When I entered into marriage at the extremely mature age of 20, I thought I knew all the things. It took me about 3 weeks to realize that I did not.
Marriage is an incredible gift. However one of the first gifts it bestowed upon my newlywed self, was opening my eyes to how truly selfish I was. And not in an obnoxious, obvious sort of way mind you. But in a way that was, “normal;” completely socially acceptable when I was single and my life revolved around me.
However, something shocking happens when you invite another person into the intimate aspects of your everyday: if you’re not making a conscientious effort to consider them, it becomes blatantly obvious.
And the kicker is, unless someone tips you off to this “phenomenon,” you are caught completely off guard. We do newlyweds a massive disservice when we don’t clue them into this and throw phrases at them like, “you’ll figure it out.” “Just keep loving each other.” “It’ll come naturally.”
Ponder this: We’re required to go to school for 13 yrs just to function as a citizen. Then we need anywhere from 2-10 yrs of schooling to obtain a degree to get a job that we will have for approx 40 yrs at 40/hours a week. BUT, when we sign up for “til death do us part,” it’s 128 hrs/ week for hopefully a lot longer than 40 yrs and we think it should just come to us “naturally.”
You know what comes to me naturally? Sel-fish-ness. My way. I come to me very naturally. And that notion will get you nowhere good in marriage, I promise you.
Great relationships are worth the effort of investing into. No matter what stage of life or marriage you find yourself in, there is ALWAYS room for growth. And we are waaaaayy passionate about helping you with that, because we’ve seen what it’s done in our own relationship. (And it’s one of the reasons we became Relationship Coaches.)
So if you’re ready to own your part and invest into your relationship, here are 8 books that have shaped our marriage for the better.
Love & Respect *this post contains affiliate links
About 2 years into our marriage, we had the opportunity to attend a Love & Respect conference at our church. It was eye opening to us. But what was even more enlightening was when Chris’ grandparents, married for over 50 years at the time, told us that THEY learned something and only wish that they had heard these truths sooner. Grasping the concept of “The crazy cycle” alone, something they describe in the book in detail, is well worth the read.
For Women Only/For Men Only
We’ve talked about these books on instagram, in previous posts and countless relationship messages we’ve spoken. These books impacted our marriages in profound ways! With its content completely based on surveys of over 1000 members of the opposite sex, you will get the inside track to how your spouse thinks and is wired. These are ones we recommend constantly and personally go back to quite often.
The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages
Same author, same concept, different book. Shaunti Feldhahn conducts interview with couples that consider themselves “Highly Happy” and spills their secrets.
She found twelve powerful habits that the happiest marriages have in common. And a few of them will surprise you.
7 Things He’ll Never Tell you but you Need to Know
As if that title isn’t enough of a hook. If you’ve never read anything by Dr. Kevin Leman, he is refreshingly blunt and honest and I love him for it. I have this one on Audiobook and re-listen to it often. It’s very practical and is filled with personal stories and insight that you’ll be able to relate to. He talks very candidly about his own relationship and it just endears your heart right to them, which is good…because it will also kick your butt a little too
He addresses the top needs of men (and ladies he hits on our top needs as well), but he doesn’t just leave you there. He also lays out practical everyday ways to meet those needs.
The Happy Wives Club
If your preferred genre of reading is more storytelling/memior vs. “self-help,” you’re going to love this book. Here’s the premise: Fawn Weaver loves her marriage and her husband. Tired of all of the negative press that marriage gets, she started “The Happy Wives Club” with the goal to link arms with other women who were passionate about their marriages. And this book is her worldwide search for the secrets of a great marriage. She took a 6-month journey literally across the world,six continents-eighteen cities, in order to meet new friends and discover what makes their marriages great. The beautiful thing about this book is you truly are on the journey with her. Her descriptive words draw you in as you explore the travel, the food, the culture, the customs and the insights of the incredible couples she seizes the opportunity to interview. This book was an absolute pleasure to read and had me until the very last page.
Praying for your Husband from Head to Toe
You know you should pray for your husband, but often we don’t know why or how. Well, this 2-part book breaks it down! The first ½ is all about what your prayers accomplish-the power and the purpose of it. The second ½ literally maps it all out for you in a 31-day guide. Each day you’re literally covering your husband from head to toe. She gives you a scripture and a prayer for each area of his life for every day of the month. It may sound like a lot, but the reality is, praying through each day will take you about….7 minutes. Let that sink in. 7 minutes to invest spiritually into your husband every day. #worthit Trust me when I say this book would be such a practical tool in your hands when it comes to the area of covering your man in prayer.
Men are like Waffles. Women are like Spaghetti
I have shocking news for you. You are your spouse are….different. I know, try and contain your disbelief. In this book Bill and Pam Farrel give you a food analogy that you’ll not soon forget.
The Farrel’s explain why a man is like a waffle (each element of his life is in a separate box) and a woman is like spaghetti (everything in her life touches everything else). This is a unique and fun look at the different ways men and women regard life, and the awesome thing is, these insights will be applicable to all of your platonic relationships as well. Bonus.
This book is so relateable. You’ll feel like someone took a peak into your relationship and is giving you direct insight.
The 5 Love Languages
If there was a hall of fame for relationships book, The 5 Love Languages would definitely make the cut. If you haven’t read this book, if you’re thinking, “what’s a love language,” if you think you sort of understand the concept but have never actually read the book, then do yourself and your spouse a favor and add this to your cart immediately. This book will not only help you identify the ways that you give and receive love, but it will give you practical ways to love your spouse in the way that’s most meaningful to them. Spoiler Alert: most partners speak completely different “languages,” so having this insight can be critical.
Falling in love is easy. Staying in love—that’s the challenge! How can you keep your relationship fresh and growing amid the demands, conflicts, and just plain boredom of everyday life? -Gary Chapman
Today, if you find yourself in a marriage that’s thriving, don’t take it for granted and continue to invest deeply into it. If you find yourself in a marriage that’s “coasting,” take the next step to put effort into it. And if you find yourself in a relationship that’s struggling, never underestimate the amount of change you can initiate when you yourself make a commitment to grow. Your life and your relationship is not small. You have every reason to have hopes of an incredible future together. Make the effort, make the investment. It’ll be worth it.
Until next time,
*Interested in more Relationship Posts? Click here
This is a great list! Love it! What I love about The Five Love Languages is that I have found over the years a lot of men who are not big readers have said this is an easy read. So practical. The same can be said about a lot of Kevin Leman’s books as well as Shaunti Feldhahn. Let me add my favorite book on marriage out there: the Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller. Best Biblical description of marriage I have found. And it was written by a pastor/author who had singles as well as marrieds in mind when he wrote it. Chris and Megan, your marriage is a light that shines on everyone around you. Thanks for being such a great example to Carol and I over the years. Brett Ray
You are such a constant encouragement to us Brett! Humbled and honored by your kind words. And thanks for the new book recommendation! Here’s a link if anyone is interested in checking it out! (The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller)
Thank you for these resources! I’m going to check them out!
My pleasure Julie!!
I’m definitely going to check some of these out. No matter how much love is there, we all still need a helping hand sometimes when it comes to compromise and sharing our lives! Thanks so much for sharing over at Friday Frivolity.
Very true, there are always ways we can grow and learn to love each other even better
Great book selections!! I had to smile and laugh a little in camaraderie because after 23 years of marriage, I totally remember those first few years of bliss and mess. I cried a lot…and it wasn’t because he wasn’t trying. I am so grateful for that man God gave me, the patience he had… ( and still does) and the way he loves. One of the best lessons I learned was the necessity to pray deep and hard for my husband, to ask God to change my heart always to be like His and to love no matter what.
Great post! Thank you for sharing it at #GraceMoments Link Up last week.
“Bliss and Mess” oh my goodness, how true! lol There’s such richness in your words, so glad you stopped by Dawn!
The only one of these I have read is the 5 Love Languages so I’m super excited to check out the others! The Love and Respect one looks especially interesting! Thanks for sharing your list with us at Merry Monday this week!
5 Love languages is a great one! I hope you’re able to check them Marie, I know they’ve helped me so much in our marriage!
Thank you for the list. I added FIVE of them to my Amazon list!!
I’m so glad Laura! They’ve made such a huge impact in my marriage, I hope they really bless you and your family!
Thank you for this list. I will be looking into them
Oh I’m so glad Dara! Thanks been a huge help to us!
What a great list! Some of my favorites are included
A perfect time to make a commitment to improve our marriages! Thanks so much for sharing this at #MomentsofHope! I’m sharing this on my Facebook page!
Blessings and smiles,
Oh wow, thank you so much Lori!
The Five Love Languages is such a key book in marriages. The one about waffles and spaghetti is now on my reading list! It looks like a good and funny read.
Totally agree with you about the 5 Love Languages! We had the chance to attend a conference with the authors of “Men are like Waffles, Women are like Spaghetti.” And you’re right on, the book is funny and once they explain the illustration, it gives you amazing insight! So glad you stopped by Summer!
I’ve been married almost 25 years and we have ten children together…and I still wouldn’t describe our marriage as “Happy”. We aren’t always happy. He gets on my nerves and I get on his nerves, and we argue and laugh and we don’t talk sometimes, and then we go out to dinner sometimes or watch movies together on Netflix, or we go on walks or bike rides, or sometimes we don’t communicate and I give him the silent treatment even though I know I shouldn’t, and it’s really just UP and DOWN and UP again. Our marriage is stable, it’s secure, it’s happy, bad and in between. It’s all over the place. We have birthed ten children together. We have had miscarriages together. We buried a baby together. We’ve been through a lot. We don’t give up. That’s our secret, if we have one. We just don’t ever call it quits. We ride through the bad times, trusting that good times are just around the corner. We love, we don’t always like. But we love. Anyway, I love your book recommendations and think if I had to choose one to read (because let’s be real…with all these kids I have limited time for reading!) it would be the Highly Happy Marriages one. Because the guy on the cover is a hottie. Kidding! I’m so kidding. Well, not about him being a hottie, because that’s true. But I’d read the book because I like reading interviews of couples. I think it’s very interesting to read true-to-life stories.
It sounds like you two have quite the history together. Never giving up is so key! When you know that option is off the table is enables you to actually work on your marriage.
That book is a GREAT one! And if you like interviews and stories, I think you’d love “The Happy Wives Club too!” So glad you stopped by Katrina!
Great list! I’ve read about half of these, and I agree, they are great. Another I would recommend is Boundaries in Marriage by Henry Cloud & John Townsend. If I had read these books when I was first married, the selfishness factor would have gone way down. Your neighbor at #gracemoments.
Hi Sarah! Thank you! We’ve heard a lot about “Boundaries in Marriage,” thanks for the recommendation, we’ll have to check it out!
Excited to see some books on the subject that I haven’t encountered before – just put several on hold at the library! Thanks for sharing with us at #FridayFrivolity
Oh that’s great Lisa! You’ll have to let us know what you think
Great choices. I agree 100%
Thanks Angela! We mentioned some of your favorites too?