I have a HUGE crush. The good news is I have a huge crush on the guy I’ve been dating for, oh, about 18 years. The even better news? My huge man crush is…My husband.
The two of us, well, we whole-heartedly believe in and endorse the power of Date Night to keep couples connected and marriages strong. I <3 giving you guys Date Night Ideas. Like the time I gave you 3, or the little encouragements to Celebrate Life AND even that time I gave you over 20 awesome Romantic songs to hum along to on your next Date Excursion.
However, a couple of posts back, I started a New Series called Date Night Fails. Because let’s be real, humans are involved in Date Nights. And while my hubs and I love us a good date night, we have also had a few Duds along the way.
Which brings me to the Date Night my hubs has affectionately coined, “The Taj Mahal.”
If we’re going to be friends, here’s what you need to know about me, sometimes, I build things up in my mind to be waaaayyy better than they actually have the potential to be. Thus, making something into the “Taj Mahal” when it in fact has no right to that title. Take for example one such “Taj Mahal” located just a few moments from our home. AKA the local Consignment Shop.
I had never been to a consignment shop. Ever. But HGTV kept making it sound so alluring. At that point in our lives, we were right in the midst of our Kitchen and Dining Room Reno and I was convinced that the Consignment shop would be the perfect spot to satistfy our Big Design Dreams and dwindling wallets.
For WEEKS I told Chris we HAD to go to this consignment shop! I was certain that I could find all our dining room chairs and hey, maybe even re-furnish our entire living room for, oh, you know, $27.
Who knew that the NYC & LA consignment shops frequented on HGTV wouldn’t compare to the obscure little building in SE Michigan??? Not this girl. Not in the slightest. Hey man, I’ll ere on the side of optimism any day.
However, this time….
As soon as we walked in, I wanted to walk out. It was wall to wall “bad garage sale” far as the eye could see!
There was however a “Vintage Section”…from the 80’s.
So not only was the store in bad shape, they were also liars.
But because I’m A. compassionate & B.
Unrealistic an optimist! I thought I could find a rose amongst the thorns.
I was not right.
I was not right at all.
And I hijacked our entire Sat because of it. THANKFULLY, my hubby took the high road… and teased me, in love of course, the entire time.
I think we went and got Dude Food after that to try and make up for it.
Hours, weeeelll ok, maybe DAYS later we had a good laugh about it. And now, when I have “Moments of Brilliance”, I always run it through the “Taj Mahal” filter
Thankfully, we’ve learned that one fail does not a failure make! It’s a reminder that we’re human. So don’t let one minor Date Night disaster keep you from pursuing new adventures with the one you love. Sure, you’ll have a few fails here and there, but I guarantee you’ll also have plenty of relationship cementing gems along the way.
We’ve learned from our vast array of mistakes and are super passionate about helping YOU overcome the same pitfalls. So much so, that we’ve developed a few resources just for your cute little self.
First off, if you’re not one who’s NOT romantically inclined, then check out my hubby’s awesome e-resource: The Top 3 Apps for the Romantically Challenged. Just click here and it’s all yours!
And Second, we’re pretty passionate about relationships in case you haven’t yet noticed ;). It’s inevitable when you spend the first 14 years of your Marriage working with teens and Singles. #JobHazard.
Because of the great need that we saw, we’ve actually come up with an entire Audio Resource based on our conference Pursuit of Love.
The Pursuit of Love helps Christian Singles & teens navigate dating and relationships in this culture. Read all about it and even get a FREE SESSION here at mypursuitoflove.com.
So, learn from our mistakes, check out some of these resources, and *fingers crossed*, your next Date Night won’t be a fail.
Until next time,
PS. If you have a funny #DateNightFail, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below! 
This totally sounds like something I would do! Love your passion for date nights… we are avid date night promoters here too!
Yay for date nights! Haha, good to know I’m not alone, thanks for stopping by Sarah, excited to dig into your blog
This was so cute and funny! Glad you got to turn it around somehow!
Thanks Adriana, gotta be able to laugh at yourself you know?
So glad you stopped by!
this is so cute and those pictures cracked me up. I’m an eternal optimist who also pictures places in her head WAY better. My hubs and I decided to venture out in the fall to a pumpkin patch where there was supposed to be an epic corn maze and all type of fun date-day stuff to do. So we drove, and drove and drove hours to the middle of nowhere and it was the lamest thing ever. Everything was designed for toddlers (we dont have kids yet) and the maze wasn’t epic. Not epic at all. So we stayed all of 10 minutes, laughed about it, and drove home. So. I feel ya. Totally feel ya
Hahaha, isn’t it so good to know we’re not alone!
so glad you stopped by Mandi!
Haha, too funny! I’m glad you were able to laugh at it later!! My most memorable date fail: I had purchased a Groupon gift card for a fancy restaurant to use for a date night. We decided to meet there after work, and when I got there there was a “For Rent” sign on the door- the business had closed down! He was running late so I just texted him a pic of the door. You just can’t help but laugh when things don’t work as planned!
What?!! Oh no! lol Groupon Fail! Hope you guys were able to recover lol
Oh my, what’s wrong with the shag couch set?? You passed that by, seriously??
Here from 2 Uses Tuesday.
Have to follow you now.
Is that couch not the most hideous thing you’ve ever seen?? ? you know, I just couldn’t rob the store of it
Thanks so much! LOVE when you stop by!
It definitely would have been selfish to take it home, and hide it from the world at large!
Haha, I totally know the feeling when you hype everything up in your mind but then it doesn’t meet your expectation and you get so disappointed in the end. I’m exactly that type. Thanks for sharing. #ConfessionsLinkUp
Ha ha! So good to know I’m not alone
That’s so funny! I find there have been many Taj Mahal’s in my life. Like New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s, Birthday’s. Etc. I wish I could just let them “be” to not build them up with the new outfit, perfect hair, perfect timing! If I could just let things happen as they do I would enjoy them so much more!
It’s true, we can put a lot of pressure of “special” days and drain the joy right out of them ? so glad you stopped by Nikki!
Stopping in from Merry Mondays – I need to work on date nights. With a baby still on the boob and a toddler getting out after dark is a joke and we are too exhausted to do much. I hope we can make more time for it too. We have had some awesome date night fails though!
You’re in a busy season
Home date nights always work too!
thanks for stopping by Hil!
This is so funny! I’ve done the same thing…building something up in my mind so that there’s no way that it can live up to expectations. At least you were able to laugh about it and the important thing is that you were able to enjoy some time together! Thanks so much for sharing at Share The Wealth Sunday!!!
Can’t ever take yourself too seriously
Omgeezy! that pink bed was the craziest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Oh wait, is that supposed to be “romantical?” LOL
LOL! Oh man, I hope not, that bed was ridiculous! haha
Looks good!! Thanks for sharing on My 2 Favorite Things on Thursday – Link Party!! Hope to see you again this week!! I pin everything on my 2 favorite things pinterest board!!