fancy.
The icing on the cake of this evening was that it was “Open Mic Night” at the tea house. Let’s just say it’s an evening we won’t soon forget. Especially because this precious little lady did “Slam Poetry.” #Epic
Isn’t she adorable? And she dropped a few mean rhymes too, let me tell ya. But enough about us, we want to see how YOU’RE celebrating life! So leave a comment or some social media love with the hashtag #nosmalllife. And we’ll celebrate together.
Until next time…But wait there’s more! Be sure and tune in next time for a REALLY exciting announcement! Pins and Needles kids. Pins and needles!
Love you both so much, great inspiration for marriages of all ages!
You’re just the best! Love you Miss Cheryl
Megan, You inspire me!! Thanks for sharing your life with us so that we can celebrate more!! Love it!
Thank you Carol, that means so much to me. The feeling is very very mutual xo
Such fun finds and an adorable blog! It was a blessing to find your sweet spirit through the Joy Dare link-up! I’m following all of your adventures now and am looking forward to what you post next!
Wow, that is so encouraging. Thank you so much Sarah, im following your blog along now as well ?
I think adult time outs are the best idea. I could have used one last night
Lol i know that feeling well
This post makes me happy! I loved the reminder to celebrate life, especially this time of year. I’m already in the holiday spirit and excited for Christmas. It’s fun to take a time out and enjoy some of the fun traditions that this season brings. Thanks for sharing this with Hump Day Happenings!
Yay! So glad it made u smile Jenna!
Love this post- Choose joy! and amazing that in kids church this past Sunday we talked about just that: take a time out to be thankful! It is important to stop and realize all of the good things God has blessed us with and remember not to keep comparing to others. Awesome kari jobe song by the way! A new one for me
Thanks Sarah! That is SO true. Isn’t that song awesome? So glad you enjoyed
Cute couple photo
I just booked a carriage ride for our family at the park that we always go see lights at… usually we drive through in our car, but I’ve been wanting to do the carriage ride for awhile now. I really want that PB jewelry tray! Adorbs!
That will be SUCH a great memory! And I’m with you on that jewelry tray! So cute
Beautiful post. And yeah, I spend too many of my adult time-outs checking social media…that’s not doing me any good, is it?! xo!!
Job Hazard, am I right?
Oh my! I love this! Pinned and tweeted. We always love partying with you, I hope to see you Monday at 7 pm at our party. Happy Sunday! Lou Lou Girls
Buddha’s ear? Sounds frightening. Haha. Thanks for sharing at Savoring Saturdays, Megan.
Thank you so much for linking this up to Your Designs This Time! I was having a rough day yesterday when I read this and it helped me clear my head and put a smile on my face
Excited to read more!
I’m so glad it made you smile Bre! That just means more to me than you know
I enjoy your blog and all your awesome projects SO much, thanks for stopping by and for hosting such a great link up! 
Thanks so much for linking up this week, love how you have shared your couples date, nice reminder to take time. This time of yea can get crazy
*Happy Holidays*
Yes it can! Thank you so much Karren