About a year ago, Chris and I navigated through one of the biggest transitions of our lives. Here’s a little “behind the scenes” of how we went through that time together…
You’ve never been married too long, to look at model homes. So after 39 years (April 2) of marriage–we took your advice and enjoyed the Idea House –and the other models you advised! It was great fun! Thank you, my sweet ‘daughter-in-love’ for the great ideas!!!
You’ve never been married too long, to look at model homes. So after 39 years (April 2) of marriage–we took your advice and enjoyed the Idea House –and the other models you advised! It was great fun! Thank you, my sweet ‘daughter-in-love’ for the great ideas!!!
Yay! That makes my heart so happy! Thanks mama
Always love when you “stop by.”